The whole world is discussing electric cars, whether or not it is right to make this energy transition, whether this new mobility is greener than internal combustion cars. There is no doubt about it, electric cars are definitely superior to traditional cars in many ways. And while this site ( is being asked to include a conspiracy section as well, let me say something that is not a conspiracy, but established truth. While there is no doubt that this will for change started with governments, I wanted to draw attention to a man who has been solving mobility problems for more than two decades. His name is Angelo Di Pietro, an independent researcher who for a number of years worked for a well-known European automaker, trying to improve Wankel-type engine technology. About 20...
An old saying goes: sometimes reality surpasses fantasy. What you will read in the book "The Majorana-Pelizza Case" absolutely belongs to one of these unusual cases.
The great scientist Ettore Majorana, who disappeared on March 27, 1938 did not commit suicide or hide in South America as some researchers sustained at the time. Recounting this in his new book is Rino Di Stefano, one of the world's best independent investigative journalists, already internationally known thanks to the book "The Zanfretta Case", a bestseller first published in 1984, in which the journalist recounts, almost chronologically, everything that happened to Pier Fortunato Zanfretta over a range of years, starting with the first abduction on the night of December 6-7, 1978 by alleged non-terrestrial beings. In his...
I know your minions will destroy my life further.
And I don't care.
You stole my capacity to obtain gainful employment.
That is how you stole everything else.
Hunter Moore, AND ALL OF HIS MINIONS, need to be held accountable.
A military veteran and former Carrier Air Conditioning executive in New York spent three years of his life to design an incredible device to protect subway passengers from a sudden bio-weapon attack. But the end result was more than he expected when his strange-looking machine also proved very capable of destroying and/or disabling all airborne viruses including the family of Corona viruses and all their variants including SARS, MERS, COVID etc.
This "Guardian" machine uses a combination of 12 different technologies including 2 borrowed from Nicolai Tesla and the genius of Dr. Royal Rife, both scientists died in the 1900s. The combination of old-school and cutting edge technology destroys the protein spikes and/or the RNA/DNA cores of viruses, making it impossible for them to attach to...
Dear Game Developers,
Maybe unlike the majority of you, I am a female. But just like all of you, I enjoy playing games. Now, I haven’t been playing games for that long nor have I dedicated that many hours of my time to playing games, so what I have to say may come only from the point of view of an amateur gamer. More importantly, I am writing as a female (or a “girl gamer” if you’d like). There are some things that are preventing me from enjoying the full extent of fun and thrill of games and that thing, very unfortunately, are female characters, the female characters that you created in order to give the players the best and most entertaining experience.
First of all, there are just not enough female characters in games, whether video games, mobile games or online games. In...
To: Instagram Community Guidelines and Instagram Users
This past year the world has been faced with a pandemic. In the face of this medical crisis, you were quick to assign a label to anything COVID related. By adding a banner to any post that was potentially sharing information related to coronavirus and directing users to the CDC helped filter misleading information. People were led to the proper sources of information regarding this critical scenario, which mitigated panic over misinformation.
My plea to you is to do the same for posts containing nutrition related content. False information being spread regarding nutritional health has been an issue since your platform’s creation, and you have done nothing to limit it. Clearly you have the ability to create this warning in a...
Dear people who are reading this,
In my commercial I'll be explaining why social media addiction. this an actual problem people should care about because it is very sad and dangerous and bad for your health. This is problem because people are dying from this addiction people are commiting suicide becuase of people saying neagtive things doing negative things. “professional/experts said that over 30,000 thousand people died from social media addiction.” (
And it's because people can't be themselves in this world no more if you do something nice or good people think you're doing the bad thing or something but if you do something cool being a punk or something that's funny to people till someone does it to them. “Some professionals/...
There's a lot going on in cryptocurrency and a lot of people are working on developing it's algorythms, software, and hardware, to make it all possible. Why? The answer is easy, right? Because it's a better currency for the digital age and because it's decentralized and anonymous. Right?
But, where is it going? Some governments have already made crypto illegal. Interestingly enough, even though it's value is pushing $1 trillion, aside from some minor attempts, the US government hasn't done anything to curb it. So, is our government telling us that they approve of crypto and they are fine with having Bitcoin around, even though they can't tax it or control it?
Maybe the government is not doing anything because they can't stop it; you'd have to take out every computer on the...
Sadly, most children born in the last ten years were never even taught anything about the Bill of Rights nor our Constitution, and this curriculum omission is no accident. The removal of "Civics" and "Government" courses were covertly mandated by the Bush and Obama regimes without any explanations. So only old farts like me and fellow-Americans over 40 years of age can feel the growing creep of censorship over all we read, watch on TV, and see online. Again this is no accident.
The short story is that Google has become compromised and like the Yelp scandal a few years ago, is paid by third parties to make sure we do not see over 400 specific websites
and the Los Angeles times tell...
The purpose of this article is not to alarm you, but rather to inform you of what you have never been told about 5G networks and phones. Yes, of course the 5G will boost internet download speeds by 30% to 100% on average but you were never told about the dangers of EMR/EFR electronic frequency radiation, or the reason why the U.S. government has offered to subsidize 50% of the development and build-out costs for the Trillion dollar Telecom giants.
Without overwhelming you with every detail here I will spell out the basics and leave you with links and a documentary movie that confirms what I tell you. As you will see here in this short video, the government has more than doubled it's capacity to spy on daily...