
(not dear) Russian President Putin, I am just a middle-schooler kid who is old enough to know that you are a lunatic - because thousands of innocent Ukrainian people are dying AT YOUR HANDS while I am typing this. To clarify, my dad is publishing this letter for me because I am not old enough to do it myself, although I was old enough to write this letter and to tell you what I think. I hope you enjoy it. Let's be sure we are on the same page off the bat: I hope you die a horrible, slow death because you are a lunatic whose country's failing economy and broken morale recently led you to a mental breakdown and to a decision to kill the Ukrainian people - because they are an easy prey. When my dad showed me the live feed of your ballistic rockets killing innocent people in Ukraine...
TO ALL YOU NHL MILLIONAIRES AND THOSE SOON TO BE... By the grace of God you were all blessed with incredible talents to play a wonderful game born in Canada - Hockey. Your fan base now even grew to include 5 year old Canadians. But life is not all fun and games guys. Our Charter Rights and Freedoms make it all possible to ti enjoy hockey and root for for our favorite teams eh? We have the freedom to buy NHL merchandise and travel freely to away games, and even insult and praise players at will. Freedom is now being suppressed in Canada in ways that is causing good decent Canadian tax-payers and NHL fans to lose their jobs, forced out of universities, and face harassment by people who simply disagree with our own opinions. We respect their opinion, but they do not respect ours....
God bless our brave truckers, Who risk so much for us all. For freedom of speech and choice, They stand so firm and tall. To keep food and medicine in our homes, Daily they drive through rain and snow. Separated from their own families for days, Our economies they surely help grow. When the COVID virus made its surprise attack, "Essential Workers", they were called for two years. They kept the pharmacies and supermarkets full, Their reliability helped to calm our logistical fears. As the two weeks soon grew into months and then years, Our masks and toilet paper became important indeed. While the world was shut down, most worked from their home, But thousands kept on truckin to meet our every need. These tireless truckers kept all our hospitals open. Delivering all...
They say that the apple never falls far from the tree, but in the case of PM Justin Trudeau, he is disgracing his father by his onerous suppression of genuine democracy and freedom in Canada. In short, he is a rotten apple, and clearly the best of Justin Trudeau dripped down his father's leg. Poor Elliot must be spinning in his grave at 10,000 rpm watching his own son trample the scared Charter Rights of Canada (the equivalent to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights). This arrogant jerk Justin was elected to represent and listen to EVERY Canadian, not just the ones who agree with him. His ad hominem attacks on the Canadian truckers are despicably baseless and politically self-serving. By refusing to sit down and hear out the truckers who have won the support of 65% of Canadians...
Attention All Protesters: Pay attention to the below tips and traps whenever you are within 2 miles of a protest site or you will be identified, hunted and jailed by the Gestapo regimes of Biden and Trudeau without bail for a year or more - just for exercising your constitutional rights as citizens to PEACEFUL assembly and public protest. If you are not a "peaceful" protester, you can stop reading now. [1] Do NOT use your credit card anywhere within 3 miles of the protest site [2] Wear sunglasses, a mask, and baseball cap at protest to avoid facial recognition [3] Change color of baseball ball hat every hour [4] Do NOT bring your cell phone within 3 miles of the protest site unless you have burner SIM card and Signal encryption app installed to avoid Stingray surveillance...
Let me to those that oppose the voter rights bill John Lewis bill or h.r bill like the Republicans and democrats Joe Manchin...
I just want to secret services as well law enforcement across the country give the guy a break just look away he probably very harmless he wasn't perhaps going to carry out the threat against Donald Trump . I can't speak for him but, I can say he a passionate person about politics just want things as fair as possible . He along with many voters that voted for the 2020 presidential just want the better candidate that won the presidential election(Biden) gets a fair shot as elected president a chance to rum the country Donald Trump for months wasn't going to accept the results if he loss therefore perhaps leave The Whitehouse . And perhaps the gentlemen was right with sixty court cases trying to overturn the election riot happen on January 6, 2021 due on behave speech by Donald...
Ever since China bought 40% of Reddit shares four years ago, Reddit has been promoting nothing but doom and gloom for America's future. I often wonder if this a deliberate psy-op to program my fellow-Americans to to expect failure, illness, and economic collapse. As Hitler once said, "If you tell a lie often enough people will eventually accept it as the truth". We The People have become "We The Sheeple" not unlike Pavlov's dogs. Granted, Omicron is a highly-contagious variant of COVID (aka SARS2) compared to Delta, BUT it is also the LEAST LETHAL virus in the last 300 years according to Stanford, UCLA, medical schools as well as the Pasteur Institute. Reddit as well as the MSM (except Fox News, Newsmax, New York Post, and Washington Times) are posting dozen of headlines like "Millions...
With growing censorship in our world, we have all seen how facts are buried and lies are promoted as truth. The Kyle Rittenhouse televised court case proved this point beyond question. But his personal experience did not have live and death consequences for 7 billion residents of planet Earth. But the case of Dr. Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Science Prize Winner and most respected medical expert of the European Union, who has been endorsed by 87,000 physicians world-wide, The Pasteur Institute, and was recently called to testify as an expert witness at the International Criminal Court, affects each and everyone of us in these difficult and uncertain times of hardship. Listen to what he has to say; https://covidvariantnews.wordpress.com/recipes and ask yourself, "Who and why is preventing...
Let me say this of the gentlemen who called up Joe Biden on Christmas telling him (let's go Brandon) as saying go f himself who should be nameless show very poor taste...
