Consumer Complaints

To the employee at the Panera in Augusta, Maine who attempted to Mom-Shame me because my four year old had a tantrum, Your open condescension and judgment of my parenting choices was both obvious and unappreciated. The comments made, almost under your breath, to your coworker right in front of me were neither subtle nor appropriate. While I do understand that no one enjoys hearing the screams of a four year old mid-tantrum, any parent would be able to confirm for you that tantrums do in fact happen, many times in public. My situation this afternoon was not unique. Yes, you were correct that my child was loud, disruptive, and poorly behaved. He was also removed from the restaurant once the situation escalated to a tantrum. I took him to the car where the tantrum ran its course....
The local atlanta news let me say their are Stephany Fisher...
Dear Nintendo, My name is Miranda. I'm a 35 year old mother to two young boys, and we ALL love Pokemon. We discovered Pokemon Brick Bronze quite by accident; my eldest son had been going on about “Roblox” for ages, so I finally decided to check it out. I made myself an account at the same time as I made his, so I could make sure the content was safe for him and supervise his interactions online. It was during one of these supervised gaming sessions that I discovered Pokemon Brick Bronze; I was hooked from the start! An ex-gamer myself, I soon encouraged him to play. The game is quite complex and requires a lot of strategising and reading to play correctly, so we spent a lot of time playing together. By that time the addiction had spread to my youngest son as well. Fast forward to...
The Crucible is a fictitious story based on real events that occurred in Salem Massachusetts. We know these events as the Salem Witch Trials, which occurred in 1692 and 1693. The story shows how hysteria can spread through a society and normally reasonable people act as a mob without concern for the truth or right and wrong. In act 2 page 52, Miller writes, “the deputy governor promise hangin if they not confess.” The idea that the accused must prove their innocence goes against the most basic principle of due process. Individuals were accused , tried , and executed without any factual evidence presented. While these events are said to have happened before the U.S. Constitution was written, the idea of innocent until proven guilty is a basic principle of civilized societies. As I...
29/01/2017 Dear Dr. Walters, Not Psychosomatic. Imagine if you were vulnerable and the NHS slapped one of the two 'get rid of the vulnerable' labels on you. 'Psychosomatic' or 'Personality Disorder', without looking at what was really wrong. Imagine if, instead of you having your back operation the other year, you were left in pain and coldly called 'Psychosomatic'? You have the fortune of not being poor or vulnerable, so it wouldn't happen. My spine was broken, Dr. Walters, and that is not psychosomatic, it shows on an x-ray. Would you like to refute the x-rays? You and Dr. Trowell chewed me up and forced me out of your surgery and out of the NHS for your surgery's failings on top of an adult lifetime of NHS failings and misrecording, and presumably also because of a...
An open letter to the old lady who told me to “have fun” after buying condoms. It’s you. It’s always you. No, not specifically you, but you. Your type. An old lady. But this time it was worse. Why can’t it ever be some young and spry college dude trying to make a few extra bucks to afford his Bud Light and Pop Tarts? I would be okay with that! Sure, it’s always awkward to me, but at least I feel like he would understand my pain. We would move along in the transaction, not making eye contact. But it wouldn’t be out of disrespect. Oh no, in this case it would be out of PURE respect. He knows what I’m using them for, I know what I’m using them for. He knows it’s awkward for me, and I know it’s awkward for him (presuming… well… you know, he purchases them.) He knows I know and I...
Mark you need to do the right...
Dear Virgin media/mobile or to whomever the buck stops. I've had an experience with your company that has given me great anxiety, confusion, dismay, personal expense and loss of a lot of time, to no result whatsoever. All in, the past weeks have been a pointless exercise that has left a bitter taste in my mouth. After having been a loyal and enthusiastic customer of yours for at least five years, perhaps seven or even more. (I've used virgin for my past three contract phones and a rolling monthly as well). After this experience, I'm ready to see the back of you - yet this open letter is my final attempt at getting a comprehensible communication with you, written on tgis platform in preparation to share on social media. Anyways... A few weeks ago, I received a call from one of...
