AS a woman that grew up in a lower middle class family I was given many opportunities to achieve greatness.
I am one who has not fully reach her full potential as of yet.
I excel at most things put before me.
I wasn't given the tools appropriate for my generation(Y) to deal with a teenage pregnancy at the age of 17.
Dropping out of high school even though I was an All-State Swimmer.
After 20 years I finally feel as if I just grew up.
I am working hard to achieve better.
My Country (USA) has always been there for me when I was in need of a loving gentle hand up.
I want to show you and the futures to come that I chose to stay in this race of creating a better tomorrow, even though I didn't have a proper manual for my life.
My country gave me a safe place to be molded...
[An Open Letter to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg]
Dear Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,
I am one of your greatest admirers. Your ability to reason, your process for making decisions of law, is an inspiration to anyone interested in justice.
The first paper I produced in graduate school was an attempt to challenge a commonly held view in political science about the role of political preference in judicial reasoning.
It was a case study of the two justices that are at the foundation of modern American legal reasoning. You, and your late friend Justice Antonin Gregory Scalia.
I chose this dichotomy because the opposing outcomes of your well-reasoned judgment are a valuable part of our collective social consciousness.
I focused on cases in which yourself and Justice Scalia...
Back in 2008, Senator Barrack Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay, forbid torture, and stop the illegal CIA renditions if we elected him. The bottom line is that he didn't keep his word with America.
But the torture of American dissidents, whistleblowers, and political prisoners in U.S. prisons have been going on for years as recently revealed by former U.S.Treasury Agent, FBI informant, and U.S. military veteran Bruce Gorcyca who detailed 15 different ways he was physically and mentally tortured for 90 days to compel him to sign a false confession to justify his false imprisonment for 38 months. The prepared statement also proclaimed that he "Has no knowledge of any government crimes nor corruption". Despite three months of abuse he refused to sign the document and went on a 3 week...
Some people claim to be Christian while supporting tRump* which means either Christians are vile people, or those supporting tRump are dishonest (or stupid)!
I want to make sure this is clear to everyone: No decent, sane, person supports tRump! Not a single one.
If you have a friend who supports tRump you can be 100% certain that they fall into one of three categories:
- Not very bright or, at least, completely ignorant.
- Extremely racist, misogynist, or just generally hateful.
- Corrupt party hack who hitched their political wagon to the Republican party.
Having been raised Catholic I have been a regular Church goer for as long as I can remember (I doubt I ever went more that three weeks without going to mass). I started questioning my religion a couple of years ago but remained...
Dear Citizens,
I do not take what I am about to do lightly, but the order to ban people from specific countries, (which just happen to have Muslim majorities and none of which have commercial ties to Der Pumpkin Fuhrer,) is unconstitutional and runs contrary to everything that this country stands for. The cowardice of Der Pumpkin Fuhrer, Speaker of The House, and President Pro Tempore of the Senate, who have shut down any protest, makes this action necessary. We as a nation have done things like this before, (Chinese Exclusion Act, Internment of the Issei and Nisei, and the refusal to admit European Jews,) which have left stains that blacken the soul of the country. If we all do not speak out, we are complicit in evil and we will be looked upon by future generations with disdain. I...
My Dearest America,
Somewhere along the way we lost our moral compass as a nation, we let hate and divisiveness guide us. We let tough-talk and political brashness take a leading role. We elected a man who in one week did more to reverse the progress of not only our nation, but of the entire world. We elected a man who obviously has no understanding or regard for our Constitution, and we put him into the most powerful position in the world. I don’t know why we did this, I am sure we will ponder that question for the remainder of our lives. I find it hard to have hope when I see the actions of President Trump, but maybe this is what we need to test our strength as a nation. Maybe Trump is what we need to find the goodness inside of all of us. While all of this may or may not be true...
The first week of the Year Zero is underway and the rebirth of NSDAP is chugging along nicely. The dismantling of all consumer protections, shutting down science which does not agree with the worldview of Der Pumpkin Fuhrer, Newspeak, prejudice, and the gagging of the opposition has now become de rigueur. It all started when the Whiner in Chief, (I care not if it is insulting because he acts like a ten year old petulant child,) was upset that the Women's March had more attendees than the Inauguration. Rather than accept this, he forbade the Park Service from tweeting and sent Sean Spicer out to lie. I feel quite bad for Mr. Spicer who, whether one agrees or not with the people he works for, was a person of integrity. Mr Spicer lambasted the press, passing on the complaint that Der Pumpkin...
I often wonder if you know what life is like for "real" Canadians. When you sit in your ivory tower with its view of Capital Hill, drinking your $12 Starbucks coffee, do you wonder what life in this country is really like? I am here to explain it to you.
I am a proud Canadian. I love the things this country stands for, I love that my children do not have to fear persecution if they are LGBT, that my husband and I are an interracial couple, that we are free to be ourselves and have our own thoughts, beliefs, live our lives any way we choose. What I do not love is that our government has chosen to ignore the needs of its working class.
You see, I am a 35 year old Canadian woman, who has been working full time for almost 20 years, and has still yet to ever make more than $11.40 per hour...
January 22, 2017
Yusra Khogali, Sandy Hudson and Janaya Khan (and/or Current Leadership)
Co-founders, Black Lives Matter Toronto
PO Box 30315, York Lanes
North York, ON M3J2C1
[email protected] / [email protected]
Aaron GlynWilliams and Alica Hall
Co-Chairs, Board of Directors
Pride Toronto
55 Berkeley Street
Toronto, ON M5A 2W5
[email protected]
Dear fellow and esteemed community members and activists,
On July 3, 2016, while participating in the Toronto Pride Parade, the organization Black Lives Matter (BLM) held an unexpected sit-in, effectively preventing and blocking the internationally-recognized celebration from continuing, which happened to also be the first time Canada’s Prime Minister joined the parade. The city’s first black...
Dear people of facebook, friends, and family,
Let me start this by saying that I am writing this not to change your political position or to call you out for who you voted for. I am not writing this to tell you that you are wrong. I am not here to sit on a pedestal. I am here to explain my side and ask that you understand. You don't need to agree. You don't need to all of a sudden go against your president. I'm just asking that you hear why I can't "just let it go", and that you respect and empathize, and never ask me to "let it go" again.
I (we) understand that the election is over. I (we) understand that there is someone new in the White House. I (we) understand that the office/position of the POTUS is one of respect. However, I (we) don't understand how to respect the man in that...