
I'm not a fan of discussing my political views online, but since we'll be having a very...interesting...few years, I feel the need to say this: I didn't like, or vote for, either major candidate. Personally, I think the two-party system is a broken mess. I hated the brutality and hatred and ugliness on both sides of the campaign, by both the candidates and their supporters. So when I watched Trump win, I didn't know what to expect. Then I saw his victory speech, and I was proud of his humbleness and graciousness to Hillary. I said to myself, "You know what, the man deserves a chance to prove he can actually lead this country." And for a while, I was optimistic—a view I do not undertake lightly. But as the weeks have rolled on, I find myself appalled at the lack of control and poor...
Dear Representative John Lewis, I have been outraged by your statement that Donald Trump is not a legitimate president-elect. Maybe you did not realize that with this statement you insulted almost 63 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump. And what are your grounds for making this statement? Maybe you, like some liberal media reported, believe that Russians hacking the DNC server discredited Hillary Clinton, therefore helping Trump to win. Let me assure you that Hillary Clinton did not need help from the Russians to be discredited. She does it very well herself. You might say that Donald Trump is not a legitimate president because he lost the popular vote. Well, that's exactly why our founding fathers had the idea of an electoral college, so that smaller states have their voice...
The repulsive 2016 elections have demonstrated more clearly than anything else ever could that our 2-party system is a screaming failure and a grotesque joke. Neither candidate showed integrity, neither candidate could boast an investigation-free past (and no, Hillary supporters, I'm not referring to email issues, I'm talking about shady real-estate deals during her husband's Executive tenure), neither candidate could speak intelligently or substantively about a single issue (although the spin was thick enough to walk on), and neither one operated with even the thinnest veneer of genuine concern for the actual well-being of our country and our people. You both called each other names like you were 4-year-olds. You belittled each other like pre-teen bullies, and made yourselves look like...
I am neither a Republican, Democrat, Conservative, or Liberal but a Freethinker. I was raised to listen to all, filter the noise, and find the consensus which ultimately, should be a society that benefits all. The country is based on the Second Treatise On Government by John Locke and the Social Contract by Rousseau. To live in a society individuals have to surrender the ability to so as we please when we want. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the needs of the one is the guiding principle. This is not some nonsense spouted in Star Trek but Utilitarianism a philosophy by John Stuart Mill. We may all argue about the means to the end but not about the end. The Founders believed government exists only by the consent of the governed and that it is...
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgements of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations." - James Madison I never thought that it would come to this. I never thought that equality would be so far from grasp. I never thought that I would be the one to walk the moral high ground. I also never thought that half of you didn't care. Hell, I never thought that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were alienable. But apparently they are. They don't care about liberty, or justice, or even TRUE freedom. They only care about themselves and their beliefs. Their selfish. Like the toddler that looks into the bowl of another and asks "why don't I have as much as him?", instead of asking "does he have...
The first episode of the 4th season of Sherlock depicts events taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. British embassy in Tbilisi is captured by terrorists. British hostages (the good guys) are saved by special freelancer semi-criminal squad of agents (the only member of the group we've met in previous seasons is British). The terrorists on the other hand, have no names, look like dangerous criminals who enjoy killing and torturing people for fun. Oh, and they speak Russian!!! To begin with the events occurring in Tbilisi, Georgia, are completely fictitious and absolutely do not represent the reality of Georgia. We don`t speak Russian here! (Some of us can speak it, but it is not a language you are required to know or are forced to speak). The portrayal of Georgia as a Russian-speaking...
Do not submit any leaks or sensitive information to Wikileaks which was taken over by the CIA on October 16th and is now being operated as a honeypot trap to find previous government sources and future whistle blowers. Likewise do not trust either the Wikileaks nor WhereIsAssange sub reddits at Reddit who have had a massive change of moderators and now block posting of any and all videos from Anonymous, Scott Binsack, InfoWars, and Esoteric Detective and delete/ban users who insist that verifiable proof of life in the form of DNA samples and fingerprints be taken from the Julian Assange body double now in the Ecuadorean embassy in London by an ICIJ onvestigative reporter. Oh, but you say Julian was seen by his lawyer Ms. Robinson and the Swedish prosecutor last month? Not so. Both...
My name is Mary Hancock. You don’t know me now. In an hour, you’ll have forgotten my name. Thus, I’m not only writing this letter for you. I’m writing it in desperation because silence is killing me. My tenth grade classmates ask me why Donald Trump’s vulgar “locker room banter” offends me so greatly. Otherwise intelligent adults keep telling me that “it’ll be okay” and that “it’s only four years”. However, this isn’t “only four years” and anybody who tells you that is being incredibly naive. The effects of a Trump presidency could be being seen for several decades, even centuries, after this term is over. Thereby, we must unite. Non-political crowd, this is your time. It’s not about stopping Trump anymore. It’s about stopping the dangerous movement that elected him. Let this be another...
Most people will be aware of the comments made by Lena Dunham on her podcast this week. Whilst discussing reproductive rights in America Dunham described her reaction when she was asked if she wanted to take part in a project were women discuss their experience of abortion. Her comments can be seen below: I sort of jumped. "I haven't had an abortion," I told her. I wanted to make it really clear to her that as much as I was going out and fighting for other women's options, I myself had never had an abortion. 'And I realised then that even I was carrying within myself stigma around this issue. Even I, the woman who cares as much as anybody about a woman's right to choose, felt it was important that people know that I was unblemished in this department,' 'So many people I love - my...
A series of events that took place during past few days inspired me to write this to Mr. Rahul Gandhi. Let's start with your words that you were not being allowed to speak in parliament as you had some information about "PM's personal corruption". You made a rhetoric that if you will speak there will be an 'Earthquake'. First of all, it's clear to everyone that opposition disrupted parliament throughout winter session, so you mean to say your party members didn't allow you to speak in parliament (probably they know it well that the less you speak the better it is)? You were invited by media to reveal information in press conference but you denied as you wanted to speak in parliament. You kept it secret until winter session was over and even your party members became suspicious whether...
