Hello, Mr. Trump,
My name is Alex and I'm a student of the University of Virginia. I saw early on your appeal during this election and even bet my father 50$ that not only would you be the Republican nominee, but the President.
I hope that you reconsider your policy on illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants to this country include more than just Mexicans or Latin Americans; they include Eastern Europeans in New York, Mongolians in Arlington, and even my fellow Koreans in Palisades, New Jersey and Centreville, Virginia. My mom among them used to be considered one before marrying my father.
I understand that open borders allow anyone to enter our country - including the rapists, murderers and thieves of your so widely misunderstood quote on Mexican immigrants - but...
Dear Hillary Clinton,
The chances of you ever reading this are slim to none. To be honest, the chances of anyone seeing this besides my close circle of social media followers is highly unlikely, yet the best way I can emote how I feel at this time is to write....so here it is. I first emailed you towards the end of the campaign with a general list of my thanks and my thoughts. At the time, I was expecting a very different outcome (as were most Americans.) Though the reality of what happened was extremely different, my admiration, my gratitude, and my respect for you has only grown. I must admit that my admiration for you started a very long time before you decided to run for president the second time around. I was nine years old when you announced your candidacy back in 2008. I didn...
Mr. Trump,
First, let me say congratulations on your win. Becoming the president of the United States of America is something many dream of. Your victory, however, has been met with a very diverse mix of reactions. Some are jubilant, some angry, some heartbroken, and others, such as myself, are simply terrified. As I sit at my computer, afraid to turn on the news or even log onto Facebook to see what the world holds now, I realize I still have options. I could sit back and let it go, I could join the protests, I could argue with my peers, but none of these options seem productive enough for me. Instead, I challenge you Donald Trump. I challenge you, because I know how much you love to win, and I know how much I love this country. I challenge you to prove me wrong. I have seen the work of...
I am sorry for your loss. You obviously pinned your hopes for the future on one woman and that didn't work out.
Now you are scared, angry and for many rioting instead of protesting because once you started shooting, vandalizing and attacking others you crossed the line. Peaceful protests are part of our country. Walking down the street chanting for change is part of our democracy.
Carrying signs with foul language, burning Mr. Trump in effigy, destroying property, attacking others and shredding and burning the American flag isn't protesting. That is rioting.
HOW DARE YOU BURN THE AMERICAN FLAG!!! The American flag is a symbol of freedom. That flag carries the blood of millions who have fought and died to allow you the right to PROTEST, not riot. That flag is what helps...
I have felt anger these past few days after the election in the United States. I was not an enthusiastic supporter of Hillary Clinton but did not want Donald Trump to become President of the United States of America. Once my anger subsided I realized why America elected this opportunist. People wanted change from the politics as usual in Washington. The American public wanted someone who was not a part of the establishment that is entrenched in our nation's capital. However as the old saying goes a tiger can't change it's stripes. Trump has not provided a positive message in this past election and has provided a path for racist,homophobes,isolationist,xenophobes,and war mongers access to the oval office. These people who elected Trump either do not care about the consequences of their...
Dear American Protesters,
I get it.
You’re astonished, mortified, afraid, disgusted - pissed off.
And in this land of free speech and open spaces, you want to shout your feelings, fill the air with your angst, coat the outer walls of ivory towers and high-rise apartments with your rage and denial - because maybe, if you’re loud enough and if there are enough of you, the recent inconceivable election results can be reversed and order (as you see it) can be restored.
And as a proponent of freedom, free speech specifically, I say have at it. Shout. March. Protest.
But as a fellow citizen and an idolizer of productivity, I say you’re doing it wrong.
Also, I’ve heard a lot of people telling you to stop it. Or to yell louder. I want to tell you something else. Please,...
I am writing this open letter because frankly I feel that I have sat on the sidelines as an observer for far too long. I am not going to highlight my gender, my level of education, my race, my age, or my political affiliations, as I do not personally believe that any of those factors contribute to whether or not I am a moral or credible individual, and they certainly do not determine whether or not I deserve to have an opinion.
Over the last year, the entire world has been obsessively watching the campaign for the oh-so coveted position of President of the “United” States of America. On voting day, our stomachs were churning, our hearts were racing – and for some of us they were breaking – as results started pouring in.
Now, we are raw. We are exhausted. We are wounded. We are all...
Dear Mr. Trump,
I am writing to introduce myself. I am one of approximately 60,467,601 Americans who did NOT vote for you for President. To put this in perspective for you, 52.5% of US voters did NOT want you for President. Additionally, you should be aware that of the approximately 318,900,000 current citizens of the United States, 258,000,000 did NOT have a say in your election. I hope that this gives you some pause and reason to consider your next and first moves as holder of the office of President.
The Constitution of the United States (which I quote from here and later in this paragraph) declares that a person elected to the Presidency “shall hold his Office.” The key word here is “hold”, meaning to occupy or fill. You are only a temporary custodian of the office. You do...
I remember the day I first became a racist. It was 2008 and I had just voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin. I was not to thrilled with McCain's voting history but Sarah had me captivated. A woman who had challenged the Republican party and advanced up the ranks in a challenging state, politically and physically. She was confidant, proud of her views, and unashamedly conservative. I was voting on the issues. I was voting for the first woman VP. Most of all, I was an informed voter. I always have been. I review the issues at hand and make a determination on what I believe is the best for my country. Then I vote according to my beliefs.
I had never voted on race. Once could argue I had never been given the chance to vote on race but let me be even more specific; I had...
Dear Depressed Voters,
On election night my increasing dread morphed into actual nausea when the news anchor called Donald Trump our president-elect. A woman told me the election result elicited the exact same emotions she felt when her cat died. Roughly half the country is experiencing a massive collective grief reaction. This is my attempt to get beyond denial, anger, depression and acceptance (sorry, I didn't see the point in bargaining) and progress to healing and action.
We progressives have been spoiled and lulled into complacency by recent history. We think that social, political, and economic progress are inevitable and all we have to do is sit back and watch. We forget how cyclical history is. The Roman Republic was followed by the Empire and then the dark ages before...