Love Letters

Stark my love, allow me to thank the universe that brought you into my life. As I'm penning down these beautiful words for you, my mind isn't with me and do you know why? Because it's lost in the sea of beautiful memories of our love. Thank you for coming into my life, your presence in my life is a reminder that we still have a long way to go, that too....together as one. I think I'm crying already but these aren't mere tears but tears of joy because only God knows how deep I am in love with you. I love you so very much but these earthly words can't do justice to how much I love you. I appreciate your busy days and I'm sorry for disturbing you always but that's love you know. You've made this world a better place to live hence I can broadly say that I can't live in it without you. My...
To My Almost, I hope this letter finds you well. There’s so much I’ve been meaning to say, and I find that writing it all down helps me sort through my thoughts and feelings more clearly. From the moment we met, there was a spark, a sense that something significant was beginning. As time has passed, that initial spark has grown into something much deeper. Our shared moments, conversations, and experiences have meant so much to me, and I want to express how much I value them. It’s often said that we don’t always get to choose the paths we walk, but we can choose how we navigate them. With you, I’ve found a journey that’s been both challenging and rewarding. There have been highs and lows, but through it all, I’ve learned more about myself and us than I ever could have imagined...
July 23, 2024 Wishing You The Beautiful Years To Come Heavily Missing You After Flying Thousands Of Miles Finding Your Number That Never Does Excitement That End With Desperation For Reaching You Out And Wishing To See You Again Happy Birthday, Paul
July 23, 2024 Wishing You The Beautiful Years To Come Heavily Missing You After Flying Thousands Of Miles Finding Your Number That Never Does Excitement That End With Desperation For Reaching You Out And Wishing To See You Again Happy Birthday, Paul
July 23, 2024 Wishing You The Beautiful Years To Come Heavily Missing You After Flying Thousands Of Miles Finding Your Number That Never Does Excitement That End With Desperation For Reaching You Out And Wishing To See You Again Happy Birthday, Paul
We met. Separated without any of us consent. You sent a message said missing me. I called you but you was not there. I blinded by traveling across the oceans. Forgotten. Started a new life that drifting me apart. Till a dream woke me up. Awoke and realized what had been missed. So much and so painfull. Searching half of my soul over and over. Never founded. Never give up. Till able to whisper to another half. Where are you...
i giorni passano e tu non ritorni. io continuerò ad aspettarti però. mi manchi in una maniera che non puoi assolutamente immaginare, il tempo scorre lentamente da quando non ci sei più. ho provato a dimenticarti, ho provato a reprimere ogni singolo sentimento nei tuoi confronti per provare ad andare avanti in qualche modo…ma non ci riesco. tu continui ad essere presente nella mia mente ogni singolo giorno, e più il tempo passa e più la tua mancanza si sente sempre di più. credo non esista alcun modo per star bene senza di te. per tanto tempo ho cercato di autoconvincermi di essere finalmente riuscita ad andare avanti e di essermi lasciata tutto ciò che eravamo alle spalle…ma la verità è che non è affatto così. io continuo ad essere totalmente innamorata di te. sei l’unica persona...
In life hundred percent happiness is not guaranteed and same goes for sadness but meeting you is a kind gesture from nature. The day I met you was the day life was ready to take my sorrow away and replace it with happiness. I never had this type of love we share, that’s why I’m always acting as if I’m an idiot. You can’t totally blame whether I act like an idiot because it’s your love that’s getting into my head. I don’t want to know if I go hungry but I’ll rather see you eating your fav meal than me eating mine. I’m a man, full of mistakes and emotional cripple most times, I need you to always see the best in me rather than judge me with my mistakes. One thing happens to human nature, when you have been doing all you could for someone and did not do just one thing right, people tend...
I know that you are leaving in a couple of weeks, but I hope that you think about me when you get to Germany. In my eyes, you are the perfect person, and the kindest guy I’ve every met. You are kind and gracious to anyone who crosses your path, and you have a smile that lights up the whole room every time it reaches your eyes. Whenever I’m with you, I wish for a chance to see you smile. The day I have to see you go will be so challenging. Although I don’t think I deserve you, I hope that the thought of me reaches your mind as you leave. I know that you are always in my mind, day and night, time and time again. I don’t think I will ever be able to get over you because you were truly perfect in my mind. I hope that if I ever see you again you will remember me with fond...
An open letter to the man that stopped to render aid after I wrecked my car. I hadn't hugged anyone in years. I don't like to be touched and I cringe and go stiff when people try to hug me. I don't have a significant other, I don't even date. I'm neither lonely or content. I just am. I'm alone. The nightmare has been haunting me for as long as I can remember. I'm very young, 3 maybe 4. I'm in the back seat of a car in the dead of night. It's completely pitch black outside and I'm all alone in the car. Suddenly, it starts driving all by itself. There's no one in the drivers seat. There's no one except me, in the car. I try to open the door to get out but I can't. They're all locked. There's no one to scream for, there's no one who would even care. The fear is unimaginable and I am...
