
Dear You, We both know that neither of us have had the best of luck in the way of "best" friendship.Both of us have gotten left behind, and so we both know how bad that feels. We're told all the time how much a breakup hurts, but I'd wager that being friend-dumped is worse by far. Why? Well, when you get dumped by a girlfriend or a boyfriend, the hole they leave behind is girlfriend/boyfriend shaped. Eventually, you'll fall in love again and it'll be easier to forget all of the reasons you were hurting so badly before. You'll find "the one", and then you'll understand why it never worked out before. When a friend, a best friend, dumps you, the space they leave in their wake is almost impossible to fill. Even years and years after the fact, when you haven't spoken to your ex-...
Hey you! I still can't wake up in the morning and not think of you. I wrote to you often. Things I am sure you will never read. Each day, I struggle with my thoughts of you and how much I miss you. My heart breaks a little bit more each day. It's been 3 months since I last saw your face, since I last heard your voice. You would think being 900 miles apart would make it easier to forget you. But each morning, afternoon, and night.. There you are. It took so little time together for you to be so deep in my heart. I can't even begin to understand the concept of that. How did I let myself get so close and end up hurting so badly?
I find It appalling that some girls feel the need to comment on how much their friend is eating to the point where their friend is so nervous to eat around them they don’t eat at all and then starve themselves, I find it appalling that you could do something like this to someone you call one of your best friends, you are supposed to go to your friends with your problems so that they can help you, not run away from them because they are the problem….. the fact that you comment of how much she eats so much that she now feels more uncomfortable than ever in her own body, that you are the reason she keeps herself up late at night stressing till she is sick in the stomach about what your next comment will be, that you are the reason that she has thoughts flying around in her mind such as “I’m...
First of all, I'd like to say: congratulations. From what I hear, and it isn't a surprise to me, you turned out pretty well. You are doing what you love, and I couldn't be prouder of you. I know. It's been years since we've seen each other. Even more since we ever really talked. Much longer even since we were best friends. Do you remember how you were my secret Santa in third grade?  I think we used to sit together in groups in fourth grade. You took my photo and I took yours at the end of the school year for our photo albums. I knew you would do something musical with your life when you let our class hear your song about that specific historical event that your dad helped record for you.  I remember that I tried to switch my Halloween costume in fifth grade because one of my other...
I have never felt more heartbroken than I do right now. I honestly think this is worse than any death I have had to face. I feel like I have cancer, and these are the last moments we are going to get to spend together. And even though this time will be special it will never be the same because there is that thing, we will call cancer, standing between us. In the last two years, I have seen you push me away, and I know why I really do. I have been so angry about it but have just sat in silence to protect our friendship. To not hurt your feelings because I feared to lose you even more. We have so many memories, geez I don’t even know where they begin. The raincoat, the wind chimes, the late night talks, the broken leg, getting pregnant at the same time, and raising our children...
Dear best friend, You're going into junior year as I enter senior year, my last year. I just wanted to say how I am unbelievably thankful I am for you getting me through the bumps high school has given me. Through anxiety attacks, depression, conflict with others, you were there. As you enter your third year of high school, I want you to realize that this chapter of your life will soon be over.. before you realize it, you will be a senior. Right now you're eager to start the school year, youre ready for all that this year has to offer, and that's good I'm glad. Just remember, there will be bumps and you'll wish you were graduating this year, but please don't rush it, because soon enough it will be senior year, and after that you become a part of the real world--I just want to let...
You lost your dad and I lost a man who was so welcoming and loving everytime I would come over. As we grew up you without a father and me always feeling slightly guilty for having a dad we became so close we were always a package deal and when I left for college I felt like I had left something essential at home. But eventually I lost my head. I couldn't handle it anymore. I broke and because you had already been broken you walked away. This is where I pause and say at no point do I blame you or the fact the you lost your father for the end of our friendship but I want you to know what I was going through and why I fell apart. Everytime and I had a fun story that involved my dad one of two things would happen I would tell you and watch you go from laughing with me while I was telling...
Dear Friends Leaving for College: I love you guys and I wish you all the best in your endeavors! They say that friends are the family that we choose, and I think we all picked a good family. Over the years, we have all had mixed times. Some of us were at a high while others were at their lows. And like a family would, we would do what we can to come and help each other. If I could ask but one thing from each of you, it's to keep in touch with one another. Even if it's something like just a quick conversation happening just to say hi. And when times are rough, and you need someone to talk to, call one of us! We all care about each other! And sure we might not be able to just run right to each other in times of need, but we can always use technology to shorten the gap between us and make...
I firmly believe that at some point we all go through a quarter-life crisis. I think I've just gone through mine.In the summer of 2016 I have grown as a person, as a friend, as an employee, and as a result I no longer feel like I connect with the people who have been my best friends for the entirety of my university career. The girls who have always been my go-to for rants and random conversation now feel like the oil to my water. For instance, I am perpetually single and I’m okay with that. In the past I haven’t felt equipped to enter a relationship because I knew I was still figuring out who I was and that was something I needed to do alone. Now I know who I am and I know what I want, and finding love is far from the top of my priorities list. I’m comfortable on my own, and I don’t...
Dear Best Friend. There aren't enough words in this world to explain what you mean to me. You are someone I got along with from the get go. You are the one person i could talk to for hours at a time and not get tired of. You are the kind of person I am proud to call my best friend. In being my best friend, you've done a lot for me. You've been the only person I've ever known that could bring me out of a dark thought simply with your presence. You've held my hand through the hardest and easiest parts of my life. You've tried to protect me from dirtbag boys, then helped me feel better when I didn't listen. You've put one some kickass jam session performances with me. You stood by me when I needed someone. And most of all, you're always proud of me. You are someone that I can see...
