Consumer Complaints

Dear Ms Barr, I'm sorry I find myself in this position, but I needed to explain my frustrations to someone with enough seniority to be able to do something effective. As my recent cancellation email is signed by you/on your behalf, you're the ideal candidate. Unfortunately, from the beginning of my contract almost 12 months ago, to my decision to cancel all but the landline yesterday, my experience with BT has been fraught with mistakes, delays, misinformation and on one occasion, outright lies. I've tried to make the best of bad situations throughout, and sought advice from BT whilst paying my bills on-time as agreed, and been left just waiting for the end of my contract, having to hope things might improve. The physical service received for the landline and broadband has...
I am writing to inform you of the abysmal level of service provided by your (he said sneeringly) 5-Star organization. I can't touch upon all your failures in the space I have and with my limited typing skills. Let me start at the most recent atrocity. I asked to get a flu shot before the official kickoff of 9/24/2016 because I will be out of town on an extended trip of about a month. I was denied this simple request made of my doctor by her idiot 'gatekeeper' RN's, the latest of which told me the clinics begin 9/27/2016, which is patently incorrect, as well as no help at all. Kaiser sends e-mails and other correspondence about the importance of these shots, but it must be all 'lip service'. I am 73 years old, have always gotten the flu shots, and have never had the flu. I don't...
To whom it may concern: Many Mario fans such as myself have been eagerly hoping for a Super Mario Maker 3DS port ever since the Wii U version was announced, and now we have what we want, but were quickly disappointed. In the Nintendo Direct of 9/1/2016, Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS was the very first title to be revealed. Many fans who loved or wanted Super Mario Maker for Nintendo Wii U have a chance to give it a shot on the Nintendo 3DS. However, as the game was being presented, there are a couple key features from the Wii U version that wound up being removed. Among these features include: Being able to upload courses online Searching courses using a Course I.D. online Mystery Mushrooms for Amiibo/Unlockable costumes Being able to share and download courses...
Dear Blizzard, I've been a loyal fan since the Warcraft 3 days and been playing WoW since the US Open Beta (including searching NYC Phone directory to find somebody with my name, so I could enter an address for registration). I have had an active WoW subscription (and sometimes even two or more) for at least 10 of the past 12 years and have spent more on Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm than my girlfriend on shoes. On a yearly basis I stayed up until 5am to watch BlizzCon, despite the time difference of living in Europe. Even when I found out I had to start from scratch because my career took me to Australia and I had to leave my veteran toons behind on the EU servers, I bit the bullet, spent more money and re-bought a game I had owned for nearly a decade. I have been around for a...
Hello PH summoners. To the players. Did you know that LoLPH is one of the MOST Toxic Rift in all of the servers? Of course you knew. Because of the number of complaints from players getting banned without "reason". Summoners, let me ask you this, If a player has a record of 0-3-1 but has double CS than his opposing laner and has took down turrets. do you think he is feeding? Let me tell you something about a word called "tilt". Tilt usually happens when you get killed in lane, lost your play etc. When that happens, you become tilted. Another way to tilt someone is blaming them every time they miss a skill, missed a kill, got killed in lane, bullied in lane etc. When you blame them every single time, you take away their ability to "come back". Come back is real right? So how to...
Taco Bell Girl, Every week, I come in to town with my father to help my grandmother, who lives alone and needs help with mowing her lawn and taking care of her house. We leave his work at 11:30 and proceed to head down to her house. Before we leave, I tend to go on a stroll through the streets of the town and check out the fine businesses and shops that I find, and I normally roam around on the campuses of the local university. While walking this morning, I found myself craving a breakfast meal, so I headed down to the nearby Taco Bell, which I had heard had a great dollar menu. When I arrived at the Taco Bell, you greeted me with a smile and asked what I would like to purchase. Going off the dollar menu, I selected to hash browns and a small fountain drink. I paid the three dollars...
Hello! I am an existing customer living in Keego Harbor, however my concern is more related to the route of one of your trucks in the West Bloomfield / Bloomfield Hills area. You have a truck scheduled to pick up along Middlebelt Rd south of Square Lake Road on Monday mornings between 7:30 – 8 AM. This route is causing major traffic problems on a 1 way road that today I observed a very close call for someone trying to pass this stopped garbage truck that came very close to resulting in a head on collision. I believe part of why I observed this is because this truck is causing a serious traffic congestion on the main road, as most of this section of Middlebelt is a non-passing zone and opposite traffic is quite busy at this time of day. Please note that while the majority of this...
Open Letter to Easy and Magic Tribal Hair First things first, this is an excerpt from your response to my Better Business Bureau Complaint. "YOU ARE NOT BUYING DIRECTLY FROM ETSY, BUT FROM ONE OF THE MANY TALENTED SELLERS ON ETSY; ETSY DOES NOT PRE-SCREEN SELLERS AND THEREFORE DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR ENDORSE ANY ITEMS SOLD ON ETSY OR ANY CONTENT POSTED BY SELLERS (SUCH AS PHOTOGRAPHS OR LANGUAGE USED IN LISTINGS OR SHOP POLICIES); “CAMILLE, ETSY INC. This calls task Etsy and the shop using its service, Magic Tribal Hair. Both engage in various business practices that ultimately result in a buyer or buyers being taken advantage by one or both named entities. Though I’d like to say it pains me to do so, the handling by Etsy of this Issue with Magic Tribal Hair has resulted in that ship...
Dear fellow good-deal hunters. I would like to share with you my poor and frustrating experience with SimplyElectronics. They certain tempt you with attractive offers. But it is becoming ever more clear that they are running a highly questionable business - at least from a customer perspective. IT HAS NOW BEEN 1,5 MONTHS SINCE I PLACED THE ORDER. First the product went into back-lock. I guess this happens if you are unable to manage your stock and lack efficient processes for communication between departments. But long after being back in stock (which I presume it is, since the product is offered on their web site) I still have not received it. I placed my order on June 5, 2016. And as of today, July 21, 2016 I still cannot get them to give me a dispatch date. ALL I WANT IS A...
