An open letter to the PNW Outdoor Community.
You may read this and wish to know the identity of the authors. As you read this letter you should better understand why we prefer to remain anonymous. There are 8 authors to this letter: 2 men, 6 women with a wide range of background in the outdoor community. We are employees at Edgeworks, admins to outdoors groups on Facebook, Mountaineers instructors and “average” adventurers without any social media draw who are incredibly concerned about the community we cherish. We wish the focus to remain on who is causing harm in the community and not on those of us who feel it is necessary to expose this harm. Additionally, based on historical precedent, we believe that Melissa Fernandes, Rikki Hinz and Jackie Burkett will use their media reach...
Hello Nike!
I have a son, he is 14 years of age and the started playing club basketball one year ago. His Christmas wish this season were basketball shoes. The Nike Kobe 6 Protro Reverse Grinch. What a flashy name!
So I wanted to buy him these flashy shoes. But not so fast I had to learn that it`s not so easy anymore these days. I hardly noticed the last years that there are some assholes around buying concert tickets and sneakers just for the purpose of reselling them immediately. But I wasn`t really aware of the marketing thing called a Sneaker Raffle.
I really have to give you that, you are really working those teenage kids. They are going nuts due to this sneaky shortage of supply and time limitations. You are playing the whole keyboard of marketing on those boys, showing...
Circa 18 anni fa scrissi una e-mail alla FIFA chiedendole di dotare gli arbitri di una bomboletta spray per permettere loro di segnalare sul campo le posizioni che devono assumere giocatori e pallone nei calci di punizione o in qualsiasi altra occasione dove questo si dimostrasse funzionale. Ci vollero un po' di anni, ma alla fine la mia idea venne presa in considerazione dalla FIFA in quanto considerata una soluzione utile e oggi chiunque può notare che effettivamente tutti gli arbitri del pianeta usano una bomboletta spray durante le partite. Oggi voglio provare a coinvolgere gli appassionati di quello che è considerato lo sport più seguito e praticato al mondo per chiedere tutti insieme alla FIFA di inserire una regola semplice ma in grado di aumentare ulteriormente il livello di...
Dear Mr. Mayweather ,
I am a former producer from WWE who lives in Atlantic Station and works out in your 17th street gym housed in The Atlantic. Your workout program has transformed my body in a matter of 3 months. I have become addicted to boxing. Unfortunately the person who purchased the franchise for the 17th street gym in Atlanta, has mismanaged it and it seems it is about to close . We are going from 3 classes a day to 3 classes a week in September and are still expected to pay the $149 unlimited class membership. I did not sign up for that. The talent that is teaching and managing the gym over there is phenomenal and has created such a family atmosphere it is incredible. I work out there twice a day 5 days a week and do the only class they have on Saturday and Sunday in 3...
I have been in Soccer for 45 years and i can not believe what i have researched , and try and make a difference.
i have been wanting to give a choice for young players to play football and register as a bonified association outside of the FA , the proposed association has all the required formalities , Registered with GDPR Certified , Health and safety and Child protection accredited and and accredited to other qualification awarding bodies in the UK. I have contacted a very established sports awarding body who for nearly 20 yrs awarded coaching qualifications but due to this countries Football governing body , they have scrapped the qualifications due the football governing body doing their own qualifications which i totally understand but do you think that has taken away the choice of...
Dear Athletes,
Does anyone else wonder where, or what college, they would have ended up at if they didn’t have an athletic gift?
The way I imagine it is that I honestly don’t think I would have willingly chosen to go to college. Well, American college at least. Anyone else? I, personally, would focus on figuring out what area of work I’d like to be in, get some experience, then decide if I need higher education with that area of focus. But, if I were to have no choice but to apply to American colleges, straight out of high school, I don’t believe I would be accepted to a private college. Especially, one of USC’s stature. And with a scholarship . . . no way. Props to those that made it without athletics.
Assuming I had no athletic career and I wanted to continue my education past...
We are a group of tennis fans from different races and region. We are writing this letter to express our concern regarding the exclusion of Richard Williams and Oracene Price, parents of tennis ace Venus and Serena Williams, from the International Tennis Hall of Fame.
The Tennis Hall of Fame honours players and contributors who have excelled and made a transcendent impact in tennis. It offers three induction categories: Player, Contributor, and Wheelchair. To be eligible for this induction category, they must be a true pioneer, visionary leader, or individual / group who has made a transcendent impact on the sport. In addition, consideration is given to integrity, sportsmanship, and character. We believe that Richard Williams and Oracene Price are long overdue for inclusion into the...
Good day,
This is an open letter to the World Athletics.
With all due reapect.
I am asking for an explanation/s how Testosterone act/react, when innocent girls run in 10 000m race❓
The interpretation on Caster Semenya's case by World Athletics has raised these questions in my mind.
Say she runs a 10 000m race, that means from 0m to 399m her Testosterone acts as a woman.
Then from 400m to 1499m it acts as a man. Then from 1500 to 10 000m it changes again and acts as a woman❓.
Can a Testosterone acts/reacts like that in one race❓
Tsietsi MATHULE (South Africa)
8 March 2021
The Honorable Senior Judge Robert N. Chatigny
Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building
United States Courthouse
450 Main Street - Room 228
Hartford, Connecticut 06103
Dear Judge Chatigny,
I should begin by saying that I’m writing as a young woman who is currently in high school. I’ve been active in sports occasionally and for many of my female peers, athletics are very important. I think I speak pretty accurately for them when I say that my time playing sports has instilled in me a lot of important habits for a healthier life, as well as taught me about the fundamentals of strategy and team building.
In recent years, efforts have picked up to exclude young women from the same sports that are so pivotal in preparing them for success. In June of 2019, a complaint...
Personally I'm so tired of seeing tom brady holding up championships after championships not having he got game as a nfl quarterback one of the top quarterback in the league but, you would think other nfl teams would eventually get to a superbowl and win one. I start to wonder if other teams isn't been in prepare enough for this guy for him to continue to win championships perhaps better studying by defensive coordinators you would think some of these coordinators would come up with a better scheme to take this guy out of his game so far it hasn't happen. Sometimes perhaps wonder if nfl teams is taking a dive for Brady or nfl defensive teams isn't playing smart defensive less penalties . Either some players or coaches is taking some kind of bribery from Tom Brady either way this guy...