Love Letters

Letter to D From Aru Dear D. Whatever everything, you will always be “dear” for me. Our story began like story from movie. We accidentally met each other in square, when I was learning to ride bicycle. I was standing just with my friend and you with your friends came to us and started to talk. We thought it is dispute between you and your friends. From the first day me and you we discussed different things and it was interesting. After this day I wrote to you ( 8th of May). From this day we started to meet each other. Our views to life and even interests were totally different. But despite it we continued to talk. I am with my difficult personality and you are something strange - together were in harmony. You always said “ Why you are not looking at me, why you are so shy”? I...
Dear , Him We taught each other what it was like to be someone's world. I still think about how you have been i go through my phone every once and awhile and replay the memories in my mind when i look at our pictures and videos that i will always cherish for the rest of my life. I get downhearted because the miserable thoughts also consume my mind. But i also start to realize that you have taught me and gave me experiences i've never had before i know that there was a reason we had the bond that we did and that was because all the deep thoughts and secrets we shared with each other . All of our texts were full of bliss and joy we were perfect . We taught one another how to love the feeling of hearing someone's voice every morning and every night. You were just like every other boy i...
Heey annoying! Last year we were inseparable. We were always together, in every class you were right under me or more like I was under you but oh well same difference. We stayed on the phone until we fell asleep and when we were awake it was never a time I wasn’t laughing. We just had a bond that no one could understand but us and that made it more special. I never thought I would catch feelings for you but I did. One thing I remember is the day of my birthday I came to school and I was mad at you because you didn’t say happy birthday all day. We were in the computer lab surrounded by all our friends but i made sure not to sit next to you. I was doing my work then you came up to me and grabbed me and told me happy birthday and then you gave me a kiss. My whole mood changed I was...
Well Hi, It's late at night and I'm laying here, longing for your arms to be wrapped around me just because of the way they keep me safe. Longing to hear your heart beat, just because of the way it speeds up and slows down. Longing to feel the forehead kiss from you, just because it's the last thing I feel before I drift off into sleep. Some times it all feels like a dream until I wake up and realize you're still here. It's real. The way you make me feel is real. And it's deeper than any love that I've ever experienced. I've hurt. I've cried. I've been torn and stomped on numerous times. But it was all because the wrong people had my love. You take my love and turn it into this energy that fills a whole room. You turn everything into bliss. Now I know you're not...
Well Hi, I'm not sure if you'll ever read this but if you do here's the truth behind us getting back together. At the start I didn't want all. I hated you. I hated you for treating me the way you did and not appreciating it. The smallest things that mattered to me, you didn't bother with even though we had talked about them before. You took everything for granted and I knew it. And I knew it was going to end soon, I just didn't know when. I loved you too much to let go and you cared for me too much to say good bye. And some how at the end of the day, I always found more love to give. At the beginning of 2016 we broke up and I was shattered, but relieved. I could breathe. No more accusations. No more fighting. No more crying. Just me. Now it's October and we've been...
Hey. I’m very unsettled right now. I don’t like this incredibly wide range of emotions that I’ve been experiencing… Where a day will feel like a year, and within that year, I spend a few months in agony over the thought of being hated by you and the next few months high off of the idea of you… But actually? It isn’t the idea of you that I want to be close to. It is the concrete—it is what I have seen and heard and felt that draws me toward you. But I’m confused. In no way is there any obligation towards me, whether that’s smiling as I pass, texting me back, or being my best friend. There aren’t any strings tying us together in force. Your kindness is unparalleled, and your generosity towards me in particular is appreciated in more ways than you realize. However, I feel the brick...
To the girl that got away: i'm writing this because I just can't get everything I want to say to you through any other way. I hope you'll read all the way through. I want to start with I am glad you are happy and life is going well for you, I'm glad you found someone else that makes you happy. I also want to say I'm not mad at you for leaving, you probably should have left my earlier, it took me losing you to see what I was doing and the person I was, looking back it makes me sick to think of the man I was at that time and I'm sorry you knew me then. I thought that time would make things go away and we would go our own paths, it it didn't for me. I have thought about you every single day since December and it's worse and worse. I tried dating others to move on but I realized that I'm...
Dear Better & Future Self, I know you've done a lot of crazy shit, but I mean come on? You're young (as of now) and you're gonna do a lot more crazy shit in the future. There is no need to lie to ourselves. We all know it. Some of the stuff I'm doing you may regret, but it's okay. If you don't do wild things while you're young, you'll have nothing to smile about when you're older. I am youthful; I run free, stay up late, I don't sleep. I got my friends, I got the night but remember you'll be alright. I know as a fact I have made many many mistakes, I've even said some things I can't take back but don't let those past mistakes shape you into bad ways. I want the best for you and I know you are very capable of it. For instance, I want to be an RN with dozens of dogs, 4 kids...
This is a letter to a special girl. A special person who exceeds expectations wether i like to admit it to her or not. She is someone who isnt used to my ways of doing things but still tries her hardest to prove i deserve her and she deserves me. This is a one in a million kind of girl. Check that, once in a lifetime kind of girl. This girl is so much more than a fairytale. She is the real thing. She's more than just a simple " i love this girl " kind of girl. She is a " i love this girl because she makes me feel real and amazing " kind of girl. This is about an angel that has never give up on me. To keep her identity a secret we'll call her April for arguments sake. Now April is a small girl. Not much mass to fight back physically, but dont let that fool you because she has the...
I've always loved you. I'm leaving her soon to return to you and stay with you forever. He's going to have to get out of the way. I'll see you soon. I'll call so we can meet privately to work out the details. Al
