To the girl that got away:
i'm writing this because I just can't get everything I want to say to you through any other way. I hope you'll read all the way through. I want to start with I am glad you are happy and life is going well for you, I'm glad you found someone else that makes you happy. I also want to say I'm not mad at you for leaving, you probably should have left my earlier, it took me losing you to see what I was doing and the person I was, looking back it makes me sick to think of the man I was at that time and I'm sorry you knew me then. I thought that time would make things go away and we would go our own paths, it it didn't for me. I have thought about you every single day since December and it's worse and worse. I tried dating others to move on but I realized that I'm...
Love Letters
Dear Better & Future Self,
I know you've done a lot of crazy shit, but I mean come on? You're young (as of now) and you're gonna do a lot more crazy shit in the future. There is no need to lie to ourselves. We all know it.
Some of the stuff I'm doing you may regret, but it's okay. If you don't do wild things while you're young, you'll have nothing to smile about when you're older. I am youthful; I run free, stay up late, I don't sleep. I got my friends, I got the night but remember you'll be alright.
I know as a fact I have made many many mistakes, I've even said some things I can't take back but don't let those past mistakes shape you into bad ways. I want the best for you and I know you are very capable of it. For instance, I want to be an RN with dozens of dogs, 4 kids...
This is a letter to a special girl. A special person who exceeds expectations wether i like to admit it to her or not. She is someone who isnt used to my ways of doing things but still tries her hardest to prove i deserve her and she deserves me. This is a one in a million kind of girl. Check that, once in a lifetime kind of girl. This girl is so much more than a fairytale. She is the real thing. She's more than just a simple " i love this girl " kind of girl. She is a " i love this girl because she makes me feel real and amazing " kind of girl. This is about an angel that has never give up on me.
To keep her identity a secret we'll call her April for arguments sake. Now April is a small girl. Not much mass to fight back physically, but dont let that fool you because she has the...
I've always loved you. I'm leaving her soon to return to you and stay with you forever. He's going to have to get out of the way. I'll see you soon. I'll call so we can meet privately to work out the details.
They say when you love something to let it go. If it comes back it is truly yours and if it doesn't, then it was never yours to begin with.
I always thought this was the silliest thing I have ever heard. If you love something, why would you not hold onto it for dear life? You, however, have shown me the wisdom in these words. Sometimes people need time and space to grow into better versions of themselves for things to work out.
I remember the first day I met you. It was in January during my freshman year of high school. I was having a miserable day and told one of my friends that I wanted to skip the rest of the day. He told me about this new kid, a junior, who could get me out of the school.
You greeted me with a smile and led me out of the school. We spent the whole day...
We've been friends for such a long time; sometimes I still have trouble believing that we're actually a couple now. Of course we've never been the closest of friends, we only met each other because I was dating your friend at the time. I'm sorry that we broke the "bro-code". I don't remember how or when we met, I don't remember my first thoughts about you. What I do remember, though, is the day I saw you again.
You just started at the factory in my department. I didn't know you were there until you said hello to me. I want to say that day was the start of it all, but this isn't a fairy tale about "love at first sight". For months we shared the occasional hello and small talk. I'd like to think that's when we grew a little closer as friends. I didn't grow feelings for you on my own. As...
To paul (lamby)
It's been about 15 years since I met you but not a day passes without me thinking of you. You will probably never ever read this but I just have to get it off my chest, maybe then I'll be able to move on. You would probably think I was crazy anyway, I mean we didn't even kiss, let alone anything else. But still you've been there in my mind, I thought that night we went driving in your car, looking for a hotel, not to do anything you said, just to talk, I thought that was the start of something amazing but I don't know what happened after that, you rang me the next day and seemed so excited about me as I was about you, but that's the last I heard. And everyday since then I've thought about you, I didn't see you for years after that, then I found you on facebook, we began...
It's been 10 years but I just can't let go.
10 words to describe the 10 years in between, between the day I met you and today. Yes, dear, it's been a decade.
I met you on my thirteenth birthday. I was a kid, I was playful, and I don't know you exist... until that Palm Sunday of April 2006. I was at the church with my family. It was a sunny Sunday morning. I was with my friend when you came near us.
You were talking to your friends, joking about making a cuter palm using the leaves of a cogon grass. Ha ha ha! Yeah, funny enough for me, so I slowly looked around, looking for the voice who said that, until my eyes landed on yours. I can't explain the feeling, I wanted to talk to you but I wanted to run away. I wanted to smile, but I bit my tongue. I wanted to speak, but I am lost...
I still remember the night I fell in love with you. A brisk, beautiful, fall night. It was October 12th, 2015 and we had already been talking for some time at that point but you being more than a friend never was never raised to my attention before then. I recall haranguing you about going to the local haunted house attraction near by with our group of friends and you finally replied with a solid yes. I was the last to arrive and I noticed you noticing me walking towards you all. We all stood in a circle, me next to you not realizing by the end of the night you would be the reason for my heartaches many months later. We continued on to the ticket booth, then the actual attraction. I was not even with you during the actual haunted house because I was with my other guy friend who made me...
Dear you,
Hi. I've been thinking about you a lot the past few days. I know it's been 8 months since we broke up, and 2 months since I've seen you, but I still miss you. They say it takes time to move on. It's been 8 months, and I finally thought I had. You moved away. I moved on. And then your birthday came around. Time has brought up all of the wonderful memories we shared. From our first kiss 4 years ago, to losing our virginity together 20 months ago, to falling in love, to everything we ever had and felt.
I miss cuddling. You always said you felt closest when we cuddled together. I always said it was during our intimate throws of passion. I now realize you were right. I would give anything to feels your arms around me, to feel your warmth, and be in the safety of your familiar...