
We are getting close to the Electoral College vote on December 19th and I keep seeing everyone venting their opinions about who they need to vote for and I keep wondering one thing...WHY is your opinion the only important one? Why can I not have an opposing opinion and be treated respectfully for having it? Can I not choose to make a decision that impacts my life and the lives of my family? WHY are YOU the only one who can make that decision? I keep reading the news, letters on here, watch TV and am wondering why doesn't my opinion (vote) matter if I chose to vote for Trump? Why am I a DEPLORABLE just because I want a job that pays more than minimum wage, want a president that doesn't have to use executive orders to pass his will (ideas) for how the United States should be run...
Dear Tomi Lahren, Just so you are aware, approximately 4.2 million black children live in poverty, which is 4 times the rate of white or Asian children living in impoverished conditions. Also, I just want you to know that schools where the majority of students are black receive less funding per student when compared to schools where the majority of students are white. I would also like to point out the statistics that black youths are victims of violent crimes at significantly higher rates than their white peers. As I am sure you can comprehend, given the fact that you seem like an intelligent human being, all of those environmental stressors can do a lot of negative harm to a person. However, this is where I am sure we disagree. You, like many others, probably cast blame on the...
Dear Vice President Biden, I hope and pray this letter finds you in good health and strength. I write this letter with great sincerity in asking for your help. Last year you came to The University of Pennsylvania Hospital located in Philadelphia Pennsylvania where I currently work and told us that A Cure for cancer is needed. You told us the importance of the fight and most of all you insured us that enough lives have been claimed to this horrific disease. I believe that a cure is evident. I have worked in the Cancer filed for approximately 10 years. Many can’t understand why my passion is so great towards fighting this disease, but this simply something I cannot turn off. For 10 years I have watched my patients bravely fight for their lives and most of all look to an end of this...
Dear members of the Electoral College: On December 19th the world will be watching with bated breath, desperately clinging to the hope that a requisite number of you will put your humanity ahead of politics and choose the right side of history, rather than engage in the archaic and undemocratic (note the popular vote) ensuring the disenfranchisement of over 2.5 million Americans who did not vote for an ego-maniacal sociopath, but voted for progress, for tolerance, for a brighter future. Please put an end to this insanity and save us from utter catastrophe. I'M BEGGING YOU! It's obvious to those of us living in the rational world, not stuck in a satirical reality devoid of facts and basic human decency, that Trump is psychologically, temperamentally, intellectually, and morally unfit to...
Dear President Putin, In the name of human rights and honest government, we hereby ask that you allow your intelligence services to leak to the below media outlets the true location of international hero Julian Assange who we suspect is now being aggressively tortured by U.S. government operatives. We and ANONYMOUS have accumulated substantial evidence and clues that Julian Assange was "rendered" from the Ecuador Embassy in London on October 17th, 2016 after President Obama conveniently,but falsely declared that Julian Assange was a "terrorist" (only to justify the rendition). Please see these 5 links and do what our own American government will not - Tell the truth about Julian Assange: http://www.opnlttr.com/letter/public-warning-wikileaks-now-run-cia-technicians-operation-...
I saw that you wrote a deeply misguided post about 'whiny' Trump protestors. I am writing this letter in response because I want to make something abundantly clear: this is so not about ‘whining’ that Clinton lost. This is about a real and imminent fear for the American people. I want to address a few things you wrote. Your argument is that ‘Protesting is un-American’ and ‘Conservatives didn’t protest Obama’s elections,' so as a result, ‘We should all just get over it.’ Unfortunately, I cannot see how any of that is relevant in this situation. First of all, protesting is indeed American: it is, in essence, the definition of an exercise of free speech. Secondly, the reason Conservatives didn’t protest either of Obama’s elections was because there was nothing to protest. Agree or disagree...
Dear Lieutenant-Governor, I am pleased to hear that you are leaving. As far as I know, the only thing you did in your five year term in Jersey was aid harm to a vulnerable adult and uphold corrupt and abusive and inter-conflicted members of Jersey's States and Deanery in the massive abuse cover-up. I am hearing a lot from Jersey about you at the moment, about your post leaving do, to which only the elite were invited, about your fuss in the JEP how emotional you are about leaving, and about how most of Jersey wondered why you were there at all, your single act in Jersey being to uphold corrupt and powerful wrongdoers who sit both in States and Judiciary and in positions in the Jersey Deanery. Did you really need five years worth of taxpayers money in order to engineer...
My name is Azazel Pierce, I’m a Native American and Turkish mix born into a family with multiple generations in the united states. I appear close enough to Caucasian to where I don’t frequently face any forms of racism. However, my ethnicity connects me to a people who faced some of the highest levels of racism and foul treatment. My, ancestors were forced to walk thousands of miles to small reservations, where many faced disease, death, and extreme change of life. In the beginning of “An Open Letter from an Immigrant” the opening statement refers to these people being scrutinized and dehumanized simply because they face hardships in integration and are judged and biased because of their appearance. This is a childish complaint that resembles a child not being chosen to play on a team...
Dear Associate Minister Indira Naidoo-Harris and Minister Mitzie Hunter, The Ryerson Student Childcare Advocacy Association (RSCAA) would like to begin by commending your government's renewed commitment to child care in Ontario. As a group of incumbent early childhood educators, the announcement of funding for 100,000 new child care spaces was widely celebrated. Many of us, however, celebrated cautiously, as expanding child care is about much more than providing “spaces” and “jobs”. Child care in Ontario needs a renewed vision centered on high quality care for children. As four-year degree and Master’s students, we wish to emphasize that quality cannot be achieved without well-trained, well-educated and passionate educators. Secure attachments through responsive relationships with...
The greatest CIA sponsored coup of all time was not Chile nor even Austrailia, but rather their most recent success - the take down of Wikilieaks which has been the thorn in the side of U.S. government corruption and war crimes for two decades. On October 17th, 2016 the Ecuadorian Embassy in London has some uninvited "guests: arranged by SoS John Kerry. The guests were SOF of the U.S. Army and three agents of MI6 and an EMT who waited in one of three white vans. The streets around the embassy had be blocked within 200 yards and locals reported the unusual activity and those that attempted to take photos had their mobile phones confiscated. This is information stems from a leak made by a U.S. Secret Agent who claims President Obama was speaking on his phone "In an angry voice" to...
