With growing censorship in our world, we have all seen how facts are buried and lies are promoted as truth. The Kyle Rittenhouse televised court case proved this point beyond question. But his personal experience did not have live and death consequences for 7 billion residents of planet Earth.
But the case of Dr. Luc Montagnier, a Nobel Science Prize Winner and most respected medical expert of the European Union, who has been endorsed by 87,000 physicians world-wide, The Pasteur Institute, and was recently called to testify as an expert witness at the International Criminal Court, affects each and everyone of us in these difficult and uncertain times of hardship. Listen to what he has to say; https://covidvariantnews.wordpress.com/recipes and ask yourself, "Who and why is preventing...
Let me say this of the gentlemen who called up Joe Biden on Christmas telling him (let's go Brandon) as saying go f himself who should be nameless show very poor taste...
I would say to all the media CNN MSNBC cbs abc nbc etc not to cover the Donald Trump press conference on January 6, 2022 . It not be nothing more than Donald Trump lying about the 2020 election and the fact the reason for the violence in which Trump claim a protest that storm the capitol attacking innocent people killing police officers damaging property in trying to stop the electorial vote count of the next president. I know the right wing media is going to cover it basically asking easy questions and spinning it that was antifa or some other group when America know it was Trump supporters that threaten the lives of house speaker...
Dear Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton,
Thank you for the response. The following statement in your response is alarming for the reasons outlined below:
Your statement: "As you know, fighting broke out between the government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in early November 2020 when Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed accused Tigray forces of attacking a military base in an effort to steal weapons."
- It has now been confirmed by the UN as well as the US Government that the conflict was initiated by the TPLF when they attacked Federal military bases of the Democratic Federal Government of Ethiopia. Therefore, your inability to recognize that and phrase it as an 'accusation' (vs a statement of fact) is very concerning.
Example statement by Senator Chris...
Les Ouigours sont des musulmans chinois qui n'ont commis aucun crime appart celui d'être musulman.
Ils sont dans des camps semblables aux camps de concentrations sous Hitler.Tous les jours les musulmans sont violés, torturés, forcés à boire de l'alcool et manger du porc, interdits de pratiquer leur religion pourtant religion de paix.
En France si Éric Zemmour ou Marine Lepen sont élus alors il se passera une chose semblable.Bien évidemment la Chine n'obéit pas aux droits de l'homme.
La Turquie qui n'est pas une grande puissance mondiale les aide,la France elle grande puissance mondiale préfère continuer à acheter en Chine et à être en tension avec la Russie,la France préfère enrichir les grandes entreprises que de sauver le peuple Ouigours.
Alors maintenant si vous voulez sauver des...
An Open Letter to Human Rights Watch
There is no doubt that Human Rights Watch (HRW) is one of the world's most prominent human rights organizations. It investigates and brings to the air of human conscience gross human rights abuses such as torture, war crimes, police brutality and human trafficking taking place around the world. In addition, Human Rights Watch has used its advocacy to defend the rights of ethnic minorities, immigrants, refugees and children in need. However, even though HRW claims to serve as a watch for some of the world's most challenging human rights crises, it appears to be asleep as the world gradually morphs into a bio-apartheid state that dehumanizes the unvaccinated.
In an attempt to address the COVID-19 crisis, several governments and organizations...
To: Catherine Howe CEO Worthing Borough Council
Daniel Humphreys Leader Worthing Borough Council
Dear Ms Howe and Mr Humphreys,
*Councillor Tim Wills Patriotic Alternative*
On Wednesday 6th October, Hope Not Hate a non-partisan, non-sectarian organisation who research far right extremism, exposed Worthing Borough Councillor Tim Wills to be an enthusiastic supporter of Patriotic Alternative (PA), a racial nationalist and fascist organisation that seeks the removal of ethnic minorities from the UK.
Hope Not Hate has been unequivocal in their call for the immediate removal from council of Cllr Wills, given the severity of the case. This appears to have been ignored by Worthing Borough Council (WBC).
Of grave concern to residents of Worthing and indeed those who...
Joseph Biden.
President of the United States of America.
The present
Dear Mr. President.
Mr. President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, I hereby express my warmest greetings. I am writing to you as President of the United States and at the same time as a GOD-fearing person. Indissoluble union over which you direct your life, and which has placed it in the oval office.
On Wednesday, January 20, 2021, you became the 46th President of the United States and had the honor of swearing on the bible. This ceremony, as well as any type of solemn formality for taking possession, is not done by tradition or custom, that moment is a process of enthronement as a minister of GOD. [Rom: 13]
You personally swear before the Creator to govern and watch over all his creation, especially us humans, to...
A video was just put out by Sheriff Miyamoto regarding vaccination mandates on Vimeo entitled "A Message from Sheriff Miyamoto to You".
If you go to the SF Sheriff's web page, at the bottom it says, "our job is to keep people safe".
I can not think of a bigger hipocracy, than to have the sheriff, who is tasked with protecting peoples constitutional right, and says their job is to keep people safe, is actually making videos pushing vaccinations to those that don't want them.
What's even worse is that on the sheriffs site there is a COVID-19 section, and in multiple places it says the vaccines are safe and effective. I guess the tens of thousands of documented adverse effects and deaths don't matter. Everyone repeat after me, "The vaccines are safe and effective!" Yay!
While surfing on fact check.org I read (about Afghanistan)
We went there for two reasons, George. Two reasons,” Biden said. “One, to get bin Laden, and two, to wipe out as best we could, and we did, the al Qaeda in Afghanistan. We did it. Then what happened? Began to morph into the notion that, instead of having a counterterrorism capability to have small forces there in — or in the region — to be able to take on al Qaeda if it tried to reconstitute, we decided to engage in nation building. In nation building. That never made any sense to me.”
And in thoughts imagined that we witnessed the oppressive rules and harsh punishment forced upon the people. People in small communities all across the nation people with nothing. Wishing not to live in terror wanting an end to government...