
Douglas Rogers, You stated, “Columbia v. Heller that “nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on … laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.” It is time to call out those who sprinkle a little truth to conceal deception. From HB 62, “what sort of arms and accessories law-abiding Ohioans may buy, sell, exchange” is not the same thing as DC v. Heller “conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.” Those conditions and qualifications are placed on the individual buyers and not on design features. Further, the Bill (House Bill 62) hopefully will become law of which the courts would be required to defend. It is the people who decide what laws they want in this nation not the government created by the people. So there is no...
It may not matter to you but. I want to inform African Americans citizens/voters of georgia that the Georgia gop state house...
To My Teachta Dála, As more countries begin to announce their goals to ease lockdown over the first half of 2021, Ireland enters another 9 weeks of strict level 5 lockdown, and after that, we face complete uncertainty. I am writing you this letter to ask you to please help and speak up to the government on behalf of all pregnant women and expectant parents in Ireland, who have been left with total uncertainty since early 2020. I'm sure you're aware that in early 2020, at the start of the pandemic, maternity hospitals across Ireland banned fathers and support partners from attending all appointments, scans and 1st stages of labour as an emergency and protective measure, leaving pregnant women to face all appointments as well as the sometimes long and challenging 1st stages of...
AN AMERICAN VOICE: WHY HAVE YOU BETRAYED US? Please tell me when and why you decided to turn on the American working class. Most of you, Media, Tech, Corporate, Political and Government workers, and Celebrities came from us—the middle and lower working class—yet you have chosen to betray, bully, and abandon us. We clearly saw the national election be stolen away before our very eyes, but you feign ignorance, disbelief, or flat out gaslight us with articles, statements, and media campaigns denying what we saw. Election night, the President was well on his way to a victory when, out of the blue as never happened before, a collective of states informed the nation they were stopping official counting and would pick it back up the next morning. Really? Who told those states’ election...
So it is now public policy:our federal government is requiring that all US residents, citizens, and visitors in/or visiting the USA via flights must be Covid tested, possibly multiple times, going to and from their respective destinations, but the Biden administration will admit illegals congregating at our southern border, and release them into the country WITHOUT testing, quarantine, or other reasonable health and safety precaution.IT’S BAD ENOUGH THAT AT RISK POPULATIONS - SENIORS, THOSE WITH CoMORBIDITIES, AND ESSENTIAL WORKERS - ARE BEING JOCKEYED AROUND trying to even find a location with a supply of vaccine where they can schedule an appointment, in many cases months later, and at great distance from their home. And now we are expected to turn a blind eye to this disgraceful...
I feel I have no right to an opinion as I am a social drop out. I am just so saddened by what happened that I must share my thoughts. It seems to me that if all you consider is President Trump's failure to make any attempt to calm the situation or to send in "troops". Is not ok and warrants removal. Inasmuch as that is not his only offense and he is out of office the American people should know if their Senators believe that his actions and lack there of are deserving of removal We the people deserve to know if our senators believe that he would have been removed or not. Each senator needs to be on record Condon or convict
From: "Dan" Subject: FW: State of Affairs: Date: January 11, 2021 at 11:32:49 AM EST To: "Dan" Today I woke up and as I had my morning coffee, I realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same. I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I have known all my life--so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone. You can't justify this insanity. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind! If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him. Somehow it's un-American for the census to...
This is an open letter to the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. To whom it may concern, The province of Newfoundland and Labrador is undergoing a crisis of mental health disorder and drug addiction. Lack of services, lack of government support and rampant stigma towards addicts and those experiencing mental health disorders have resulted in a major lack of care that has had far reaching consequences in the lives of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. What services we have are underfunded and understaffed, with wait lists and hoops to jump through, often leaving those who need these services the most to fall through the cracks. Our addicts have probably suffered the most. They've been treated as criminals first, and are systematically denied access to mental health...
Dear T***p, Congratulations on becoming the most fascinating person in the world. And I mean it– you truly fascinate me. This letter is my parting gift to you, to tell you how much your presidency means to me. It frames your regime through the lens of a sexual assault survivor. We are everywhere, one of countless groups that have been insulted, mocked and forgotten by your administration. These groups include people of color, queer people, transgender people, immigrants and disabled people. The list goes on. Knowing how deeply you care about your fellow American citizens, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Sam. I am a 26-year-old film producer. My biggest hero is my late grandmother, Henrietta, who I spoke with every day until she was too weak to hold her telephone...
Mr. Franklin Graham C/0 Billy Graham Evangelical Assoc. 1 Billy Graham Pkwy. Charlotte, NC. 28201 Dear Mr. Franklin Graham: January 17, 2021 I write this Open Letter to Franklin Graham and would like to speak softly, with no malice. I am a man just like you. I grew up on a dairy farm. I am a Christian, I was baptized as a result of a Billy Graham Crusade at twelve years of age at the Oak Street Theatre where I declared Jesus Christ as my savior and quickly joined a small Baptist Church in SE Pennsylvania. I am a husband, a father, a grandfather, an uncle, and I am a son, and for a short time, a lay associate pastor in my late teens. After marriage I joined a small Presbyterian Church close to where I live, where I have been a Sunday School teacher, a Youth...
