First of all, thank you. Please know that I will always be grateful for you— for everything I’ve learned from you, the irreplaceable moments we shared, the memories we created, and simply for the fact that you existed in my life. As I’ve said before, I look up to you— so much so that sometimes, I feel a twinge of envy, but more than that, I admire you deeply. I respect you, and I wish you nothing but the best, though I know it may seem like a foolish wish— because I know you're destined for great things anyway.
How I wish the friendship we had were 'true'— true enough to stick with each other, at least until we both reach the same goal we spoke of. Even if it wasn’t, please know it has always been an honor to call you a 'friend,' even if that friendship may have been unrequited. I pray...
First of all I want to say to all of you I’m sorry. And I am going to ensure next season runs better than this. Here are some things you might not have known:
I am sorry because of the tough year you have all had, and a big part of this is because of my late involvement in the committee. That’s on me, and I am old and ugly enough to admit that.
Those who know me will know that I have had massive dramas and tragedies throughout the year, but I am not going to let that be an excuse.
I was the only one on the committee remaining (after Mel pulled out as Vice President) who had history with the club. The remaining committee were new to the club but took over the failing Macedon Blues to save it from collapse. No history makes moving forward difficult. Lots of money was owed and money...
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for our friendship. You used to be a constant source of support and laughter in my life, and I am truly grateful for all the memories we have created together. I am grateful for you and the love you have given me. Thank you, my love.
What I'm about to say is something you already know but I just want to say it for the very last time. Over time, my feelings towards you have grown beyond friendship. I have been struggling with these feelings since the first time I laid my eyes on you, and I am finally ready to tell you the truth once again - I am in love with you.
I never expected you to feel the same way. I value our friendship too much to jeopardize it in any way. I just wanted to be honest with you...
Dear, best friends: going through hard times,
What do you believe the definition of a true friend is? Regardless of whether it is someone you can trust with your most private information or personal possessions, someone who would risk their life to save yours, or someone you've known your entire life. Each person has a different idea of what "real friendship" is. True friendship, in my opinion, is when two people can rely on one another with just about everything; they allow you to succeed and fail on your own, but they always lend a hand when it matters the most. I find it objectionable when individuals claim that a true friend won't allow you to steal their work for a test or a more significant project. This exemplifies that they do not regard the other person as a friend, but rather...
Hey, you’ll never read this but oh well. It’s your birthday tomorrow and I can’t wish you a happy one. I don’t know why you believed those stupid rumours which gave me anxiety trust issues and suicidal thoughts these past two years but you did. Telling my friend was immature but so was ignoring me, using me, manipulating me. Sorry that it ended the way it did. Hope you can find inner peace and happiness continuing your journey in life and this new chapter. I truly wish you the best. If you care, I have a few good friends, drama is going great and my maths grades are going down so far…But you don’t soo I’m going to stop. I’m a terrible person now, I hate myself. I’m like quote from friend, “ if crack was a person and took crack “ what are you like?
With forgiveness,
You know who
We met at college, you were 17 and pregnant, thrown out of the catholic school you were at. I got pregnant that year and we became friends. That was in 1975.
Although I moved to Europe in 1981 we stayed friends and we visited each other quite often, phoned a lot and nowadays I am sure that we would whatsapp and skype to keep up with daily stuff.
You died in 2013 after 9 years of multiple myeloma and I lost a very dear friend who made my life better. The first couple of years after your death I would catch myself saying to myself - I must ring Rebecca and tell her about this or that. Only to then realize that you are gone.
I miss you so much
I want to deeply, deeply apologize. This is not an apology that I'm giving in hopes that we'll be friends again. Not an apology that I want forgiveness for. Just a real, earnest apology. After ten years, I looked back at one of our last conversation and realized that you were always absolutely right.
These aren't excuses, just facts. I take full accountability for how I treated you; I treated you poorly. I got mad easily, was sensitive about everything, projected all of my insecurities on to you, and somehow felt like I was superior because I was older and wiser and had a right to help you decide your future.
Since our last conversation:
My father has died
My mom admitted to having used me and lied to me my whole life for the sake of wanting to damage my relationship...
Hi Bes! I hope you're doing great wherever you are. I'm sorry I haven't given you a lot of attention. I'm sad that you're gone, I regret not meeting you even just once. When you told me that you had an illness I was shocked. I also doubted you since there was no proof, but I believed you in the end. I can't tell you to avoid this or that, since I figured most people around you already said that. I also didn't want you to feel as if I was pitying you. You were and still are my best friend. All the things we talked about, animes, mangas, daily life, and your exes HAHAHAHA. I would miss it. I will miss you. Every time you helped me with my math homework, I felt really grateful. I don't know if the news I heard about you was real or not, I was hoping it wasn't because that would mean you are...
i think many people would say the basic thing everyone says after someone kills themselves, something along the lines of "killing yourself is never the answer", but i honestly think that's useless and also quite hypocritical coming from me. i could say something similar to what your parents thought, they didn't ask why you did it since they mostly knew, they just asked why they weren't enough to keep you here. and i don't know about that either. i know people can't cure a mental illness, i've come to realise that more than ever this year, which is why i won't ask that. i also know our relationship, whether it's just about us two or the trio, wasn't the best and it was actually pretty toxic. so i guess i'll just say whatever comes to mind, it's not like you'll ever read this.
i think i...
Dear Satu,
Finally year 2022 and bold new beginnings, but what changed? Did Satu change? Despite all of your never ending talk about groundbreaking transformation and spiritual growth. No I don’t think that you did. Does my opinion count, I don’t think that it does, it never did to you. You would have already changed something if it did. But let’s be realistic, you don’t change, do you? You asked for examples of your entitled behavior, here are just a few. For me this is just to reflect back, and move on.
I’ve had the odd privilege of having a front row seat in your self-sabotage almost four years now. Your cycle of abusing family, friends, and professional relationships has not changed one bit. Somehow you still manage to keep your head above water. The cost, maybe there is none...