Love Letters

I have met you in the most unlikely places, a dating app called Tinder. It was a whirlwind romance; it was the kind of relationship that happened to two people from different walks of life.. Can you really find love in Tinder? Well, I’ve always believed in taking chances and so when we matched that opened a line for us to talk. You’ve always believed that we control our fate by the choices we make, while I always believed in letting things work for itself.. fate and destiny, and all that romantic idea about love. You’re a logical person and I’m the creative type, you’re rational, I’m emotional… The first day we talked, I asked for your birthday.. only to find out your zodiac sign and if we have a future. At first, I said, it’s never going to work out.. Just a force of habit that I’ve...
Our time together was brief. It ended as quickly as we jumped in. There wasn’t much thinking; more spontaneous doings that happened so fast we didn’t pause – I didn’t pause – for consequences that we can now feel. I don’t regret the few months spent trying to love someone new though. I did try. I can promise that. You could have been my second love and I’m sorry it had to turn into a “could have been.” I thank you in many ways even though you came to a point where you felt you had to give up on mending my heart any more. If we are being honest, we both could see that all along, it was an impossible task; but I thank you for trying as long as you did. One of the last things you said to me, that you were “so enamored by me” I can’t shake from my memory. From the beginning, until our...
People always throw around the phrase, "I have the best girl in the world." They say it and don't mean it or just say it in the spur of a moment. When those words came out of my mouth or from my fingertips though, I was 100% sure every time throughout the 6 years I did have the best. For you, please mean it too when those words come out because love shouldn’t have room left for doubt. Treat her like she's your one and only. She should be your one and only. Don't forget to hug and kiss her every time she walks in your door and every time she leaves. You can never show her too much love and affection. Don't take anything you have or do with her for granted. If you ever lose it, you'll know why I say this. Make sure to comfort her even on those days that you need comfort. Put her...
Dear C, The last time we spoke, we were at a sushi bar. You ordered the Romeo and Juliet and I got the Rock n’ Roll. I believe you were wearing a teal t-shirt and blue jeans. I was wearing cargo shorts, white shirt and a sleeveless hoodie. You made a valid point when you asked me why on earth I would wear hoodie on a hot August afternoon. To this day, I still don’t have an answer for that. Anyways, before I leave for good, there is still one more thing I have to say: I am sorry. I am sorry for not being as supportive as I should have been. As your former boyfriend, I should have been at the frontlines, cheering you on as you ventured China. It isn’t every day that an American teen gets a full scholarship to Jiaxing for a summer program. Instead of asking you how you were, all I...
Anyone who thinks that they 'know' you Is damn fool You're more complicated to understand And as far away from us all Than the tip of the universe Maybe one day I'll find the long lost map That will show you back to you Until then I'll hold you real tight Because I never know when I've lost the fight I wont wash-up on your shoals But I'll dig an unnamed grave if I have to You're the treasure I need Even if I have to bleed Worlds End is human form I wish for a lull before your storm Other lovers, preachers and liars Flames lick my skin from your fires 9 years we've weathered each other We're torn and tattered But all that's ever mattered Is you holding me tight Because you never know when you've lost the fight I wont wash-up on your shoals But I'll...
I remember the day you walked away as though it were moments ago. I remember every single word that was spoken and I remember exactly the way the bile tasted in my mouth as I choked on the words. I remember the way the room smelled and the sky looked- how the sun shown with the brightest of rays and how fall was fast approaching, but the sounds of summer still whipped around me. I remember the sound of your voice when you said that every thing was ok and the sound of my phone when I received the email moments later that stated otherwise. An email. I have yet to comprehend how that was the best way that you could say goodbye, but I guess our entire relationship was emails and blocked numbers so I should have never been surprised. Amongst all of these memories, what I remember most is...
I knew eventually he would find you, and I knew eventually I would have to see him light up by someone else's smile.. But what you don't know is how happy I am that he's fount you.. You see, before you...there was me. I was the one who he fell in love with, who made him upset, and the one who use to make him happy. Did you catch that I said "use?" Well if you didn't, now you realize exactly what I said. It took me a while to grasp the concept that I wasn't no longer the one who he wanted, who made him happy... I was the one who was hurting him, but also he was hurting me. When we met it was that "I feel like i've known you my whole life" feeling. Funnier part of that is the time we spent together felt like my whole life, because that's how much life he brought to me. Before him I...
Recently you have been talking with me shorter and shorter, and I am getting scared that you are already getting tired talking with me, that your feelings for me are slowly fading away or might have gone completely away. Or for any reasons you just wanted to break up with me… I wanted to ask you if those things I am getting scared of are true, but I dare not! I am not yet ready to hear your answer. Every time you tell me you need to go just after a very short chat that we could talk another day, I get upset and I felt like crying. The first few times you told me you need to hang up, I did understand you because your reason is understandable, but those few times is becoming more and more… and you are talking with me lesser and lesser... and I am really really getting hurt because...
You will never read this but I met you on a plane last year.You were twice my age and I had had a crap holiday. I had the most enjoyable three hours talking to you. You were funny, sexy and interesting with a lovely Scottish accent. I added you to Facebook and seen you had a family so left it there but before I knew this I really felt something that hasn't left me. I am not sure if you felt something or if you remember me but we got on very well. I will never see you again but I have never liked a man as much as I liked you and though less frequently I still think of you. I wish that you were single when we met because I would have made my move but I hope you are happy.I hope life sends me someone just like you.
I often imagine that moment when I open my front door from a long, hard day at work and be willfully welcomed by my stinky, furry companion. I sit here and think about how I long for a best friend who will love me if I leave my dinner out for a night (or two), who will give me kisses and hugs even though I am late for work (again), and who will comfort me if I decide to eat too much ice cream for dessert (like last night). Like many people, I dream about the day that I go pick up a sweet, snubby face - or maybe a courageous bold faced dog and bring him to his new humble abode to live his life surrounded by love and care for the rest of his (or her) days. Though I work in a vet clinic and own many pets like a house trained pig, a bearded dragon, and two cats, I have never owned a dog. I...
