
To President-Elect Donald Trump: Hi Donald. You really seem to like twitter. I don't really use it much, but from time to time I see something that you've tweeted. Like this, for example: “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/803567993036754944 Now, let's start with the things that we can agree upon. I also don't like flag burning. Like you, I love my country. Sure we have issues, and life is considerably better for some of us than others. We have a lot of work to do. But ours is a country of self-reflection, and self-improvement. I love our country, warts and all. It saddens me when people deface the symbol of our great...
First off, I am not a homophobe, Islamaphobe, racist, etc. I am your neighbor who held the door for you, said hello and helped out when you needed it. I love all people on this planet; even those who don't really deserve it. I believe we are all God's children and worthy of respect and love. Immigration is a hot topic and always will be. Many are taking to the streets because they are worried about being deported based on race, religion and any other reason they see as being different. You use the word "undocumented" which is another word for illegal. If being "different" was a criteria for being deported then there wouldn't be anyone left here. While you are screaming and protesting about being deported please calm down and start thinking rationally. Why is okay for you to...
I have no idea if anyone will read this letter or if it will make any sort of impact, but I knew that I had to write it. I am growing tired of nothing happening and nobody being able to do anything that significant even with all the effort that is out there. Christina Aguilera’s beautiful lyrics of “waiting on a change to set us free” work for the song, but no longer work for the people. It certainly does not sit well with me to wait, especially after this major setback that came with this election. Although I say setback, this election really is not that, but more of a realization of where America stands, and to me that is worse than a setback. Therefore I am writing this letter to anyone that will hear me. I am a twenty year old woman in college in New Jersey. I am a part of...
Dear citizens of democratic countries, You, as an American, as an European have the opportunity that most of the people in the world don’t have, the opportunity to take part in deciding how your country is ruled by voting in fair elections. According to the Democracy Index created by the UK based Intelligence Unit, only 9% of the world’s population lives in a democracy and 40% in a «flawed» democracy. We, as part of these privileged half of the world, have the highly valuable opportunity to vote and yet a large part of us seem to fail to understand or to realize how important and precious this right is. In the United States elections two weeks ago, barely half of the US citizens eligible for vote decided to exercise this right. In France, this weekend, only 4 millions people...
I am tired of being judged as a Christian, conservative, female, American. People assume that my beliefs fill me with hate for anyone who does not fit into the conventional mold. They think that I believe everyone should live a white picket lifestyle and if they don't they should be punished. They believe that my anti-abortion stance comes from a belief that women should not have choices and rights to their body. They think it comes from a place of anger or hate fueled by religion. This could not be further from the truth. In reality, my pro-life stance come from a place of love and compassion. I am passionate about protecting the lives of infants. If I thought that abortion was only a choice that affected the mother, then sure, I would be pro-abortion. Wether I agree with that choice...
It was just revealed and proven at the whereisassange sub of Reddit that the John Pilger interview with Julian Assabge was made in August NOT October as some of the "new" Wikileaks sub mods and "Wikileaks" (believed to now be compromised) falsely asserted. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereIsAssange/comments/5dxeuc/bombshell_pilgerassange_interview_was_conducted/ Therefore we have gone more than 30 days with no verifiable proof of life other than a photograph (easily fabricated with photoshop) and a horrible voice recording of a telephone calll ostensibly made in November. Voice duplication technology has been perfected by the U.S. government since 2010 and used to fool us before with the infamous fake Bin Laden recording https://afewthoughtsfrombruce.wordpress.com/2015/06/06/10-...
Dear Senators Kirk and Durbin: I write as a concerned citizen of the State of Illinois, and am deeply opposed to the Senate confirming Sen. Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. I strongly urge you to vote against confirming Sen. Sessions for the important and powerful position of Attorney General. His position on a host of issues makes clear that he is not fit to be our new Attorney General. Now, more than ever, we deserve better and can do better. Further, on a more personal level, I strongly support the rights of citizens to utilize cannabis for medicinal purposes, and applaud the states that have taken steps to regulate its use. The results of the recent election and polls make clear that nationally an overwhelming majority of US citizens support the legalization of cannabis...
To all you precious little entitled college creampuffs. For years your kind have smugly made fun of men like me. Men who believe in work, not book learning. The men who fight and die to preserve your freedom. We are the men who do the real work in this Republic. We are the cops, the firemen, the plumbers, the builders and the makers and truck drivers. And you have nothing but hate in your hearts for us. You laugh at us who speak the language of the common man. You call us rubes and a lot worse. And if it wasn't for us, America would stop running. Your TV and movies laugh at us and call us names. We who you would never face and fight like a man. You make fun of our faith in God, the God who founded this great Nation as a Christian beacon, to spread the glory and love of His Son...
We used to live in a country where we respected others’ beliefs, opinions, and perspectives. That is, until our great nation became fractured with hate and fear, due to the election that took place on November 8th, 2016. We are acting like the Confederacy did when Abraham Lincoln was elected, we are acting out of fear, fear that our great nation will come falling down. We need to open our eyes to the true reality, we are causing our nation’s downfall by letting fear and hate run our lives. We need to ask ourselves, are we really going to destroy everything we’ve helped develop to satisfy our hate? Don’t only think of yourself but keep in mind our future generations, your kids and grand kids, do you really want them growing up in a war zone? We as a nation have to not only see...
OPEN LETTER TO DONALD TRUMP 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA HIS MAGNIFICENCE Paramount, Respect Blackness Movement on behalf of Africa and the black man extends its congratulatory message for the prophetic and historic victory of November the 8th. It is beyond doubt that greater grace showers your life and it is beyond doubt that God’s countenance shines upon you. With a man such as you, not only America will be delivered but the world at large. The predecessor issues now lie on your table determining the futuristic prospects of tomorrow. Weeps of the globe and whips of the oppressed definitely have started to congest your ears. Cries of the chastened beyond doubt have started to cloud your heart. In such a dispensation a newly nonpartisan...
