On Nov 28th my account got permanently banned while massing the corp beast with a bunch of friends. I'm quite positive that it was a manual one since one of my friends was streaming at that moment, and 5 minutes after my character showed up on the video I got kicked out of the game.
So it seems like a mod was watching the stream, payed attention to my character & checked it up;
I was wearing a dragon plateskirt, a dragon med helm and a granite body, while being logged in from an AirVPN exit node.
Now I do understand how suspicious it must have looked if my character was wearing bot armor (for laughs), while being logged in from a possibly blacklisted IP.
See I'm somewhat aware of my privacy and use VPN's quite regularly (AirVPN...
Consumer Complaints
-An Open Letter-
Dear Amazon(India),
I had to write unofficially on the Facebook page to let the concerned authority know that The HR dept. of your Indian subsidiary HAS TO GIVE A WAY, WAY better performance if you want to carry your business out for further in Indian marketplace. The only glitch and the main is with the call center executives. For the lack of their practical sense, absence of staff interrelation, I GOT PRODUCTS PAYING NOTHING. REMEMBER-- *NOTHING*!! For this instance, I am very ashamed myself because I AM A INSANELY HONEST PERSON. Doesn't my concern meet the the level of a wanton situation? Seems that Amazon could offer me the position of CTO.
'Idiotie war noch nie so besser'. Amazon HQ gets billions of $ every year....
(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus ... SO I PRANKED THEM ... and they HATE IT!!!! #shareUse #MERRYCHRISTMASSTARBUCKSFollow --> Joshua FeuersteinPosted by Joshua Feuerstein on Thursday, 5 November 2015
Hi, I would like to raise an official complaint and would like a written response.
Firstly, when I originally called to transfer, the representative lied to me and tried to force me to cancel my subscription and take out 2 new subscriptions. He told me there was no way to transfer an account and I would have to pay £180 cancellation fee unless I took out 2 new accounts one in the new address my brother in law was moving to and one in my name in my current address. I asked to speak to a manager and he lied again and said that managers do not take calls.
I know he lied as I called again and spoke to someone in customer services who said I could do a transfer of responsibility and put me through to a manager.
Secondly, it has been 6 weeks of Sunday mornings spent talking to you on the...
To the wonderfully useless service camhs, a huge thank you.
Thank you for not noticing my condition, for allowing it to go on without care or attention. It has allowed me to form great bonds with all my visions and shaped me almost undoubtedly to the binge eating nervous wreck I am today
Thank you for encouraging family therapy, for giving me untold anxiety over treatment I didn't want yet felt had no other option as otherwise I would receive nothing. Thanks for all the sleepless nights I've spent worrying over what it would be like as no one explained it to me.
Thank you for talking over me every time I have a review or think things are going well so I lose any confidence in speaking up for my self and now no longer contribute in class.
Thank you for my double chin and muffin top I...
As San Franciscans contemplate Proposition F, a measure that would crack down on Airbnb rentals, I would like to address the "regular people" hosts who are trying to use Airbnb to make ends meet. Airbnb likes to portray "regular people" hosts as the face of its company. These are people who rent out a spare room to tourists to make some extra money in these difficult times. What could be wrong with that?
Nothing is wrong with it. Indeed, I think that use of their home is legitimate. But here's the problem that none of the "regular people" hosts who testify at public hearings and who are the face of Airbnb's $10 million "No on Prop F" campaign have been willing to admit: an increasing amount of Airbnb's commercial activity in cities like San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles does not...
Dear Mr Easthope
Iv wrote to you privately and Iv followed your procedures but as I write this, your company has failed me...
Dear Mr. Hinshaw:
I appreciate your role as "Chief Customer Officer" at HP, because as an HP customer, I have encountered one of the most frustrating business processes I've come across while trying to get service on my extended warranty bought through HP. Automated emails telling me there's a delay (and another and another, for months on end), calls to call centers (and supervisors), a promise to be assigned to a case manager (initially unfulfilled), then a case manager who missed the opportunity for a sincere apology and modest accommodation for what has been an unbearably bad process.
It has been over 4 months now that HP has had my computer, for a repair that I was told would be returned within 10 days. I'll detail the chronology below, but at this point the case manager and I...
Dear Dermawear,
Why in the world would you think it was alright to film and then air and advertisement that belittles women in a country which already has negligible respect for them?
In case it's slipped your memory, your advertisement was based on a man being asked to judge a woman's appearance and then refraining from an answer as the camera zoomed in on her "fat" stomach. He was depicted as refusing to answer because he didn't think she looked "good" in what she was wearing, but wanted a promotion.
Now let me just state ask the problems with this. First of all, just the fact that he didn't answer based in her appearance and say called "fatness" which I regret to inform you doesn't really define someone's beauty, is just wrong. Maybe you don't know about all the teenagers, grown...
To British Airways
I am writing to you as a BA passenger - flight BA530 - departed LHR on 9th Sept. Out names are Anthony Tansley and Laura Mitchell. We have experienced the worst customer service i have ever experienced and the issues are on going. In order to reveal the depth of this service failure i am going to detail step by step the loops your company has made us jump through and the repeated failures to provide us with any clarity on our on going situation.
First, a little context. Myself and my new wife (married 24 hours at point of departure) are flying out on our honeymoon - a special occasion for most people - but even more so for us. Without the frankly depressing and heart breaking detail, the last 18 months have been the worst of mine, my new wife’s and my family’s...