
I woke up at 3am and immediately reached for my phone to see how the election was shaping up. I was sad (though not surprised) to find that Trump would likely become the next President of the United States. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn’t resist refreshing the page that was reporting results live. I gave up on sleep and moved to the couch, where I switched between the plethora of social media platforms—all filled with the full spectrum of emotions. I don’t know why I couldn’t put it down, it was clear what was happening. Watching it unfold wouldn’t change anything one way or the other. Finally, around 6am, I went back to bed. I woke up again at 8:30 with the same feeling you have after something really bad happens. You probably know what I mean—I woke up and, for a second,...
Donald Trump. You have caused quite a scene in this country. You've lied, cheated, and spewed hate and yet still somehow managed to convince enough of this country that you were qualified to lead us. In the wake of the election night, we have seen a tremendous divide, one that neither you nor your supporters seem to understand. On my pages, I've seen numerous Trump supporters shame the protests. They've called protesters 'sore losers' and accused them of treating you unfairly. You've even chimed in to do this as well. What you're all missing is the point of their protests. Throughout your campaign you openly inspired hate towards minorities. You degraded women. You shamed LGBTQ. There is a reason that so many of your supporters feel justified in their hate crimes. There is a reason...
It’s one o’clock in the afternoon on a hot, sunny Thursday here at San Diego State University. Trump was elected president just two days ago, and I am convinced the citizens of the “United” States of America are already destroying this country more than Donald Trump potentially ever could. I say “United” because right now, at this point in time, the word usage of united is anything but felicitous to be describing our States. I’ve been trying to study in the library since 11 a.m. for three difficult tests in Organic Chemistry, Microbiology, and Psychology I have next week. After the past two disruptive hours of not being able to study while only listening to enraged protesters outside the library shouting “Not our President”, “Never Trump”, and profanity in regards to President-elect...
Dear President-Elect Trump, I did not vote for you. I was pretty certain that I wouldn’t vote for you the minute that you rode down that elevator and my decision was confirmed again and again throughout your campaign as things that you said reflected a lack of empathy for other people that I still find disturbing – from supporting torture to gross generalizations about entire races and religions. Despite my misgivings, though, you won enough votes in enough places to become the president of these United States – my president. In your victory speech you claimed that you would be a president for all Americans. You even asked for the help of those who didn’t vote for you – just a little over half of the population of our country. I sincerely hope that you meant that request. Even...
I did not vote for you but I will respect your victory. I am a veteran teacher and principal and feel that adults should model the behaviors we expect from children. As you traveled the country giving speeches, you did not act the way I would want my students to see as an example. I need you to know that today was traumatic for children in schools all over this country. They cried because they are afraid their families will no longer be parents bound to one another by law. They cried because they are afraid that their friends and family will be deported. They cried because they are disabled and feel that you make fun of them. They are terrified that others will copy your behavior. Imagine teaching a room full of traumatized children as the result of a presidential election. I...
An open letter to all my American sisters. My heart is so heavy today for ALL minorities but for obvious reasons I can only relate to my fellow sisters. Working in two very male dominated industries I am far too familiar with inequality. On numerous accounts I have had men refuse to speak to me regarding subjects I am more than capable of discussing, simply because they cannot accept even the idea that a woman would be intelligent enough to answer their questions. I have had a manager tell me only women can answer the phone in a work place, I have had men cat call and degrade my body with their eyes. These are not things I talk about OR usually let get to me, however in this instance I just cannot be silent. I'm mind boggled that any woman, child of a woman (obviously everyone) or...
Dear America, You have no idea who I am, but let me introduce myself. I am an African American woman. I am a millennial. I am an independent, but most of all I am a girl who is scared for the future of her country. And I am probably not even scared for the reasons you think. What scares me is not the fact that Donald Trump will be our next president. I honestly have made peace with that and even wish him well. No. What scares me is all of you. All the people in this country who are throwing words of anger around at each other in this time when we should all be coming together. I am scared because I do not honestly know how this country can rebuild itself after all the words of hate that have been poisoning this country for the last few days, weeks, months, and, frankly, years. I am...
Dear American people, We have chosen wrong. Yes, we. We've chosen a hateful man to lead our nation, and in turn we've screwed ourselves. I hoped that I had underestimated the decency of the American population- but I am just disappointed. It's sad that I, and so many others, now live in fear of our new president. How do we explain this to the children? How do we tell them that the man that openly discriminates against others different than him, and because of this people are afraid? How do we tell them that this hate monger is now the leader of our nation? How the man that grabs them by the pussy has won? I can't answer that personally, but I do know this: we are even more divided that we thought. Our basic human rights are at stake, sitting at a low priority to our new President....
Dear Donald Trump, You are officially going to be the next president of the United States. Starting January 20th, 2017 you and Mr. Pence will be the symbols of our country. Currently people are genuinely scared of living in our country because of your policies. I myself have many fears of our country going backwards on the many civil rights movements we’ve worked so hard to achieve. I’m scared that the children of America will grow up seeing that their President has called a woman all of the following names: fat, a pig, a slob, and a disgusting animal. I’m afraid that little boys will see how their President has treated women and assume that it is alright. I’m scared that women will not have a choice over what to do with their own bodies. I’m terrified that America will no longer be a...
The electoral college system is messed up, and now more than ever is that fact hard to deny. In theory, the states each have their own, individual elections, because we are a nation of states, not a nation of people. But twice in my lifetime, I have seen it work against the common interest of America. In 2000, a man who stood for many things I disagreed with was elected president, despite more than half of America voting for him. But America conceded, because despite his somewhat misguided morals, he was ultimately a man who was capable of being president. Some may have denied this at the time, but it was evident in the face of tragedy, and is now more evident than ever, that he acted with America’s best interests at heart. Less than a week ago, our system failed us again. More than...
