First of all, thank you. Please know that I will always be grateful for you— for everything I’ve learned from you, the irreplaceable moments we shared, the memories we created, and simply for the fact that you existed in my life. As I’ve said before, I look up to you— so much so that sometimes, I feel a twinge of envy, but more than that, I admire you deeply. I respect you, and I wish you nothing but the best, though I know it may seem like a foolish wish— because I know you're destined for great things anyway.
How I wish the friendship we had were 'true'— true enough to stick with each other, at least until we both reach the same goal we spoke of. Even if it wasn’t, please know it has always been an honor to call you a 'friend,' even if that friendship may have been unrequited. I pray that, in some way, I was and still am a blessing to you.
I hope our paths cross again someday. And if they do, I hope we can rebuild our friendship, this time on a stronger and more sincere foundation.
I miss you— a lot.
To a friend I met during my hopeful striving season,
Subject: To a friend I met during my hopeful striving season,
From: Faye