Jesse, Gelino
March 2th,2018
Stopping the Ban on Pitbulls
So, this month in my American Literature class we were reading a book called The Crucible, In the colonial days (1953). It is a book about girls being accused of witchcraft. It started with some girls dancing in the woods and someone ran into them and he assumed they were doing witch craft which was a conspiracy back then. Basically, if you were different you’re an outcast and discriminated against. I’m sure some of you know about witches in the past but while reading the story of the girls and the discrimination they experienced, it got me thinking about how pitbulls get discriminated against today.
Lately, I’ve seen a lot of ads against pitbulls and I don’t understand why. So many other dogs go through the same thing...
You Bastard!
Everyday I sit and look at our son with millions of thoughts rushing through my head, I can't help but to be mad at you and even hate you for chosing drugs and jail over the precious little boy that looks at me like I am the best thing in the world, and to him I am because he knows nothing else but Mommy. He's almost 4 and this is your second time in jail, you've missed all the firsts, his first steps, first day of pre-k at daycare and you will miss so much more. He will be almost 7 when you get out this time, and he will not remember much about you. You ruined your relationship with him and its nobody's fault but your own. But a part of me cant help but be thankful, while you are sitting in jail I get to spend everyday with him, I get to watch him learn and grow, I get to be there for...
I really wondering if you have any real plans of trying to stop russians personal of planting or putting hateful misinformed out on twitter. Somehow russians is doing what they want to disrupt people whether is upcoming elections or to destroy democracy of believing in the politicians that is for the people in the u.s! I know you can't stop russians but, you can view...
Ingraham who are you to call someone"s comments ignorant when it comes to people criticizing Donald Trump . Let be honest when it comes to donald trump most people thinks trump is a ignorant individual who doesn't seems to knowledge others besides himself...
You don’t understand what feelings are. You love to bring the good people down. Every time someone tells you about their life, you just skip over it. You think it’s all about you. What kind of mentor are you? Apparently the innocent people need to learn what thoughtfulness is, but I’m sorry you do. You stress the good people out and they get sick, yet you can walk the sidewalk looking at them and giving them the dirtiest look. You don’t ask if they are okay. You assume things. We wish you could change what you do and how you work, but only you can. But please just listen to me for once! You don’t know who I am and I’m trying to tell you. It’s not all about you Mrs. What’s-your-face! My brother passed away when I was young. He was my person and it went over your head. My brother stayed...
It has been 15 years since I first found out about your affair, and since that day there has not been a single day that I have not thought about it or wept about it. You told me the day I asked you that nothing happened, you only spoke on the phone and you would never see her or speak again. Those were all lies! I believed you because you are my husband who I love and trust and I believed would tell me his feelings, all of them just as I always share mine with you.
I thought you were a grown man and would talk to me about your needs, desires and thoughts just like we had been from the beginning, but this time you said nothing. You led me to believe all was going well as you were sneaking around with her behind my back. Lying to me while I worked everyday and took care of our 3 children...
Dear “Babydaddy”
You don’t deserve the title Babydaddy. You abandoned your responsibilities. You abandoned our child. You left our daughter just so you can be with some woman and do drugs. You left me to be a single mom. It’s hard. I struggle daily. While I try to make ends meet, your running around with some girl. You became a pothead, meth addict, a junky. What can you possibly get in life doing those things? Our child could have given you love. Our child could have given you support. She would have loved you beyond measures. She’d have given you the world if you had just given her a chance. But you didn’t. You left her. You left her questioning herself. She’s always asking me “where’s my daddy? Does he love me? Why doesn’t he ever want to see me? What did I do wrong?”. It...
I would like to personally say to all you trump's supporters that if you still support donald trump for his foul language towards people of africans calling them s*hole then you're just as rotten scums of the earth as Donald Trump. I know you all voted for him for a better life as for jobs immigration perhaps a border wall etc but, you can't just condom his words towards people who are good human being that wants a better life as any other citizens .donald trump doesn't give a damn about you all he only cares about getting your support look at the tax bill that support the rich he going to cut your medicare social security etc that will put money back in his pocket as well his croonies rich wealthy friends! Donald Trump thinks of you all a bunch of s***holes of human being The...
It really took me a lot to not write this letter, but I really felt like I had no other choice. I am extremely unhappy with my manager and co-workers (well, just one). I love helping others and really take pride in my work so this is coming from a place of anger and stress.
I get along with everyone on my team except one person. It's not even that I don't get along with him, he just never does his work and EVERYONE has excuses for him, which I am SO done with. I am constantly getting the short end of the stick and having to make up the work that he cannot get done. There's about a 19 year age difference between us, and I totally suspect he's an alcoholic because of his stories and the way he constantly smells.
I've told my boss numerous times that I am insanely unhappy and nothing...