Dear Mr. Trump,
I am a young, educated (or at least trying to be, as I have not yet finished my schooling), outspoken female, who happens to be of Mexican descent and part of the LGBT+ community. I am not writing to congratulate you on the win, which has honestly made me sick to my stomach and frightened for my future, but to instead ask a few questions of you. Why do you hate everything about me? Why does every single thing about me as a person deserve to be hated by you? What have I, and others like me, done specifically to you to make you abhor us, as you have made clear in this past year?
Allow me to explain myself. From what you have said about my race, gender, and beliefs, you have made it clear that I, and people like me, are the issue with America. Let me begin by...
Dear Mr. Dixon and the cast of Hamilton,
First and foremost, congratulations on your outstanding run of a show, which is still running hot and heavy. I have the utmost respect for your profession. More so, I am in awe of the brilliantly scripted musical that has been created in lieu of one of our history's most influential men.
However (uh oh, here it comes)... I'll come right out and say it:
Shame on all of you.
Shame on your for your level of unprofessionalism at the November 18th show, as Vice President elect Mike Pence sat in your audience.
I do not know Mike Pence personally, nor do I have to, to know that what you did falls on the human spectrum of plain disrespect.
Mr. Pence was a paying viewer, and ultimately someone who was eager to see and support...
What is a country without patriotism? Those of you who are out the streets burning our nation's flag, those of you who are out at football games kneeling during The Star Spangled Banner, and those of you who besmirch our country's name as a form of protest, are far less than patriots. You, are the ones causing me to ask this question. You, are the ones altering the image of this country.
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines patriotism as “ love for or devotion to one’s country”. Burning our flag as a form of protest is nothing of the sort. Burning our flag which is far more than just cloth, symbolizes malevolence for everything the flag represents. The flag represents everyone who has fought to preserve this country, it’s freedom, and it’s ideals. Supporting them, and supporting our...
First open your mind and then your eyes as you read the following. First we start with the undisputed facts of what occurred in London during the last week of October, 2016...;
Rumors are swirling that Julian Assange has been captured and sent on a rendition flight to Charlotte, North Carolina aboard a United States military plane known as the Guantanamo Bay Express.
WikiLeaks announced that Julian Assange’s internet access had been cut by “a state actor” late Sunday night, prompting fears for his safety. A small crowd of supporters gathered outside the embassy in London in order to protect him by providing witness to any foul play.
People were on edge already because of US Secretary of State John Kerry’s...
I turn on the TV everyday to watch the news and also the highly biased media help our current president promote chaos and violence. When is it going to stop?
I just watched the clip from President Obama's press conference in Germany in which he encouraged protesting. I also heard him say he has been the subject of protests during his tenure as president.
What I didn't hear was him saying that peaceful protesting is OKAY but RIOTING, damaging property, burning the flag and President-Elect Trump in effigy is NOT OKAY. That these are criminal actions that should be prosecuted.
All the hateful slurs should stop. No one should be treated with anything less than respect for having a different opinion than yours.
If your candidate did win then act with respect and happiness....
I am a New York City public school teacher.
I am a heterosexual female.
I am a Catholic who does not judge others “by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” (MLK Jr.).
I am not a Democrat.
I am not a Republican.
I did not vote for Hillary Clinton.
I did vote for Donald Trump.
It seems that these are the most important things that one should know about me, because THESE are the things that DEFINE me, right?
Throughout the election process, I watched as my friends vigorously posted statuses on Facebook and memes on Instagram, slashing both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Throughout the election, I refrained from posting anything political, no matter how badly I wanted to respond or comment.
After Trump took the position of...
Welcome to DC, Mr. Trump. These must be heady days for you and your team. Congratulations on winning a hard fought campaign.
You were in Washington a couple of days ago. Just two quick questions: Exactly how bad was the stench? Have you found the drain plug yet? Hint: It’s doubtful that it will be anywhere near VP-Elect Mike Pence and certainly not found in the embodiment of RNC Chairman Priebus (aka Chief of Staff) or in the halls of a Congress ruled by Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell.
On Jan 20, 2017 with the stroke of your pen, you can undo much of the extra-constitutional executive overreach and regulatory damage of the last eight years. Bring lots of ink. Be absolutely brutal. You have promised to dismantle the Obama legacy of big government elitism, regulation and...
For those of you who’ve never heard his name, Saul Alinsky was a highly skilled community organizer and political activist who found notoriety through his work improving the conditions of poor communities across the United States during the 1950’s and 60’s. His methodologies gained enormous results and were adapted by many college students and “counter-culture” organizers during the social and political unrest of the 1960’s. His tactics were so new and radical that in 1966, conservative author William F. Buckley Jr. said that Alinsky was “very close to being an organizational genius.” And in 1970, Time magazine wrote that “it is not too much to argue that American democracy is being altered by Alinsky.” He eventually published his book “Rules for Radicals” in 1971, which has since...
Ever since our president elect was announced last Tuesday I have mostly kept my opinions to myself in the wake of all the craziness surrounding the election. I have always believed that one should carefully think about the words that come out of their mouth before they escape and cannot be unsaid. Had I spoken any sooner on this issue what would have likely followed would be a clustered regurgitation of vulgarities and hate filled anger. The real issue with such an outburst is that I would then be speaking in the same fashion as our president elect, the same way that I have criticized him for speaking on many occasions during his time on the campaign trail. It was crucial for me to take this last week and carefully consider exactly how I feel and how I wanted to present those thoughts...
To Whom It Concerns,
Today, after reading a Facebook post from a fellow Coe College Kohawk I felt triggered. In fact, at the time of writing this I can barely keep my focus due to my emotions over this issue.
I have felt unsafe and targeted for the first time ever during my collegiate career. This was not due to unwanted sexual advances or hate speech, in fact it was due to the actions Coe College took in order to silence a fellow Kohawk's personal views and beliefs. Representatives of the College ordered a political sign to be taken down that was hanging on a dormitory door. It has come to my attention that some individual has stolen the sign, this is completely unacceptable and accountability is necessary. Now, I understand how the college views political beliefs as...