Consumer Complaints

As a loyal patriot, a law-abiding citizen, a peace-observing tax-payer, and a person who chooses to respect the constitution of Kenya, I cannot participate in, or give credence to another sham election in this country. I will not deter, or obstruct you on 26th October if you go ahead and take part in an "election", but I will tell you now, while there is still hope for the Kenya we have hoped for since 2002, that we do not have to do elections wrong; we are not like that, and we are past that, and there is nothing stopping us from doing elections the right way. Participating in an election on 26th October under an incapable I.E.B.C. will be to give away your right to a free and fair Kenya, in which you shall have no say thereafter. If you, your elder or late family members,...
On July 20, 2015 Attorney Stan Perkins Strucked Lamar Drakes from behind, walking from band camp on Causey and Fairview Street. I got a telephone call from an educator stated your son has been strucked by a SVU. Ms. Lisa Dorsey comfort my son, until the ambulance arrived. My son (Lamar Drakes) were transported to Delta Regional Medical Hospital. Officer Joseph Horn arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later asking my son questions about the accident. Officers Horn also stated that he had pictures of the accident. Officer Horn never drug or DUI Mr. Stan Perkins because he is known of being a user. Also, my son was misdiagnosed, neglected and overdose at DRMC. Officer Horn received three different telephones, never contacted noone. On July 22, 2015 Lamar went to surgery for an open...
Dear Canada Immigration Authorities, ARE YOU FOR REAL? or are you just a name and your local embassies work as they wish? Since I'm considering moving to your country I surely hope you are real and you actually are aware how visa processes actually happen. I waited for 5 years to get my permanent visa. Along the way I even forgot I had applied for it then suddenly at the end of last year I was informed I meet this year's requirements and the rollercoaster started. Mind you this is not a complaint about the endless paperwork or letters I wrote to justify every undocumented action I made during my last 30 years, I more or less can understand those. What I have been trying to understand since I received that "acceptance email", which of course had me cancel my vacation and run...
I worked with the China Foreign Teacher's Union in two capacities. I was first a volunteer for over a year. I did a lot of posting for them on different websites. They would email me the link to the site and I would post what they included on their email. I also reposted articles they wrote here on opnltter over and over again. They always seemed to go after the same people over and over again. They claimed that they had investigated these people, but when I asked to see their information they said they had to keep it secret to protect their agents. They literally used the word 'agent' as if these were trained spies sent out to dig out the secrets of Nazi Germany by parachuting into occupied France in the dark of the night. I asked them to see this information with the names cut out...
A mistake ought to happen... While I'm a Bosch fan, having the third washing machine of your brand, this time I knew for the first sight I will be disappointed. You've put the most used programme, 'Mixed load' right under the 90 C degree programme while the LED display only tells you the length of the programme. WHY? It's a call for mistake happen. You put your favourite faux fur throw in, you're distracted being very busy and behind schedule, and bamm, the button stops at the 90 C degree programme instead of the 40 C degrees 'Mixed load'... The result is ugly. I wsih I could just jump in the car, drive to TK Maxx and buy new one. But it's not available anymore. The couch in the guest bedroom will be naked. It is sooo sad :'-( The solution is so...
Dear That One Family Who Paid in the Drive Thru with a Container Full of Change, It was a hot summer day at work, I had just started my shift, it was a little past noon one of the busiest times of the day for any McDonalds establishment. Today seemed like just any old ordinary day of people coming and going trying to fuel themselves for the rest of the sunny day. After two weeks of learning the Drive Thru I learned how to quickly help people and send them on their way. It felt effortless and completely absent of frustration. Until you guys came through. What seemed like an ordinary day evolved and broke my positive mentality of working in the Drive Thru not just for one day but until now. I’m not sure what gave you guys the thought that giving a container full of change mainly...
This was completed on a cell phone using voice to text. Sorry for the errors. Good after noon. Today I was going to pay my bill. And low and behold i saw that my bill was $900+ which normally never passes $250 in the 3yrs in this house. And come to find that my contract has expired. No mail no text no voice mail and no email informing me that my contract was about to expire. So to try to resolve this issue I have talked to a manager that was not willing to work or to fix the problem that y'all system has created. And by the sound of her voice sound like she gave no crap at all about us or about the company or anything. So if you cannot get this resolved within 48 hours I will discontinue everything and I will go with another company and I will file complaint against the company...
Open Letter to All Movers and Transporters, I have thought about this and how to express my feelings, and while I have met some of you in our moves over the last 20 years I am sure many of you don’t remember me (specifically) as after a while we all blend together. I would like you to keep the following in mind the next time you go on a job. I know your job is a demanding one, and one that I imagine has very little reward. It is physically demanding and I am sure takes a toll on your body. Having moved ourselves twice on our own I can truly relate, and I only did it twice. I have a great respect for what you do, and at the same time we as your customers put a great trust in you, which unfortunately more times than not is broken. That is where I am at this point in my move. As I...
To Airbnb, My name is Cohl Klop and I have been in one of your properties listed by your website since February 23, 2017 until now. It is a reservation I made for myself, and my Mom, Michelle Love. We came to Brooklyn New York to visit and celebrate with family. This Airbnb has destroyed my visit in New York. When I am discussing my visit it is with the understanding that I have saved up money to enjoy my time. This financial investment was not just in the place I would be staying, but also other costs as well. I spent money on plane tickets, transportation, events, sightseeing, dinners, and most importantly my time. The experience of staying at this Airbnb has taken most of that away from my mom and I. We have been burdened with all the issues as well as the time it takes to...
Some things I want you to know about my Mental Illness Presentations. Its 4am in the morning. I have found myself once again limping in agony and shame into the Ballarat Emergency Department waiting room. Intense feelings hold my body prisoner in a strangling death grip. Thoughts pelt my bruised mind one after another relentlessly like bullets. You see me presenting yet again. You see me in distress. You see I have hurt myself badly. Blood is dripping from several large open gashes. Both of my arms, and my leg, look like I have been through a meat grinder. You bring me through to Triage. I sit in the chair. Sometimes the nurse in Triage knows me. Sometimes they do not. Wrapping my battered limbs you ask me a barrage of questions. What is my name? When did I cut? What did I use? How...
