I know how intoxicating it is, the way he looks at you like you’re the only girl in the world. Your self-esteem skyrockets as he worships the ground you walk on. You know that you’re out of his league, but his charm and the ego boost draw you in. You’ll ride the high for quite some time. A binding relationship will begin to unfold and there will no longer be you or him, just you and him.
Unfortunately one day he’ll let you down and you’ll have to come to terms with the fact that he isn’t the perfect person he’s built himself up to be. You’ll be hurt, but you’ll see the distress and regret in his eyes and you’ll forgive him.
Down the road there will be more slip-ups on his part. He’s only human after all, and everyone makes mistakes. However, his mistakes become more and more...
Broken Hearts
To my Best Friend Who’s Going Through a Breakup,
First off, you are beautiful and amazing. Secondly, I am so sorry. I am so sorry that you’re hurting. I am so sorry that you’ve spent so many nights crying alone in your room. I’m so sorry that someone hurt you like this. I am so sorry that I couldn’t protect you from this pain. Since third grade we’ve been inseparable and I’ve gone through every awful and hilarious phase with you. I’ve seen us riding high and I’ve seen us very low. I’ve seen you kickin’ ass and takin’ names, and I’ve seen you with an empty and blank space in your eyes for days at a time. While everything has been changing for us, I’ve seen you do one thing over and over and over again. Persevere. I know this is hard and I know that you wish you could crawl into a hole...
To the boy who gave me my firsts,
You were my first REAL boyfriend. I was your first REAL girlfriend. When I first met you, I had no idea that you would change me forever. You were the first boy to ever really take me out on a date. The first boy to open doors for me. The first boy to kiss my forehead and tell me everything was going to be okay. The first boy to give me flowers. The first boy that I knew who truly loved me. But one day, you decided to end all of those firsts.
You were my best friend. I told you all of my goals, worries, and hopes for the future. Hell, you even became a plan for my future. I confided in you. I told you things about myself I've never told anyone. I was madly in love with you so I thought "maybe it's okay to open up". But then I became so vulnerable...
It makes me so happy when people I know who were once in the most toxic of relationships are now flourishing in life, whether by themselves or with another who appreciates them, for all that they are.
You should be with someone who treats you like gold. You know yourself best, so never settle for less.
I've become such a sap for those who are finally getting to that point in life, because I know how it is. If you're not there yet, you will be, believe me. Don't give up hope just yet. Dig for it, find it in yourself, because it's in there and everything else will follow after, I promise. You just have to keep holding on, the pain and heartache does end. Keep that hope. Know it and spread those wings.
For those who may still be battling back and forth with someone, I wish you...
You came along just over a month ago. In that time I have gone from elation to depression and continue to do so. The relationship is similar to that of a drug, alcohol. I crave it, I want it, I need it but most of the time I feel like crap with no energy and more depressed. You are my drug not my partner. Yet I don't think I can give you up. I'm with a bad boy but want a nice relationship that makes me happy. My friends know this is bad for me, my family do and so do I. So why can't I give you up and move on? Why do I do this to myself? Do I think so little of myself?
Dear honey,
One thing I can tell you, you're so amazingly strong! It is so hard, a piece of your life has been stripped and taken from you. Keep your head up, princess.
Once upon a time daddy was our best friend, matter of fact we were so much alike that we butted heads quite often. That's okay because you wouldn't trade him for the world. But one day, boom. He's taken from you. Forever. You wonder why God took him so soon, you're guilty that he's gone. What about prom, graduation, and your wedding? Where is he at when you're scoring big time at your basketball game? You can't physically see him, but I promise you that he is cheering you on and he is overjoyed with the beautiful young lady that you have became.
It is tough, and it sure as hell doesn't get any easier. You just...
Dear liar and cheater words can not express the emotional crap you too put me through.
I may have only spent 8 months with you but you stole my heart, Sometimes i think i should of just broke up with you when i found out you cheated on me around are 6 months, you would be gone all week for work and than come home to me on the weekends, i should of known something was up when you came home with Hickies on your neck you claimed to be "Pinch Marks", but i forgave you for all of that even if back then you weren't telling me the truth about what all happened with that girl, later to find out you had sex with her multiple times and than would come home to me and lay in my bed.
Anyway i forgive you for that, but than you did something that im not sure i will ever be able to forgive. A day...
What did you do to me?
You loved me?
You comforted me. Held me, confided in me, wanted me. You wanted me, and you didn’t want anyone else to have me.
You cared about me?
That’s doubtful. But what isn’t doubtful is the fact that you LIED to me.
I don’t sleep around. I’m not a whore and I’m not trashy.
It's not like I wasn’t careful with you. I did nothing to deserve this.
We talked about this! I asked you about this! Again and Again. And Again. But you’d never let up. You believed your own lie, and never felt any remorse. You lied to my face. For months. Over and Over, again.
You took me for granted, you betrayed me, and you ruined me.
Am I not good enough? How much more could I have given you? I loved you. Wonderfully and honestly. Wholeheartedly and openly....
You broke up with me Sunday May 3rd, 2015. You did it via text. You said you were going to be too busy after you graduated to have a boyfriend. You said we didn’t get to see each other enough as it is and college was going to make it even harder. You said you had to focus on your studies. You said we would talk and you wanted to stay friends. You lied...
We only dated for eight months. Which is not that long, but it felt like a lifetime. As you know I had just gotten out of that shitty home situation I had been in for way too long and was trying to change. I was trying to get clean. I was trying to get better.
You see, I almost find it humorous that you were hesitant to date me at first because you didn’t want to get hurt but yet you were the one that hurt me. You...
I think it's time we talked. It's been four months and you've been torturing yourself over him. I want to let you know a few things because I know you will refuse to reach out and talk to anyone. You have them convinced, and for a while yourself, that you're okay but we both know that for some reason you aren't able to get over everything.
I want you to know that it's okay that you are still pining over the boy that you almost dated, and it's okay that seeing him move on with a new girl hurts. You had been so happy in those few months with him and your mother used to tell you that you radiated whenever you talked about him. Also, it's okay that you thought you had gotten over him but at 3 in the morning you find yourself listening to sad music and thinking about everything that...