Love Letters

To my Future love: To whom you may be, because at the moment I have no clue who you are. I have no idea where you're but I am writing this to you before we even met so that you know how I felt before you came along and how our life together will be. I may not be able to predict the future or know what it holds. I can predict how I will be to you. I know myself and what I want with my other half. I have enough experience in relationships to know what I do and don't want. I know exactly who I'll be to you. Before, I explain how I will treat you. I want you to know I hope you're a mess. I hope you've already gotten your heart broken. I hope you've been showed what love isn't. I hope you've been at your worst with your past, or present relationships. I only hope that because I don't want...
It is so sweet to think of you. The person who saved my life. I miss you so much these days, it hurts. After resisting looking at your photographs, I allowed myself to take a sweet peek at your profile just so I can see that your sweet presence that represents you. I sit here, after days of deeply feeling you and reminiscing how your skin felt in my hands. How sweet your smile and those deep set mystery filled eyes looked me. How familiar you were always to me. Everything about you was so magical to me. I felt you in a way I have not felt any body. Your skin was like something so familiar to me - as if it was a part of me before I even met you. There was nothing romantic about how we met, it was a body meeting a body again after such a long time. For whatever reason fate...
It is so sweet to think of you. The person who saved my life. I miss you so much these days, it hurts. After resisting looking at your photographs, I allowed myself to take a sweet peek at your profile just so I can see that your sweet presence that represents you. I sit here, after days of deeply feeling you and reminiscing how your skin felt in my hands. How sweet your smile and those deep set mystery filled eyes looked me. How familiar you were always to me. Everything about you was so magical to me. I felt you in a way I have not felt any body. Your skin was like something so familiar to me - as if it was a part of me before I even met you. There was nothing romantic about how we met, it was a body meeting a body again after such a long time. For whatever reason fate...
Amidst all this negative propaganda on Russia, there is a man whom I cannot help but to think about, Vladimir Putin. The President of The Russian Federation walks on a fine line between 'what is best for Russia?' but also 'just because it is ideal for Russia, will there be any negative consequences?' when making potentially crucial decisions. These decisions could not only decide Russia's fate but also the fate of the entire world. For those in the media and others who constantly demonize him, if you were to be completely honest, wouldn't you be proud to have him as your President? He is the epitome of an ideal leader. Highly disciplined - look how he handled Obama's horrible Foreign Policy maneuvers. Intelligent, calm and witty (great sense of humor) - these are important traits to...
Hi. Its me, Alexandra lol. I know tonight hurt us both but more importantly it hurt you. You have been dealing with so much in the past few months and I have been there for you, or at least try to. We fought about something stupid, and we both got lost. I was afraid of loosing you, because you're the best thing that has ever happened to me; but I learned something. When something gets hard, you don't walk away, you stay and fight for each other, you taught me that. Hurting people is inevitable, you can't stop it from happening. You are going to upset and hurt people, but most of us never mean to hurt the people we love. It's a scary thought, thinking about someone you love who can walk away tomorrow. So I did what I knew how to, I pushed your buttons, not because I meant to but...
This was not the love at first sight kind of thing. I actually cannot recall when it happened. I fell so fast for you one day. Maybe it was because you made me laugh so hard I could barely breath, or the looks you gave me, maybe it was because I could be myself with you, Ill probably never know. I've never fell so hard or fast though, I was good at taking things slow. I was. One night though was all it took, one kiss, one touch, and one memory for me to dream up this big idea of you and me. I adored the way you raised your eyebrows at something hurtful, the way you rolled your eyes at my comments or motions, the way the butterflies whirled around by simply knowing you were near. I had created this fantasy in my head of perfection, of a chance at least. You...
The title says you're my ex who isn't really my ex. What does that mean? It means I was yours, but you weren't mine. I spent seven months trying to get you to love me. Seven months of trying to see things the way you did. Were you a waste of time? I'll never know, because you still haven't left. I look across my bedroom every night at your side of the closet open, still filled with your things. But, you're absent from our bed. We still talk, no more and no less than we did when we were us. But, now it's different. You're not the man I fell in love with. I feel like you're a stranger that I've never met, I just text you occasionally. But, through all of this, there are a few things that I have to thank you for teaching me. Thank you, for teaching me what it feels...
Hello, We don't know each other yet, but someday we will. I live in Las Vegas, NV. I am pretty confident you will read this before it's too late. It's going to be a eurphoric feeling taking care of you, make you laugh, make you feel loved to ensure our relationship was meant to be. Me..... I am a pretty calm and caring that love to laugh and give to others. The thing I miss the most about being in a relationship is making sure romance is presence. I don't know when, where or how we will meet. You could be anywhere in the country, international or maybe you already live in Las Vegas. I am a believer in fate and "all things happen for a reason". I am financially comfortable, so I want to do things. Such is travel, she could venture, but have my partner go with me. I don't...
Talk is Skype – or what does it all mean? Why do you speak to me Oleg? I cannot figure it out….. we’ve been speaking for 4 months every Saturday or Sunday for 2 hours and now I wonder why we do it? I’ve continued to speak to you because I had wonderful visions of us being together… somehow, somewhere, be it here or in the Ukraine. It seems sometimes we get close, even admitting to each other that we’ve thought about being together; you saying only language and country keeps us from doing that, but we both know that’s not a real reason to not be together. You know I would move to Odessa in a heartbeat to be with you, or if you wished you could move here to be with me…. Why not?! I thought last week when I said I’d been offered a permanent position at work and my lodger was moving...
To the next person that holds my best friends heart, Be careful with it, please. She's sensitive, but not sensitive in the way she'll be upset if you choose to hang out with your guy friends one Saturday night instead of hanging out with her. She's sensitive like waves in the ocean, when there's a hurricane out at sea. Subtle, but different. She's sensitive with feelings, with trusting people, with letting someone in because it's been a pattern for her to get comfortable with someone and then have them walk out. Be patient with her. Teenage years are never easy for anyone. For some they're especially difficult, for others there are only a few bumps in the road. She hasn't had it easy. She's learned to not rely on anybody but herself. So when you offer to pay for dinner and she...
