
From, Albert Reynold Date: October 11th, 2020 To, Richard Simson Dear Richard, As you are aware that I have resigned from the post of Deputy Production Manager with Infinity Threads and today is my last working day, I just wanted to say goodbye to you. Although I am really looking forward for my new job but at the same time, I am getting little emotional over leaving this job and separating from an amazing colleague like you who has always been like my support system at work. I will always cherish the amazing memories of working together and bagging the awards for our projects for three consecutive years. You have been a colleague everyone wishes for and two of us together made a fantastic team. Your planning and my execution always created the right balance...
Even before Covid-19 ground everything to a worldwide halt, there was a recent influx of artists turning their backs on the music industry in their prime and walking away to either pursue other endeavors or for reasons only known to them. It’s nothing new, but due to the sad state of the music industry, it’s far more understandable than ever. From Grammy-winners such as Lauryn Hill, who announce their retirement only to return sometime later, to outlaw-country eccentric Sturgill Simpson, who sort of comes and goes as he pleases. Then there’s Hank III, (son of Hank Williams Jr. and grandson of the king himself; Hank Williams,) who, after a 5 year absence is still M.I.A. And now, it is with a heavy heart, I hereby announce that I’m joining the ranks of these fugitives and making...
I know the title is a lot to take in, and I am not expecting everyone who reads this to agree with my choice to ingest mushrooms as a means of defeating an artist’s block. I am simply here to tell you my story and maybe show you that mushrooms aren’t as scary as you might have been led to believe. To let you in on some background, I am a college student who just recently finished a research project on psychedelics and their many practical uses. To be completely honest, I began my research believing that psychedelics were extremely dangerous drugs that only people who identified as hippies would be interested in taking. I entered my project with a moralistic stance that began to melt as more and more positive results began to refute my previous notion. Long story short, I...
I so damn tired you producers always giving your male anchors more air time than your female with their silly promos commercials etc . give more air time to your female anchors . I don't like watching your news shows because it's always the males that get more of the attention...
I so damn tired of you F***** hosts...
Let me say sometimes I'm so damn tired of politicians news hosts etc always coming out promoting themselves with their f* novels show new clothing or whatever it is okay it's but, stop with promoting every single time people get it . I'm not hating it just sometimes you f***** is just full of sh*t just like Donald Trump who brags about his f**** accomplishments when indeed Trump really hasn't done a damn thing but take sh*ts insults people on twitter particular minorities etc personally some of you personalities sucks particular the ones that praising yourselves as well some of you that support Donald J. Trump. So just get over yourselves you're not all that...
The wwe are a bunch of fuckers wwe wants to ban a fan for potenial contacting one of their popular talent on the roster give me a break!The video didn't show the guy touching the female wrestler perhaps he was giving her pack on the back showing support perhaps then maybe he was trying to make a uncomptable move on her either way banning the fan from wrestling house shows pay per view events for perhaps inocenence to me this is a scam!wwe is trying to get money off of their top popular talent in competition with the new competitor AEW it's stinks! If I was this fan I would canceled my subscription with the wwe for banning him from all events join aew !As far as the wrestler concerns she can go fuck off it's all about the money in her case! She as well the wwe trying to scam some where...
The confirmed censorship policies put in place by Sony on their Playstation Store are, in my humble opinion, some of the most unfair decisions made by video game distributors in recent memory. With the recent crackdown on sexually explicit content, developers and gamers are having their rights to creative expression and media consumption infringed upon. Sony has a responsibility to provide developers a platform to freely express their creativity in whatever form that may manifest, R-rated or not. Is the “safety” of children really a higher priority than the freedom of game developers, when even Nintendo is allowing explicit games on their eShop? Is Sony really so afraid of the social impact of the #MeToo movement that they'll make developers remove features from their games and get...
To understand better this letter anyone who reads this letter can read 'I was banished from All My Sons - An Open Letter to Mr. Colin Morgan' I feel that I have to write this letter as there is no real communication going on with Old Vic anymore, as they didn't answer to the things I put in my emails. I can't find the correct words to describe how very upset and disappointed I am with the staff of The Old Vic. I never in my life made to feel this worthless apart from my first encounter at the tube with Mr. Morgan. I always believed in dreams. I tried to follow them and it always backfired. Always. Some people just very unlucky I guess. I got out of so many deep holes before, never giving up the hope. I felt stronger and wanted to prove to myself :’I can do it!’ I have a huge...
I never wrote an open letter and I know this might not be the best idea, but when I tried what I thought was the official way to make you understand what happened, I've been banished from All My Sons. I would choose a different approach expressing my thoughts if I would have any other way. I have no idea how to write this letter, but I feel that I have to write it to try to clear up the situation you might not even fully aware of, but which got out of hand so much that I am suffering from it very much.  It is long because the situation is complicated and I need to explain a few things for you to be able to understand it, It is prepared for both of our benefits, as you seemed uncomfortable every time you've seen me away from the theatre and obviously for me too, as the last...
