
My dear son Vincent, I apologize for having to communicate with you publicly like this, but as you know, someone has blocked your email and skype account and I just realized the telephone number your mother gave me for your mobile phone is not actually yours and most probably belongs to your aunt. That explains mom's voicemail on your phone every time I was able to call. Until we can establish some reliable and private and secure channel of communication,(preferably on Signal which is encrypted end to end), please check this website for messages and I will try to get a friend of mine in Toronto to deliver you copies of things you need to see buddy. Once we have a connection, I will delete this and any other message I have to send publicly here and on or reddit at r/...
Tag – I’m it! Waking up on our birthday last year to one of the most moving letters I have ever received was a gift of immeasurable love. Throughout this year, I have looked back on the words you wrote in times of celebration and happiness, as well as in times of doubt or sadness. I oftentimes read it when I am missing you and wishing we were together… That said, I thought I would take a turn! Happy Birthday to you my 3 minutes older identical twin sister. You may have entered this world first but I wasn’t about to let you stay there long without me right by your side. You see, right by your side is where I was gifted to be 44 years ago and is where I pray to be for as long as possible. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without a twin sister like you. You are incredibly...
I honestly don’t even know how to start this. When I was 6 months old you left my dad and because of that he left to. I was placed in my grandparents home and have lived there ever since. My father came back into the picture when I was 8 but he was never my father after that. You went off and got pregnant by another man and had another daughter. You also went and married another man and had a son as well. Over the years I had to contact you to to hear about anything happening in your life. You didn’t even come to my wedding even though I called and told you about it months before it happened. When I had my first child you came a month after and stayed a week which made me hopeful. But of course you disappointed me yet again. He is now 5 and you have seen him maybe 3 times. You also have...
You tell our family, and even people who are complete strangers to me, that you do not understand why I hate you. Lets settle the smaller piece of that point first. I do not hate you. I hate the things you did to me, to my siblings, to my mother. There is no hatred for you whatsoever. In fact I feel so cold and indifferent towards you that it unnerves me, because that is not who I am. Not that you would know, because in spite of the fact that you like to tell people how horrible and cold and uncaring I am, you don't know me at all. This cold hearted bitch is, in fact, someone who stops a homeless family and buys them groceries. This horrible daughter who, according to you, cares only about herself, sobs her heart out over stray animals if she can't help them. This horrible...
It's been awhile since we last saw each other. I wasn't able to give you a proper goodbye before your departure from this life. You were sick. Very, very sick. I didn't take in account for how serious your health was a detriment to you. But, you were so amazing at juggling 20 things at once! You were invincible! Your day to day was waking up early at ungodly hours to do stocks. Shortly after, you went to the place you loved being at: Your job. Your job was more than pushing buttons to make space dildos fly into the unknown. You wanted to revolutionized the world. Then, after work, you would go home. But, before heading to "The Bakery", you went to McDonald’s on Western. LOL. You're favourite thing to order was TWO EGG MCMUFFIN SAUSAGES AND HASHBROWNS. How would I know that?...
I’ve wanted to reach out to you for sometime now but my anger towards you wasn’t at a place where I could write calmly to you. But I wanted to communicate that what you did to me on January 27 of this year was f!#ked up. How could you not even 10 minutes after I saw my brother dead at the hospital you start shit with me. You wrongly inserted yourself into a 40 year abuse cycle that you had absolutely no business being in. No matter your intentions you sided with an abuser and in doing so makes you an abuser as well. You made yourself in that moment no better than Larry or Theresa. You heard lies...
To the person whose sole job it was to protect my children: They were counting on you to make the right choice. They were honest with you about everything. I didn’t instruct them to tell you anything specific, but you bought his story instead and turned me into the villain of the story. Here’s the thing, I fell for his lies too. For the person he pretends to be. The victim he says he is. But reality is this. He is a monster. A real life monster. The only person he has ever cared about or will ever care about is himself. He is the only person who can ever win at his games. He appealed to your empathy in ways you refused to open up to hearing the truth. You actually attempted to take reality from me by believing his lies about me then confronting me with accusations rooted in his lies....
To all my loved ones, I really hope everyone is doing okay and having good days at whatever point you may be reading this. I wanted to do this open letter to get a few things out and to clear somethings up as I know that I have not been my normal self over the last few months and there are reasons behind that. Of late I have not totally been feeling like myself and have been very distant with friends and family. I have kept myself to myself and not reached out to anyone to talk about anything or release anything and this is how I have ended up in a situation where by I've not been around. Some of you may or may not know that I suffer from depression, something that I did not fully realise until about 2015 and I only realised this because new years eve of that year I tried to...
When you were two years old, you looked for me, you would climb the stairs and run into my arms. You knew you could always find me, that I would always be there. Arms open. Waiting. Then you were gone. We fought hard. A whole year passed. When you were four years old, you were back in my arms, we played, we laughed, we danced and we twirled. It was easy. I told you then, I wouldn’t let you go again. I would always be here. When you were six years old, we went in a rowing boat, we ran through the nature trail, we moved house, we brought you a swing and we baked butterfly cakes. We decorated your new room, I read you bedtime stories, I tucked you in and kissed your head. I said goodnight and turned out the light. When you were seven years old, you met your baby brother. You...
Dear Bitter Ex-Wife, I am writing this letter to let you know that the relentless turmoil you have caused in not only our lives but my son's life and your own daughter's life too. You see I met my husband way after you had moved on and left him for another man. You were living the dream and never around while my now husband had the daughter you share. You were busy planning your wedding and didn't care what your ex was doing until the day you met me. Then it changed, you thought you were still going to call the shots and control him and everything but boy were you wrong. You see, I don't play those games. I am also divorced with a child from my previous marriage but I, unlike you, put my child's needs before my own. When you decided to get a divorce that meant you were no longer...
