Love Letters

Our hearts are breaking as we watch the terrible slaughter of your people and the devastation of your country by the Russian invasion. We are reaching out to offer our love and support in all the ways we can. We are a small country, just 3 million people, far from you on the opposite side of Europe. But you are not far from our hearts. We have raised £6.5 million to help your country, joining the whole of Europe to support you in your suffering and grief. There are many connections between our countries, one very special one. A young Welsh journalist, Gareth Jones, was the only journalist in the world to report on the slaughter of 3.9 million Ukrainians by Stalin. He was murdered for doing that, at the age of 29. We want to welcome you to our cities. We want to welcome you to...
i've written a lot to you– none of which i've ever actually shown. there's so much that i wish i can tell you, but i never know how. i never know if i should even bother. that is, until i remembered this website that you've mentioned a while back. maybe you'll find this. maybe you won't. either way, it'll be here. let's start with the obvious. i miss you. you’ve made me feel warm and loved and content, hell, you’ve shown me what being loved was like. it was a new feeling to me. maybe it was to you, too. sure, it was a little scary, but it was something that i’ve wanted to feel for so long. i longed to feel wanted; to feel as if i was worthy enough to be cared for. i wish i was there beside you right now. wrapped in your arms, not a worry in my mind. just us two tangled within each other...
You’re married. But I like you a lot. I find myself extremely attracted to you and I’m not really sure why. Maybe it’s because from what I know about you; you can be silly yet serious, you’re super smart and confident, you’re passionate and driven, you make me laugh and I can feel my heart race every time I see you. I get lost in your eyes… and the small smile you do, it lights me up to see it. You’re playful with me but distant… it makes me sad. I really like you. I want you. But to tell you would be disrespectful to you and your marriage. I hope they know how lucky they are to have you and I hope they cherish you. You’re a rare find. I wish you all the love in the world, I hope you are happy. Superman. A joking nickname but one I actually see quite fitting. From...
Victoria, jag vet att du säkert har hört detta många gånger. Jag vet att du har haft många patienter, många känslofyllda hejdån, men det finns några saker jag vill att du ska veta. Jag visste inte att det fanns sådana som du. Jag visste att det fanns bra psykologer och att deras uppgift är att hjälpa en, men det finns ingen som du. Du vet säkert att du är bra på ditt jobb, att du är en varm, lyhörd människa som får dina patienter att känna sig sedda, men jag tror inte du helt och hållet förstår hur viktig du varit för mig. När jag kom till dig var jag helt nedbruten, helt krossad och övergiven. Jag hade aldrig förr upplevt att någon lyssnade in mig som du gjorde, med hela din själ. Du grävde i mig och hittade det lilla barnet jag hade tystat ner så länge. Du pratade direkt till henne och...
you’re the most beautiful person ive ever met. some people may disagree, or tell me that im wrong; a liar. though it’s funny to me. all my life, the only thing i cared about was other people’s opinions of me. what i wore, what i believed, or even how right or wrong i was. but when i met you, and fell in love with you, my views changed. my morals changed. now, one can tell me that my views on you are wrong. but why should i care? because i know they have no clue just how many things there are to love. every day i learn knew things about you, and it allows my imagination to soar. but who am i to complain? because every single thing about you is so captivating to me. your eyes, your hair, your lips, even the imperfections on your body that you may not believe are capable of being...
[Mr. Right for Me – I’ve met pieces of you in people I care about, but hopefully one day I will find many of these pieces in one person.] I love how you roll with it when I pitch ideas and how you show faith in me whenever I tell you about a new goal I’ve set for myself. I appreciate how you challenge my self-doubt and remind me of previous successes. I love how you share your hopes, dreams, and goals with me and let me in, so I can support you in things that make you happy in life. I love how we are each other’s cheerleader: encouraging each other to go for things we want no matter how big or small and no matter what obstacles we may face, because we face so many of them as a team. I love how we daydream together and let it lead to new things to hope for and new fun adventures...
To- A It’s the 31st ,I still haven’t stopped waiting ,for you mimo , so here I am in this snowy Shimla evening inside a warm library on the rusty desk, high enough to jot my feelings down and write this open letter to you . July 2021 , for the first time in a long long time there was you , sitting next to my drivers seat , someone whom I thought of going though the speed breakers of life with , you.What is it that five months passed by and my love for you hasn’t melted one bit .Apart from making all those embarrassing playlists , google searches, posts it never seems to go away one bit so much so that I feel numb to the core of my chest ,this void of ours seems to deepen every second ,every inch making me realise that I wasn’t just infatuated with you ,there was more to it . Do you...
Dear Sasha, I can’t wait for your kids to hear your love story. Not classy. Tell him he has big shoulders, he eats that shit up! Dear Niko, You are a beta. You just play a role. You don’t know who you are. What makes you evil is that you can’t even find your identity alone, you drag others into it. You are not authentic. You’re a copycat. If you really think about it, it is so obvious, but you can’t look in the mirror. You will never be tough no matter how many fucking patches you collect or GoRucks you do. You are not strong, lift all you want. Do you think that Ranger would write a reference for you now, He wouldn’t even shake your hand, what does that say about you? You literally had to run away to another state, and start drinking because you are such a fucking coward you...
I did not keep track of when I lost you. The day you parted ways with me, atleast romantically, was the most helpless I've been. I could not blame myself, nor blame you. I would never have the strength to blame you. And I will never. Didn't I say so? I would respect whatever choice you wanted to make. And when you said you wanted us to end, that you couldn't anymore, I stared at the ceiling for a good ten minutes trying to absorb reality because losing to me will always feel like a sharp painful bliss. To be honest with you I tried my best to forget you and ignore the pain that made itself known to me that early morning while I was fresh with salty tears, I almost feared and jokingly tried to convince myself it was poison and that if I cried more I'd die a peaceful death. But of course I...
Ni hao! It was really funny how I got to know you. Out of all the people gathered for the opening event that day, I find it funny that I recognized you when you are not even in my direct line of sight. My friend used to talk about you, your accomplishments, and your family business in general. You were a 'then director' at their office. You launching a product, is a common passing subject we talk about. One time we were at a store opening, you were again mentioned as your brother got engaged before you - apparently this saddened a good population in the company. A mention of you being different from him, of you being career driven, and you being better looking ( ;) ). My friend showed a photo of you when I asked for proof - which convinced me of the fact. As we were patiently...
