
Dear Donald Trump, You are officially going to be the next president of the United States. Starting January 20th, 2017 you and Mr. Pence will be the symbols of our country. Currently people are genuinely scared of living in our country because of your policies. I myself have many fears of our country going backwards on the many civil rights movements we’ve worked so hard to achieve. I’m scared that the children of America will grow up seeing that their President has called a woman all of the following names: fat, a pig, a slob, and a disgusting animal. I’m afraid that little boys will see how their President has treated women and assume that it is alright. I’m scared that women will not have a choice over what to do with their own bodies. I’m terrified that America will no longer be a...
The electoral college system is messed up, and now more than ever is that fact hard to deny. In theory, the states each have their own, individual elections, because we are a nation of states, not a nation of people. But twice in my lifetime, I have seen it work against the common interest of America. In 2000, a man who stood for many things I disagreed with was elected president, despite more than half of America voting for him. But America conceded, because despite his somewhat misguided morals, he was ultimately a man who was capable of being president. Some may have denied this at the time, but it was evident in the face of tragedy, and is now more evident than ever, that he acted with America’s best interests at heart. Less than a week ago, our system failed us again. More than...
When I am called a racist, bigot, sexist, anti-feminist, homophobic, among other things it does upset me as none of these describe me, my beliefs or who I am as a person. However, you can make judgments about me and say horrible things about me and believe what you want. That is your right to do because you are an American. As an Americans we have the right to vote for our leaders. Unlike so many countries in this world. Every four years we have a chance to vote and let our voice be heard. Some years our preferred candidate prevails and some years they don't. Four years ago was my first presidential election I was able to vote in, and I did. That night I also watched the results just like millions of us did on Tuesday. On that Tuesday, my preferred candidate did not win...
Dear Mr. Trump, You fought your way into presidency, you demonstrated racist behavior, you degraded women, and you slandered people's names and race in order to reach the top. You have inflicted fear into much of the nation, and divided the rest. You prayed on the uneducated, the poor, and those who desperately wanted change. You have created an uproar across the nation and the world, of those who do not believe in you. I do not believe in you, Mr. Trump. I do not believe that you have the qualifications to run our nation, and I certainly do not believe that you ran this election with your heart. You chose to run your election based on hate. And you won. There has never been such a clear divide in this nation since the Civil War (1861-1865). Don't get me wrong, Mr. Trump,...
To everyone, Like so many in this country, I have been left stunned and shaken by the recent election. From the beginning, we all knew this was going to be an important election. There were so many ugly moments and I know many of us, were simply ready for it to be over. But, with the announcement that Donald Trump will be our 45th president, our work is far from over. My first election, when I was 18, was Obama vs McCain. That was a heated election. And Obama vs Romney was also a heated election. But, I have never seen the country so divided since this recent one. Growing up, our mission was to come together as people. That our differences, while making us who we are, also didn't mean that we had to be separate. We had come too far for that. The past few years have been hard....
What will you do now, Mr. Trump? After a long and hard-fought campaign, you have won the election and will become the 45th president of our country in less than two months. While I cannot celebrate in this victory of yours, I am also trying not to despair at this turn of events. I want to give you a chance. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, and I believe that there are many others out there who want to as well. But for us to be able to do that, we need to know what you are going to do now regarding the many issues that make us fear you, your supporters, and your presidency. Right now, we have a very divided nation, and you are right to say that we need to work towards uniting together once more. However, it is you who must show us the path that will make this possible....
I’m saddened, sickened, disgusted, and hurt by the way some (not all) Hillary supporters are acting. They want to make change and make things unified, but I flip on the news, look at Facebook and I see the exact opposite. I see people being shot, beat up, yelled at, and called “bigots”. Where is the love in that? Many say “Love Trumps Hate” so show the love, do not show the hate. They are contradicting themselves when they say this because they are showing so much hatred towards their family, friends and country when they call a trump supporter a “racist” or a “woman hater”. I am a woman, and I am in no way a “woman hater” or a “racist” When are people going to learn that change starts with ourselves. No president, vice president, Secretary of State or anyone in the political sector is...
November 9th, 2016 This letter, is addressed to all those whom might be persuaded to read it in the wake of this unprecedented election cycle. I am not a professional writer, so I apologize early on for any gramatical mistakes found here. This will likely not be edited or even proofread very likely this letter will be lost in all the chaos and confusion surrounding the weeks or months to come. But I feel as if I need to get this off of my chest if I am going to be able to sleep at night for the next four years, not dissect it for 'perfection'. I am an American citizen, one whom cannot vote, and as such did not vote in this election cycle. But despite my inability to vote, I have never once felt orchestrated, alienated, or left out of the process. That has changed....
Please let me start by offering my condolences. We can feel and see your pain. We know the pain because we were preparing ourselves to be the recipients of this pain for some time now. I, for one, thought that a very adequate job had been done of painting President Elect Trump as the true leader of, what could only be, the deplorable far right. If they failed in that mission it was not due to lack of effort. I am not crying foul. I understand their trepidation. This was a cringe worthy campaign all around. So my feelings for your concern are genuine. But you need to know something about us. The voter that probably pushed the surge that gave the victory to Donald Trump. We are not what you think we are. Allow me to explain. I am transplanted from a major city to rural Ohio. I know...
If I could have voted in this election, I would not have voted for you. This much is plain and simple. Your hateful and insulting rhetoric filled me with anger and disgust these past fifteen months, and there was never a doubt in my mind that America would be sane enough to prevent you from entering office. As I watched you win primary after primary, the Republican National Convention, my stance remained unchanged, and I was still unable to fathom the thought of your presidency being a viable possibility. Who would elect such a racist? Somebody so sexist? A severe threat to the progress that has been made towards equality in this nation? Well, I guess the American people would, and did. However, despite the dark period many feel we are now entering, I still hold steadfast in the...
