The Electoral College

Subject: The Electoral College
From: Average American
Date: 14 Dec 2016

I admit, until the Election, I felt the same way a lot of people did about the Electoral College. I thought this was rigged system that didn't represent the people.

Boy was I wrong. I admit, I WAS WRONG. I was ignorant of exactly what it was BECAUSE I believed what I was told; that the United States of America, this wonderful free country, was a DEMOCRACY and not a REPUBLIC.

The size of the United States (3.797 MILLION square miles) with a population of 320 MILLION + people is not conducive to a total democracy. That would only work if the entire United States was divided into exact equal states with the same amount of people in each state.

That way, each state would have equal representation during all elections. The way it stands now, Texas, Florida, California and New York would decide who became president and other states like Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Maryland, District of Columbia, etc wouldn't have a chance of being heard. All the inbetween states would be the same way. Those of us who DON"T live in Florida, Texas, California and New York would have to live with the decisions of the others. The population of the those four states have the most people and their will would be done.

Our founding fathers set up our country in the best way to make sure all people had a chance of being heard. The Electors are chosen by each state's party to be the representatives of their states so everyone can be heard. If the electors decide to vote against the will of their people, they are taking the voice from the rest of us. It is like the representatives we send to the capital to make sure we are heard. For many years now, they are only doing what they want and not really representing us any longer.

The bad part about that is we actually PAY them do nothing for us. That needs to stop.

Whether you are a Trump supporter or not, start paying attention to what the representatives of your state are doing. I am just as guilty as most of the population of the United States in that I just complained instead of trying to figure out how to fix the problems of high taxes, low-paying jobs, expensive healthcare and increasing violence.

We need to hold our government accountable just as our ancestors did. The people of the colonies then states weren't afraid to voice their opinions mostly through peaceful protests and just walking up to their representatives and telling them what they thought.

Maybe the White House needs to have an open door policy instead of 150 levels of office staff and no chance in hell of being put through to the people you to which you need to speak. (Thanks Mrs. Smith for 11th & 12th English: "Never end a sentence with a preposition." I learned more grammer and sentence structure with her than in college. But I digress.)

I am not saying riots because those don't help ANYONE. Tearing up property and burning the flag go against everything our founding fathers worked hard to achieve. Peaceful protests are our right and needs to be upheld because that is Free Speech.

We have the GREATEST country in the world and it needs to stay that way. Thousands (I am underestimating here) flee to our country every day in order to have a better life. They don't want to be arrested for having a different opinion or lifestyle. If Colin Kaepernick took a knee in some of the other countries, he would rotting in jail. Case in point, 12 people arrested in India for not standing for the national anthem in a theater. If he is so worried about violence in America, he needs to start volunteering in those areas, talking to the people who represent those areas and not just kneeling during the national anthem. Who knows, maybe he is tired before the game.

I am an Average American and I approve this message.
