As health professionals engaged directly in the largest preventable health crisis facing the U.S. -- and increasingly, the globe -- we ask that you stop marketing junk food to children.
The rates of sick children are staggering. Ballooning health care costs and an overburdened health care system make treatment more difficult than ever. And we know that reducing junk food marketing can significantly improve the health of kids.
Our community is devoted to caring for sick children and preventing illness through public education. But our efforts cannot compete with the hundreds of millions of dollars you spend each year directly marketing to kids.
Today, our private practices, pediatric clinics, and emergency rooms are filled with children suffering from conditions related to the...
Consumer Complaints
Protecting our loved ones and yours is the reason we founded The Honest Company. As parents, it pains us to hear that anyone has had a negative experience with our Sunscreen. We develop and use Honest Sunscreen to protect our own children – Honor, Haven, Luke, Evie, and Poppy – at the park, in the pool, outside, every day. As with everything we do, we take sun protection seriously here at Honest.
We have a dedicated team of Honest employees, parents, and partners who carefully reviewed our Sunscreen product to make sure that it meets our highest standards prior to release. Our previous Sunscreen formulation had a 40-minute water resistance and customers told us that it didn’t apply as easily as they would’ve liked. Based on our own experience and consumer feedback, we redesigned our...
Hey Ebay!
I am writing in relation to your poorly-worded advertising. A clear breach of the Trades Descriptions Act.
I was under the impression I could find anything on your website. I mean over the years I have stumbled upon some questionable yet interesting items. I used to be impressed by your range and variety, a blessing and a curse.
So after hearing today that Tesco will be removing certain sugary products from their shelves in order to tackle childhood obesity I was outraged. Why should we all suffer?!
I love Ribena and am very much astonished that I will no longer be able to purchase it at my local Tesco. I decided I needed to protest. I wanted to dress up as a Ribena bottle in protest again the banning. I was going to parade around the store like Superman on a...
Today was the worst day of my life. I sit here not knowing if my dog is going to live and frankly while I don’t blame you completely, there is a hell of a lot you could have done to prevent this horrible situation.
Today our dog got into a pack of Icebreakers gum – a Hershey product. Within one hour our sweet two-year-old lab was vomiting, seizing and had lost all function to walk. The deadly ingredient: Xylitol.
After being rushed to the emergency veterinary clinic and met in the parking lot by a stretcher and two nurses, our dog is stable but waiting for the results of a liver test. Did you know this ingredient can causes liver failure in dogs? Do you have children? Right now my child is at the mercy of your product because you didn’t care to put a label warning naive dog...
I am one of thousands of sellers using eBay, who is at the end of my tether about the lack of support that is being offered, with regards to buyers who are making fraudulent claims and demanding unjustified refunds.
I have done everything that I can to try to reduce the risk of an unhappy customer. I have read your “Sellers Protection” policy, I have followed your guidelines to the letter. I have been open and honest about the description of my product, listed every piece of information about my product and done everything within my power to play by the rules set out by eBay. However, on this particular occasion, the buyer did not read my advert correctly, demanded a refund and opened a case against me.
Despite supplying supporting evidence to eBay, which:
confirmed that...
Dear Mary Barra,
My name is Chelsea Stecyk. My husband, Coleman, and I bought a 2014 Volt from the Dublin, CA Chevrolet in December of 2014. Up until this past weekend, I would have told you that the Volt has been great.
(VIN 1G1RE6E48EU173605)
Last weekend, my husband and I drove the Volt down to Los Angeles for a business trip. On Saturday, May 30, I was in the Volt by myself running some errands. As I turned left from an unprotected left turn, the Volt lurched forward and dropped in acceleration to 3mph. No matter how hard or far I pushed the gas pedal the car would not accelerate. I crawled through the intersection at 3mph with oncoming traffic going closer to 40 or 50 mph. as soon as I got to the other side of the intersection, I felt everything re-engage and the...
Dear Captain Dickweed,
When I met you at the impressionable age of 16, I had stars in my eyes. Wow, I said. Look at that sexy middle 20’s guy drinking strawberry hill and smoking weed. Little did I know, you were a deadbeat dad to your older children? Little did I know, you still lived with your parents? Little did I know, you were immaturity wrapped in irresponsibility? I was too busy being excited that you would want me.
I was abandoned by my mother and in line to be thrown out by my father. You, being 10 years my senior, looked like my knight in shining armor. My teenage rebellion against authority fit quite well into your world. Your refusal to mature and my lack of maturity were great bedmates. You, 26, never stopped to consid...
Dear America,
I didn’t choose to be a member of the Thin Blue Line, but as people say about so many other families, I married into it. I chose to share my life with a man who is good and honest and kind and an upstanding citizen, and he also happens to be a police officer. So I have been indoctrinated into a culture of men and women who perform a job that very few would choose to do, a thankless job, a job that could take their lives at any time. Being a police officer has always been a dangerous one, but today, it is more treacherously perilous than ever, for I am writing this letter one day after the brutal murder of two New York City police officers. In the wake of the turmoil in Ferguson, a movement sprang up and is spreading like a plague across this country, seeping into...
Dear Every Single Business Owner That Is and Ever Will Be,
As a potential customer of your business I want you to know something important: I will still buy your products if you need to increase the pricing in order to ensure worker safety and dignity.
Too many times I have heard captains of industry explain away horrific worker conditions and literally criminal behavior all in the name of keeping prices down.
You may think that as a consumer I am motivated solely by price, but that is incorrect. If I hear a company treats their workers well, I am more likely to purchase their product over a cheaper-priced item from a competitor. The reverse is also true. If I hear a company treats their employees poorly, then I am more likely to buy a more expensive product from a competitor...
see also my site
The English Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) hid vital Exhibits that would of given me a defence at my Crown Court trial in August 2010
I have the missing evidence now
Missing Exhibits.
•No Crime First Account statements from victim...