Broken Hearts

There’s always that one, you think he is the one, there is no one else like him, nor will there ever be. He is the one that I want right now, and for the rest of my life. We will get married, and start a family together. He is the one that makes me happy, the one that makes me feel like everything will be okay, and the one that can always comfort me, no matter what the circumstance is. He’s the one you meet in the summer when you’re a sophomore and he’s a senior, about to move even farther away. Long distance doesn’t work at this age, no matter how bad you want it; believe me, because one always wants it way more than the other. He plays with your mind and heart, you put up with his games because you think there isn’t anyone else you’ll ever meet that’s like him. All of a sudden...
I know how intoxicating it is, the way he looks at you like you’re the only girl in the world. Your self-esteem skyrockets as he worships the ground you walk on. You know that you’re out of his league, but his charm and the ego boost draw you in. You’ll ride the high for quite some time. A binding relationship will begin to unfold and there will no longer be you or him, just you and him. Unfortunately one day he’ll let you down and you’ll have to come to terms with the fact that he isn’t the perfect person he’s built himself up to be. You’ll be hurt, but you’ll see the distress and regret in his eyes and you’ll forgive him. Down the road there will be more slip-ups on his part. He’s only human after all, and everyone makes mistakes. However, his mistakes become more and more...
I hold an intense anger for a select few of you. As much as I want to be able to forgive you for what you did to him, I just can't. Not at this time. You are the reason why he is afraid to be in a relationship. I love this man more than anything, but because of you, we can't truly be together. You have damaged him in a way that I wonder if he will ever truly be the same again. Every day, I try to think of ways to show him how much I love him, how amazing he is, and to alleviate his fears of relationships. Because of you, I fear that he will always have lingering doubts that I will hurt him in the way that you have. Hearing all of the horrible things that you have done to him and the way you have made him feel breaks my heart. I feel how much he loves me, I know it's there. I also feel the...
I worked there for a year and some change. I poured my heart and soul into his suffering practice. I survived his insufferable wife and odd practices with a smile on my face. I put up with long hours and no help for the entire time and was still one of the lowest paid dental assistants in the area. I gave 100% and often ended up staying until 8pm most nights. Everything was perfect as long as I was able to be used and abused. I literally slaved away for this man so much that I got sick over the summer and they never hired more help or relaxed my load. I turned his unhappy, unorganized mess of an office into a well oiled machine that could keep up with the competition. I found new ways to make the patient comfortable and welcomed. His patients loved me and I loved them. I gave my...
We started out as nothing but acquaintances. Then two years later it turned into hanging out with each other every night for months. It was wonderful. I miss that. I miss the late night trips for frappes at MacDonalds. I miss how easily I could talk to you, even if I couldn't drop the walls I built around myself. I miss your crazy faces and random dance attacks. I miss that you were there for me when I was at my lowest. You didn't know, but you saved me. You saved me from myself. As college started again our lives drove us apart, but for months we tried to see if something would happen. But of course it was too hard. Of course it wasn't meant to work out. I knew from the beginning that we were doomed, but I wanted to try anyways. Because I liked you, even may have loved you. I've for so...
I was the girlfriend that I thought every man would want. I was the girl who surprised my boyfriend with steaks for dinner. I was the girl who would drive half an hour to my boyfriend's apartment just to surprise him with something small to cheer him up on a bad day. I was the girl who charmed his parents and his family, and made friends with his older brother and sister. I was the girl who would pick him up from work when he didn't get off until late at night. I was the girl who would hand him the remote and be fine with letting him watch whatever boyish thing he wanted to. I was the girl that gave him self confidence; I reminded him every day how amazingly handsome I thought he was, and how intelligent and kind he had always seemed to be. I was the girl who would wake him up...
I wish I could tell every single person in this world that I don't miss you. But, that is just a very simply impossible task. I try to tell myself every time I see you or hear your name that you don't mean anything to me anymore. I try to move on, and be with someone who will actually appreciate me for what I do for them. But I always run right back to you. I see you almost everyday. School. My work. We have the same friends. You even came to my birthday party last weekend. The one important day to me of all the days in the year, and you had to show your face. You had to make me cry. You had to tell me you loved me. I knew it was just the alcohol talking, I knew you didn't mean anything you said to me. You didn't even remember anything that happened. And you constantly wonder why I...
Today, Amy Johnson is a happily divorced mom of two young boys. A little over a decade ago, she was a 25-year-old bride, confidently walking down the aisle to marry a man she loved without any doubts or reservations. Below, Johnson writes a letter to the hopeful bride she was on her wedding day, reflecting on the marriage that followed and the love she continues to feel for her ex-husband. Oh, Aim, look at that smile! On this day, you don’t, for one second, think this isn’t the best decision you could make for yourself. He loves you and you love him and you vow to be together forever. I know you hate surprises, so I’m here to reassure you that thirteen years after this day, all of that remains true. Sort of, anyway. You’re now divorced -- it happens about nine years into the marriage...
Dear JS, Hello. We've been married for 9 years now and for the last 5 years, I have been cheating, in one form or another. And my last affair, he's left the country and I told myself, this was the last. Should I leave you or should I work it out? Knowing I am entirely different and conniving woman now. I am sorry. Am I? I have to the point where my feelings are numb. I keep blaming you to justify my actions. How you never want to have a baby with me and you never make efforts to make love with me. Since we don't speak the same language fluently, I can't communicate with you. Since I make more money than you, all you think is I'm amoney making machine. We got married the 3rd day we met. I was 23 and desperate to get out of my wretched country. You were a "loser" in your...
Dear Girl Who Ruined My Relationship, I know you're prettier than me and your voice is cuter than mine and I know you're the mother of his child and I know that you are basically everything I'm not. But what I do not know is what could make you stoop so low as to hurt me in this way. Even now I am finding it hard to clearly express my feelings toward something like this. He moved on, and so did you. So what made you decide you wanted to have him inside you again, when you knew he was happy with me? What have I honestly ever done to you, other than pick up the man I love when you no longer wanted him? I have waited for so long to be able to hold him and now things will never be the same. Don't take this as me implying he is without fault. He is just as guilty as you are....
