
So, I don’t know that I’ll ever post this or bring your attention to it, but I thought I’d get it out. You were my best friend all the way until high school. My other half. No one could tear us apart. At least that’s what I thought. I still don’t completely understand how it all happened so fast. It’s like I blinked and I had been replaced by someone new. Someone who I didn’t think would do something like that to me. And I don’t know if it was because of the boy I liked, which didn't work because I ended up dumping because I found out how bad it hurt you. But If it was about him I was completely blinded to your feelings because of how I felt for him and it was so stupid on my part. Or maybe it was because your new friends were pretty and popular and I was still kinda dorky...
Dear May, It’s your friend Ashley and I want to tell you that you should love yourself no matter what because I’ve seen you suffer and I’ve been there trust me it’s not pretty. As I was thinking of what I wanted to tell you in this letter. I thought to myself why not make this a letter to where all the girls and teens could read and understand that they are not the only ones going through this and making them understand that loving their body and themselves if the key to stopping their misery. So let me start over. Dear teenage girls, I know that you are in a stage where you hate how you look and you want to become someone else. But let me tell you something, all of this overthinking or wanting to become someone else is hurting your psychological and physical health. I know...
My Dear Friend, It is hard to believe That how this hatred for me was deep down in you for so many years! Also it is very hurtful to know that you are not by my side at the time of need. It is terrifying and horrific to see this change in you as hate of communal-ism for me. We have been together for approx 2 decades, having meals, going on trip and getting tripped, bunking classes having a life. But my friend what changed you? You were not like this at those times or you were you have never presented that to me! But this is the reality of communal politics which was seeded in you long back and it is grown out like a banyan in you. You have never questioned this plant "Why it is growing,what I will achieve of it?". If you had then today you were not supporting devastation of mine...
Dear Crazy Ells, Sorry for responding to your text last week with silence. Also my apologies for leaving your lovely poem hanging in our messenger chat. I'm busy. I also find responding to friends overwhelming. Fuck it - I find life overwhelming. There's so much to see. So much to do. So little time. Sometimes I feel like a poor kid who, instead of paying, ducked the ticketing booth at Disneyland; if I keep running, I have maybe half-an-hour more until security finds me and hauls me out of here. "How are you?", you asked last week. Today I am sick. However, mentally I am stable - maybe even good. B and I have been working on the house - jacking one corner and then replacing the skirt where the water has rotted the wood. I've also been re-insulating the crawl space. I've learned a...
Dear ex best friend, I know that both of our paths are no longer intertwined. What bothers me the most is we proved them right, those who said this is just a honeymoon phase. We proved them right. Even after promising each other, spending long nights on call gossiping and spilling our secrets, running off from home to keep our sanity intact we couldn’t make it. Why couldn’t we make it? I would have given everything to keep us the same but I guess this was the problem, friendship is always a two way street. I came to meet you in the middle in fact I took more steps than I should have taken. I don’t want to play the victim card here but today when I saw those flashbacks on my Snapchat I just couldn’t help but to try and hate you. And man did I fail at it. It sounds awful but I just...
Stephen Thorpey, one week ago we offered you and your committed Unified friends the opportunity to end “YOUR GAMES” not your victims, her kids, her family, friends, professionals or whoever else you and they want to commit to taking action against and falsely in an attempt to set fear in your victim and her children threatened and alleged that you’d already as a group including yourself, your girlfriend/fiancée Erin Nickerson, her friend Liz Hunter and your friend Zak Helme to having as a group united in a committed effort to end your victims games, you as a group, you Stephen Thorpey their leader and voice vowing that the group of you who FINALLY had peace in your lives (funny not one of those parties other than you know your victim, her children, her family, friends or professionals,...
This is an open letter to Stephen Thorpey: RE: Men Don’t Abuse, Decieve, Manipulate, Steal and Attack Women and Children! Stephen and Friends, We are the men who know and love your victims well! Yes, Stephen we do exist! We are not “impersonations” your victims have made up to support their claims or to stalk, harass, libel or slander you and your “friends”. We are nine men that will no longer remain silent as this campaign of real slander, lies, manipulations, exploitation, intimidation, harassment and abuse to continues! We have each known your victim and her children for 7-25 years or more! We are not family members, we are not figments of her imagination as you claim just as her female friends, family, advocates, therapists and doctors are not fabrications as you and your “friends”...
From the moment I met you, I knew what we had was something special. I did not believe in soul mates before I met you, but now I cannot picture life without you. I was always the girl who had a huge group of girl friends, but always felt exceptionally average. I did not know you were what I was messing. You make me feel special without even trying. I don’t have to care about wearing makeup around you or always having to have the perfect outfit or even trying to be the perfect person because you always make me feel perfect. I thought our friendship would grow apart when you moved across the country, but we’re closer than ever. I wish you knew how much out 8 hour phone calls meant. You are truly my other half. We’ve been friends for four years and I can honestly not think of one...
To my first college roommate I remember walking into room 112 for the first time and the first thing my eyes settled on were your crutches courtesy the disaster you had the previous year. I am usually very confident but I admit I was scared. The thought of sharing a room with someone new wasn't very pleasant. But little did I know then that my first year could have been a disaster, but thanks to you it wasn't. You made everything bearable and were always there when I needed you. You were my personal support system. I don't think I said thank you enough in person, so I hope you read this and see what a blessing you were. I know that not everyone becomes great friends with their first college roommate, but I did. I hadn’t ever had to share a room or bathroom with anyone before, so I didn’...
I've been thinking about this a lot, so for both our sakes I'll keep it brief. I'm really happy I moved to Georgia. I moved down here because I was lonely. I hated coming home to an empty house, because Christina would be at work. And I found myself getting out of the house, just so I didn't have to feel lonely. Being with you made me feel better and validated. And that was my problem. I depended a lot on you guys to make me "me," to make me "whole." I thought if I didn't have you guys, then I didn't have any value in my life. I remember thinking to myself sometimes, "If they continue to love me, I'll have worth." It had nothing to do with God and my relationship with him, just us. So when I moved down here and was cut off from you all, it was the scariest and the most reviving thing I've...
