Love Letters

Hi Mahal ko, kahit ganito yung ginawa mo sa akin. Gusto kong malaman mo na mahal na mahal parin kita at kung sakaling babalik ka ay buong puso kitang tatanggapin.
Hi there! I hope you're doing well. It's your special day. Perhaps, you rarely celebrate "special days" as you already have more important things to do. Even so, I wanted to do these things to express how much I value you as a person and to remind you how your existence means so much to the people around you. I have so much to say, but can't put everything in words. So, let me summarize the whole idea into one word - choices. Life is full of choices. Even not making a choice is a choice. For me, funny but to be honest, I did everything I can to forget you. I even tried to manipulate how I felt and how I thought. Made some regretful choices. Still, dreams about you made up my countless sleepless nights. And, random thoughts about you made up my days. I hear your voice anywhere....
To my forever: Someone told me to “just get over you”. As true as it may possibly be, it hurts more to do so. I mean, how do you get over someone that’s had such an impact on your life? Someone that you e shared so much with? Someone that you love with every being in you? It’s been over a year that I discovered another woman enjoying your love for even longer than I knew of. She enjoyed you playing father to her kids while watching you walk away from yours. She enjoyed the pain on my face when discovering you and her. I know that we both made mistakes and God knows how sorry I am. God knows I spend every day telling Him I’m sorry and asking Him to whisper it to you each time. How did we go wrong so fast. Do you wonder why I can’t heal? Because I see you when I see my...
I love you unconditional because of my life right now everything is going on with you look amazing in control of life she needs to comprehend who else would be left here for you
An open letter to the person that I let go Know that choosing your happiness is more important than choosing mine. I left because I know it's time. You are ready to move on while I am still trying to fix us. You decided for yourself and I had no clue it was done. I did tried my best, they say some people are good with showing affection physically some is verbally, but I was never good at those things and you know that. We all made our mistakes and one of those mistakes is not letting you know how much I love you more than anything else in this world. You were my everything, I'll give up everything for you if you ask me to. I chose you in every ups and downs in our relationship and despite the fact that we always argue at the end of the day I still want to share the same bed that I...
Hi stranger! First of all I wanna thank you for coming into my life... I have never thought of falling in love again. My heart was broken into a fine dust. But for some reason, you made it whole again like it was never been broken before. I really thank you for giving me hope, strength and positivity in every day that I face. My dear stranger, I do apologize for the times that I get so annoying... for the times that I make you mad, for the times I disappoint you. I really do appreciate that you never gave up on me. Instead you calm yourself down and finish the argument with you telling me how much you love me. I don’t know how am I suppose to show you how much I love you, even to the extent that marrying you isn’t enough to let you know. I wanna love you more and more each day of my...
Us and this world Dear Y Please play opera house by cigarettes after sex first. I know that this is not the first letter I wrote for you and I know that I will keep writing more even if you are not there to read them. You knew that I wasn’t exactly the type of person who would get into this kind of mess, nor believed in it in the first place. I was a mess and pieces of me were all over the ground then I loved you completely unaware, and unavoidably I picked a piece of you when I built myself again so now there is me and there is you and this world is unfamiliar with us being together. Boundaries were slowly melting and I was wrapped with black and red, my heart and blood rushing me in this feeling a bit further until you had a stain on me, and stains are pretty hard to hide, aren’...
Dear you, I hope you are reading this without anger or upset. I hope these words find you happy and well. A difficult year this has been and it seems to me that whether the times be good or bad, my thoughts drift back to you. I fear they always will. I am writing this as a thank you. Time was never our friend and nor will it ever be. We have both grown and move forwards in our lives and no matter how much I wish I could have had you to myself, I have come to terms with the fact it was never meant to be. I find it strange that life could lend me an experience to fall in love with you so deeply with such little time together. Every memory I have makes me smile, even the ones where we disagreed, because it reminds me of the genuinity of the feelings I have, and I am so grateful for them...
Dearest Lover, I dont even know how to start so I started writing randomly, whatever came to my mind. I know you will be angriest of all when I will be gone and I know that you will make multiple attempts in hopes of joining me so I want you to stop. Stop it. Do not do anything reckless or stupid. I wont force you to do anything, okay? But just read this letter once. You came into my life in the most unexpected way. You were not only my lover but my best friend. You made everything easier. I remember, when we first time spoke on call till 3 am when I was going through my breakup. You were my support, you made me feel I was good enough and nothing was wrong with me. It was YOU who picked me up when I fell hard. You made pain look easier, you never missed a chance to make me laugh. I...
I’m turning 47 next month. I’ve been divorced and single 12+ years. My story is complex, emotional, and lonely. Really, I’ve been single much longer. He rejected me early in our marriage, before we even said “I do”. We became pregnant while dating, and at 27, it was my first time ever to be expecting. I didn’t expect him to stick around...but truthfully I’m glad he did at least long enough for me to also have the 3rd pregnancy. The first we were blessed with a son, the second miscarried, the third a daughter. I’ve raised them alone, no regrets. Yet, I would welcome a loving man to share my life with now that my children are teenagers and thriving well. Over the years I’ve been single I chose not to attempt relationships with other men cause I desired putting my children first....
