
My name is Ezra. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Unlike most people, I always pray that I don’t wake up. I pray that someone can stab me so at least it’s not my fault. In this life of mine, I haven’t found a reason to keep holding on, I have tried so hard so hard to hold on. I’m tired of faking that I’m okay because I’m not, I’m not. I hate the alcohol but it makes me forget what I’m feeling for a moment. Everything bad happening to me is my fault, I know that. I have tried so hard to make things work but it’s like I just keep drowning over and over again. I have become stupid desperate and completely unable to grow. I’m bleeding 21 but don’t have my life in check or even a fraction of it. Why am I writing this? I’m writing this to let out my thoughts. I’m 21 and I wish I was dead. My...
Dear Parents I wrote this open letter urging you to monitor your children on social media. We all waste a great time every day browsing the news on all social sites. Social communication has many benefits but risks must also be considered. The new generation relies entirely on these sites to browse the latest news of celebrities and friends and form new relationships. Monitoring the children's interactions on the communication sites is by directing them towards what is beneficial and advising them, not by a direct coercive intervention that may cause useless problems between children and parents. In this way, parents can, through their directives, control the children, while warning against boring intimidation, which is frightening and futile, while seeking to raise these children....
Hi, mom, I know that you don’t love me anymore. There probably was a time where you did, but that time has long passed. I know that you want me to preform well in school so that you can show me off to all of your friends, it’s a win-win situation right? well not really... Your constant pressure and disgusting comments have only left me helpless and without anyone to talk to. Your pressure does not make me feel better or do better in any way. A lot of people have told you this too, but you seem to refuse. Even some of your best friends have suggested you to stop treating me like an enemy but you just won’t. You tire my father and you seem like you want to leave this family. Please just leave if this is truly how you feel instead of making me feel like this. There isn’t much I can do for...
You once made your request. You asked us to please not get married, at least as long as you're still alive. The thing was, I was dying to marry her. To share an excerpt of one of my online ramblings around that time: "I was raised to believe that the ultimate commitment is marriage, symbolized by a wedding. And more importantly, I believe that. I'm doing it for me, for me to be able to give my partner what I believe is the highest form of commitment - vows, rings and all." So, what did I do? I married her because I had to. And, how did I accommodate your wish? We had the most covert wedding in recent memory. No social media announcement, no celebrations of any kind. Any congratulatory message from any of our friends went directly to our phones. Because, no, we can't shout it...
To the “player” boy who is now the father of a little girl, You were the cool guy back in the day. Handsome, athletic, and popular. You did what you wanted, said what you wanted, and no-one ever checked you. You had girls talking about you, smiling at you, flirting with you. You grabbed them without permission in the halls, smacked their butts, maybe even more. You called some girls names like bitch or slut. You talked about them in the locker rooms, shared personal stories with your boys about what you did the weekend before. You rated some of them on a 1-10 scale. You analyzed their body shapes. You were nice in the beginning to get the girls you wanted to go out with you. You text every morning and night, bought gifts, invited her out to eat or to the game on Fridays. As time...
I apply for permission to appeal against the decision you have made. The ground of appeal is the following. On the 12 September 2018 I had my first appointment with the district judge in chambers, Maidstone, Kent at 14:00. My Ex submitted a word document with numerous Excuses to cancel the financial order, 99% was dismissed, but the judge latched onto the the MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) comment my ex made. I used my EX MIAM document that was used during out child arrangements order, but before I used it, I send an email to the court asking them if it was acceptable to use, which was sent on the Sent: 14 May 2018 13:27 (Subject: Fw: BV17D05727 - Priority - High Importance) subsequently the order was accepted. If I was informed otherwise, I would have done a separate...
Motivating kids to love anything but their computer games these days can be really tricky. And, don’t I know it. But, my dear parents out there, it’s also completely possible. Opening the doors of possibilities for your little ones is a truly incredible journey that lets you fall in love with life and the world around you and that lets your kids to find their own interests and put their little minds to work. The process is never-ending, sometimes tiresome and wonderful all the time. Keep in mind that no force or strictness will work if your goal is to motivate children to love learning. It has to be their choice. But, it’s up to you to provide them with the choices and put them in a situation where whatever they choose will make a significant impact on their perception of the world...
I assure you, most solemnly, that I do not simply write the following words merely to see them tumble out of my head onto a blank page. Rather, I have chosen them, curated them carefully in order to convey successfully to you, the reader, the depth, the breadth, and the scope of Craig Walker's Herculean efforts to help and support his daughter, Marissa. You cannot imagine his sheer determination, his jaw-dropping exertion..., you cannot imagine the time, the effort, the energy, or the money spent. You simply cannot. I have often feared that the extreme effort Craig put forth, receiving little to no support or succor himself, would kill him..., that I would live to see my lifelong friend, my brother, buried. That he has done so Marissa's entire life is even more astounding. Craig is her...
My Wonderful Wife When I had the massive stroke 31 years ago the doctors and my family wanted to “pull the plug”. My wife of 8 years would have none of it. For the past 31 years she has loved me and cared for me as no one else could. The stroke left me quadriplegic with only slight use of the right arm and hand. I am a big man, 6’3” 200 lbs. Angie is 5’4” and about 115 lbs. She is now 64 years old and still cares for me. She washes me from head to toe. She rolls me over to do my back. Then she dresses me. She transfers me to my wheelchair and after I’m in the chair she will wash my hair. She prepares and feeds me breakfast and dinner, gives me water thru my feeding tube 4 times a day, and gives me my medication throughout the day. On top of this Angie somehow managers to do the...
2015 my oldest daughter showed my youngest daughter a BTS video. At that time my oldest was a freshman in college, my youngest, a freshman in High School. My oldest daughter has always been into Cosplay, asian culture, Anime and world music. While she happened to like one of BTS' songs and shared it with her sister, she never really became a follower. The difference between my daughters is that my older one found her tribe young, in middle school in fact. So while she suffered all the angst and difficulties most young women do, she had her friends to lean on. My youngest daughter was different. She had friends. But, no one consistent and no one really close. She thrived academically, participated in extra-curricular activities, even made Captain of her school's Colorguard and...
