Love Letters

Dear Women: We hope this letter finds you held securely by the arms of true Love. Love is a beautiful thing. Yet, we hope you realize how difficult it was for the man in your life to fall in Love with you and quite possibly, how difficult it is for him to be in Love with you. Love is difficult for us men. Why? Well, to be honest, Love scares us. We confess it here and now, we men are afraid of Love. We are especially afraid that we will leap into the abyss of Love first but you will never join us. That we will fall blindly into Love and you will not be there to catch us, to guide us. Most importantly, we fear giving up control. We fear losing ourselves in an emotion we do not fully understand. An emotion that controls us rather than us controlling it. No man wants to feel like he is...
Hey, I was wondering when will we ever meet? I mean, its too early to ask for things like that bc im just 14. You know, maybe weve passed by each other once and we just havent had a connection that time. If one day our love story begins i would want to spend it with you every single part of it.
Dear Yvonne Craig, Yesterday morning I woke up to a very dank and dark day. The rain was pouring in and as I looked out the window I couldn’t muster up any motivation except to haul myself out to the living room and find something rather light and harmless to watch on the television. I was rather amused to find that one of your old films, “Ski Party”, was on television. Now I have to admit that I have a real soft spot for the sixties teen comedies of Frankie Avalon so “Ski Party” was just the remedy that the doctor ordered for a dreary morning. Now “Ski Party” is no “Battleship Potemkin”. Hell, it’s not even “Beach Blanket Bingo” for that matter, but for that hour and a half that I sat watching it I felt it was the best thing in the world. However,as I watched the cross-dressing antics...
I was scared to fall for you deeply. I was unsure whether things will last with the great "happy ever after." I guarded my feelings because I didn't want to get hurt. I've seen the worst heartbreak when my parents separated and it caused and pained me to be like this. To keep myself in the safe zone. To be afraid of being left alone by my loved one. To be the heartbreaker and not the broken hearted. And to be aware of the ugly possibility that you can be the happiest in the morning but as soon as the evening sets in, you'll see yourself turning out to be the saddest. That's why I always prepare myself for the worst, ranging from hideous nightmares from the past to anxieties of the future. Knowing that there is always a brighter side, I've learned to leave a small room for hope.. Hope...
Dear future husband, Hey. How are you? I just wanted to write to you to tell you that I am waiting for you. I’m waiting for you because I already love you. I’m waiting for you now and I will continue waiting for you until the day that God chooses to cross our paths. I know that life can be hard and you might be tempted to despair or settle for relationships or situations that will not bring you true happiness or joy. But through all of this I just want you to know that I am also praying for you. Even though we may not have met yet, you are not alone in this. I know how you feel. I know how easy it seems to just hook up with someone or use someone to fill in the loneliness that you feel in your heart. I know how tough it can be to say no to impurity. Just know that every time I...
Dear Soulmate, I don’t know who you are. I don’t know how you look like. I don’t even know where you are. Or do I already know you? Or am I still going to meet you? No, nothing I know about you. Yet I already miss you. I am longing for you. I do always think of you. I know that my heart beats for you. I know that we are meant for each other. Sometimes I am getting worried about you. How many heartaches have you been through? Or have u just broken your heart thinking you had finally found me? Have she left you with so much pain? Have she left you after giving all your love and care to her? Do you feel so betrayed, sad, frustrated and depressed? Do you feel like your life has lost its meaning? Do you feel like giving up? Do you feel so alone? how many days have u locked up yourself in...
I'm writing this letter to help shed some light on relationships and what is regular behaviour in them. I recently met up with several guy friends and we began discussing why one or two of them hadn't managed to find a girlfriend and it ended in my conclusion that they had unrealistic expectations of relationships and women. Just like many men will try to ignore the fact that women poop, so will they believe that there is this perfect woman out there who is everything that they're looking for and why should they settle for less? "But who is perfect?" I would tell them and "if you're not perfect is it fair to expect them to be?". We began to discuss the areas of relationships that they did and didn't like and I found they had quite clear misconceptions of what was good or bad. To...
Dear fay, It's been more than 2 decades, as if just happen yesterday. I can still hear how you call my name. With the masculine caring tone ,, the way you treat me, the way you took care of me ,, your aroma, smiling face ,, the warmth of your body ,, I won't be able to forget them, I shouldn't and I don't want to. I misses someone treat me the way you do ,, however ,, it won't happen again (hopefully yet) ,, I wonder how is it our life going to be if we ever together? Do we really hurting our parent as we did worry about? Do we really tarnish our community? What about our faith? Well ,, all those questions ,, Lately I'm restless ,, my soul seems keep searching ,, and few times without I even realized, tears falling. I wonder why ,, It drew me back many years ago, early 2000,...
Hello, darling, They tried to keep us apart, but true love can never be separated for long. When I first met you, I was younger and more naive. I figured everything from Taco Bell tasted alike. They were all just variations of the same ingredients. How wrong I was. I tried you on a whim. You didn’t seem like anything special. But you were new, and I was hungry. So I ordered you, oblivious to the delight you would bring to my inexperienced mouth. It was love at first bite. (Pardon the pun, my dear—you have no idea the effect you have on my ability to articulate.) The second your tortilla met my lips, I knew there was no turning back. You had it all! In one compact package, no less. You had the flexibility of a flour tortilla, the firm crunch of a corn tortilla, the freshness of...
I never imagined you and I, out of all the people in this world, would go through something so devastating as we did. Throughout the years, we created the most beautiful memories. We climbed all the way to the top together, only to slip and fall as soon as we got there. And though I may have contributed to that fall, I tried so hard to hold on to you. My heart shattered into a million pieces. Eventually, I realized I couldn't save us. I couldn't undo what had been done, and I let you go to find your true happiness. All I ever wanted was my own family. Every day, I dreamed of falling in love with a woman, getting married, buying a beautiful home and one day bringing our own little bundle of joy into the world. I guess it goes without saying that you made all of that feel...
