Reddit user IMAMenlo found a handwritten note on an empty chair at the San Francisco Airport. It didn’t have anything except “read me” written on the outside.
This is what it says:
I recently left an emotionally abusive relationship.
After months of insults I wont repeat, false accusations, lies, delusions, broken mirrors, nightly battles…. I left. I know that I was being poisoned by each day that I stayed. So with a heavy heart, I left my lover of three years, knowing that I had already put it off too long. At first he begged, then he cursed, but eventually he paced his bags and faded out of my life like a bad dream.
For the first few weeks, my body seemed to reject this. For three years I had seen the world through him-colered glasses. I didn’t know who I was without him....
Love Letters
I was hoping that I would never have to see your face. I tried really hard to ensure that I would never even have to learn your name, but social media and its passively cruel games in hopes of connecting people together had another plan. I didn't recognize your face, or your name, but we had a few friends in common, and I definitely recognized the man standing next to you in your profile picture.
And my world stopped turning.
I know what you’re thinking right now-crazy ex-wife is stalking your profile because you’re dating her ex-husband and she’s mad. And jealous. And sad. And I don’t blame you, but, you would be wrong.
My world stopped turning because I was overcome with fear for you.
You look so innocent. Your smile looks genuine, kind. You seem happy. I recognize your...
I get it now. I do. Our relationship died.
And as much as I want you back you don't want to comeback . I don't think it's a matter of me moving on from you or getting over you. I never will. In my heart you are the one who helped me make sense of me and my world. My only task now is to make the most of what is left, both in terms of time and spirit. And in the really tough times I will close my eyes and imagine you are beside me and draw some strength like I used to when I reached out to take your hand, like a child on a dark night.
I never will understand why after almost 6 years we could not sit down and discuss what was going on. I will never grasp this urge to run that you have. Be that to run away physically or run inside yourself to hide behind a wall of silence....
I don't know what makes me write a letter suddenly but I've always learnt I express more when I write and so that's what I am doing. For you. For me. I don't know if you will ever find this letter or even know it's for you but it doesn't matter.
You're 15000 miles apart in a different country and probably even enjoying your new life and I am so happy for you that you finally made it :-)
I don't know if you realise but we finished one year to our friendship which started rather funnily. I still smile when I recall the first time we met and how I was a kid when u blasted me for nearly hitting you with my bicycle. After that years passed and we met again and this time to become very dear friends.
When I became friends with you I knew you'd leave to fulfill your dreams soon but I...