
For one of my classes, I was required to read a single book from a list of famous books. My options were limited so I decided that I’d pick up Atlas Shrugged, being that I was somewhat familiar with the authors previous writings. For those who don’t know, Atlas Shrugged was written by Ayn Rand and was first published in 1957. The entire book revolves around Rand’s famous (arguably infamous) philosophy of Objectivism. The main character in this book, Dagny Taggart, is the Operating Vice President of Taggart Transcontinental, an industry that owns railroads that span across North America. In this novel, the operations of the railroad are examined in its dystopic setting where, instead of our Congress, there is a National Legislature, and instead of our president, there is a Head of State....
Have you read the book “The Kite Runner”? I had to read it for my English class. I didn’t like the book very much, it got very dark very fast. In pretty much the beginning of the book Amir the main character watches his friend/servant, Hassan, get raped and he just walked around the corner until it was over, then when he talked to him right after he finished getting raped Amir just acted like he didn’t see anything happen let alone try to help Hassan. then for the rest of the book he tries to forget that he even saw it and didn’t stop Hassan from getting raped. Towards the end of the book Hassan had a son, Sohrab, who has been taken by the Taliban, he became the slave of the man that raped Hassan Amir was very reluctant to go help him get away but he ended up doing it anyway to try to...
To the 45th President of the United States: First off, I would like to give a warm welcome by congratulating you on your speech to Boeing. It's nice to see that you're still as deliberate on your position on American engineering and infrastructure as you were even before your presidential campaign. Speaking of infrastructure, there's an industry that has been dismissed by all the seats of the White House and many seats of Congress - the renewable energy industry. It's unfortunate that there is so much dismissal in this industry because, just like YOUR claims about American infrastructure in general, it needs A LOT of work and other foreign countries, including China, are ahead of us in terms of production or utilization of the products from this industry. And the yields from this...
This past week or so, like much of the country, I have been reading over and over again of the NHS Crisis we are facing as a nation and the challenges of keeping all users of the NHS in good health, be they the most vulnerable of our society, the tax payer, the 'immigrant', the rich and the poor and whatever other prefix chosen to denigrate the Patient. I am myself a regular and highly frequent user of the NHS and I couldn't even begin to make a dent in the gratitude I feel for all those medical professionals and caregivers who have shown me their professionalism, kindness and care throughout my medical needs. The recent reports about the "failing" NHS and in particular, experiences in A...
Dear USA – My Country That I Love So Much, I know you are confused right now. I know things are a bit crazy and noisy. You are feeling divided, dysfunctional, frustrated and even demoralized. But that is part of maturing and it isn’t easy. Remember that you have been tested before and you have been through much worse. Remember that each time, you made it through. With each challenge in your history, you emerged better, smarter and more capable of providing a wonderful life for your people. No difference this time. To get through the challenges of today, remember your collective values with a passion, remember to talk about them and listen to others with respect, even when they see things differently. Consider and acknowledge opposing views with all your heart so you can become even...
Two Sean Hannity video interviews and a Reddit AMA would "prove" this is not possible. But what if Sean Hannity was paid big bucks to assist in "catching dangerous government leakers who endanger national security"? What if that Reddit AMA was fabricated and scripted to ask only softball questions, avoid the subject of fingerprints and DNA samples that would provide verifiable and forensic PROOF OF LIFE, and 90% of those asking the questions were moderators of 36 Reddit sub forums, and not regular users? What if 38 Reddit users who spotted this and tried to expose it were all censored and banned? What if Reddit was programmed to keep this controversy off their front page that gets 5 million views a day? https://voat.co/v/politics/1561668 https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereIsAssange/...
Well in week two reality has gotten stranger and more bizzare than ever. We have Der Pumpkin Fuhrer lambasting a federal judge for finding his immigration ban on muslims and issuing a temporary restraining order, firing Acting Attorney General Sally Yates for doing her job, Kellyanne Conway talking about the Bowling Green Massacre in Kentucky, his interview with Bill O'Reilly, threatening to invade Mexico, insulting the Australian Prime minister (calling refugees illegal), loosening of sanctions on Russia, and leaving out any mention of the Jewish People on International Holocaust Remembrance Day are just the highlights. First up is the Muslim ban that is not a Muslim ban even though Rudolph Giuliani, Der Pumpkin Fuhrer, and et al said it was a ban. The acting Attorney General, Sally...
Dear Congressman Zeldin, The other day I came across an interesting post written and shared by you on social media. It started out innocently enough with your expression of gratitude to your friends and family for the warm birthday wishes that you had received throughout the day. Unfortunately, what caught my attention most was the final line of your post - the line that read “love you all…even you Hillary supporters who have lost your beautiful minds since the election.” I was taken back by such an insensitive comment and had to go back to the beginning of your post to make sure the age you gave at the start was actually 37 years old! 37 year old adults know, at least should know, that a statement such as that is inappropriate from a person who holds the position and stature that...
Dear Derek Congratulations to you on your Oratory Speech in Parliaments like debate in School (Where teachers gave you Topic - To debate for the Topic or against the Topic). As a common Voter of India who has watched Political scenario in India as a Voter since turning 18 years in 1982 was dejected to think that politics will never change from a Colonial system or a Family system of “Democracy” in India. As a non Gujarati after 2002 Riots I was made to understand through News reports and Politicians like you that Modi is the worst criminal in History of Indian Politics. After several years when I got opportunity to travel across Gujarat several times realized that Gujarat was state where it has provided equal opportunity of development among citizen- most amazing example is of...
Please don’t become the next Neville Chamberlain. You’ll notice I didn’t open this letter with ‘To Theresa’ or ‘Dear Mrs May’. That’s because the time for formalities is over. Sometimes, you just have to be blunt and upfront about things. Like starting a letter with my point. Or withdrawing an invitation that you no longer believe should be offered. Theresa May, you are on the fast track to becoming history’s next Neville Chamberlain. After a life of living through the British school system, after being taught about World War Two and the Holocaust over and over throughout my years of history lessons, there is just one thing I know about Neville Chamberlain; he was the man who appeased Hitler. We are taught all the horrendous things that Adolf Hitler did, before, during, and...
