Love Letters

If I were given a chance to travel through time and save you from all the hurt, the lies, the mistreatment, the abuse, and the scars I would, but I am only a man. I think the worst part about the whole thing is that he somehow convinced you that you were responsible for all the fights, all the yelling, for his cheating, and for your own broken heart. Who am I you might ask, well I’m the guy that came after. The guy that will spend most of his life picking up the pieces he scattered and scathed. I’m the guy that will mean everything that he pretended. I’ll keep all the promises he broke. Let’s not be unfair however there were good times, in fact there were just enough good times to make you temporarily put up with all the toxicness that existed. Falling asleep each night feeling...
You didn't have to work so hard to put on a show. You didn't fool me with your self-proclaimed gift of the gab. Everything I gave was given freely as a gift. I saw you. The phrases you tried on like various styles of clothing held an awkwardness that spoke of hidden pain and past rejection. I saw you. Do you not realize that my gift is all that you wished for? The omen of its arrival rendered in black ink beneath my skin. "Death to the old way of life" chimes the clock that pierces your heart. Transformation into all you are meant to be. The packaging was not what you expected? It was only the chrysalis you saw. In your moments of doubt know that I see you, I care for you, I forgive you.
Dear Rosie, One year has passed since I had moved, It almost seems as this was a dream and you were just right down the road. I think sometimes of it that way to be honest, Then I realize we are about 9 hours away from each other driving, but only about an hour and 20 minutes from each other on a plane which is a good thing. I'd take a plane to you in a heartbeat. I know we haven’t seen each other since the last time I had visited back around July 21st. The first time I had went to Warped Tour with you, I miss you like crazy. I miss my best friend, we’ve been friends for a few years now. We used to be on and off with talking but then we realized that we could be the best of friends ever, and I am so glad we talk almost every day now. I miss our inside jokes, our nicknames for each...
Sabi nila mas nagiging sweet daw ang love letter 'pag sinulat or ginawa mo in english, 'di ako naniniwala, kase kahit anong lingwahe pa ang gamitin mo kung 'di naman galing sa puso mo ang paggawa ng sulat ay walang saysay 'to. 'Di ko din alam kung tama ba o mali ang ginagawa ko ngayon, basta ang alam ko lang walang mali ang magka-gusto sa isang tao, walang mali na ipahayag mo ang nararamdaman mo para sa isang tao. Siguro nagtataka ka kung ba't ko ginawa 'to so gagawin kong medyo detalyado ang sulat ko para maintindihan mo. “How wonderful it is to be able to write someone a letter! To feel like conveying your thoughts to a person, to sit at your desk and pick up a pen, to put your thoughts into words like this is truly marvelous.” Isa yan sa naging inspirasyon ko para...
Tomorrow, April 17th 2016, you will have been gone from this earth for exactly 3 months. I can't begin to express the amount of disbelief, anger, sorrow and guilt I have regarding your death. I have been attending some Grief Share groups and one of the suggestions was to write a friends and family about how I needed them to let me grieve etc. But I have been wanting to write you a letter since you left us, instead of keeping it all inside me. I can't let it harm me anymore because I have two sons to of them belonging to you! Our son is thriving and will probably be a line backer one day! You would be proud of him!! We talk about you all the time, and I have pictures of you on the refrigerator down low enough for him to see and they are all crinkled up now...
It’s time to release you... Our memories... Our First Moment The first day we started texting each other, was also the first day we met at the mall in person. Silly me I was at the mall since 2:30pm that day and we only met after 7pm. I was eager and so excited to meet this girl I clicked with so well. When I met you we were both so nervous with each other but there was definitely something there and “we knew it”. Our first kiss It was Wednesday evening about 5 days after we first met, I remember that day like it was yesterday, in fact I remember everyday with you like it was just yesterday. This evening you came over to spend it with me for only the few hours we had, we cherished it so well. We first couldn’t shut each other up, well me anyway. It was an amazing feeling to get...
I was maybe in 11 th grade when Id first seen this quote which went like “the more you love someone , he came to think, the harder its to tell. You don’t go and say ‘I love you ‘to a complete stranger.” As naïve I was to quotes and reluctant in lovey-dovey stuffs, it didn’t strike me as much. I had simply refuted it as “clueless”. Well at this juncture of life, however, I do admit that it was the only” legitimate “ quote I’ve seen so far in my life.It really is the hardest thing to confess love to the only girl you love and who also happens to be your best friend. Girl its really tough to tell you , trust me on this. Call me silly but I have been in love with you since I came to know you, Not the day I first met you. I saw you from across where I was sitting in guitar class and you...
You typically don"t see a lot of letters to a loved one such as this that isn't romantic and/or lovey-dovey. This is not that kind of letter. Don't get me wrong--I love my boyfriend. I could go on for days as to why I think he is amazing, perfect, etc, as well as why I am in love with him. Those words are for him though. I don't need to prove my love or share it with the world via a letter. Therefore I'm going to avoid that. What I really want to talk about is how my life has changed upon meeting him. Because without him, the course of my life would be going very different. So, to begin: My boyfriend, I have to thank you for all that you have done. It's only been a few months together, but your impact on my life will quite literally last forever. To start off...
It's been awhile and we've all three gone our separate ways now. It's probably for the best. I remember the first night we met. I was having problems with my boyfriend who you also knew so you were helping console me. I used to be very shy and from that very first moment that very first night I already felt so comfortable with you. That's how I already knew you weren't like other boys - you were different. You were funny, you were caring, you were warm. She was lucky. I was so jealous of her. She had this wonderful man who treated her like a queen while I had a boyfriend who was never good to me. He was always out with other girls and was never faithful to me. Every time my boyfriend and I were together, all we did was fight. Every time you and I were together, all we did...
Dear Love of my Life, I hope you know how very sorry I am for the times I have done you wrong, and the moments that I know I ripped your heart out... I hope you know, i'm so very sorry and I hate myself every day for the decisions I've made. I hope you know how much I truly have always loved you, even though there were times that I didn't show it. And that even though I have come to realize that I'm the only one who believes that our wedding day truly was the absolute best day of my life... I hope you know how lucky I am to have had the opportunity to be in your life, I now walk around with 3 new beautiful hand prints on my heart... Thank you. You have truly given me some amazing experiences, that I will always cherish. I hope you know that even when my mind should be...
