
Mr Kemp you're one ignorant uncaring kiss ass money hunger weasel (POS) of a politician...
An Open Letter to Mervyn King As an epidemiologist reading the assessments of an economist suggesting that the former isn’t deterministic enough to be used for policy-making is at the least disingenuous. This is the same old crap that the tobacco industry claimed as epidemiologists untangled the relationship between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, not to mention other diseases. Do you see much asbestos used in construction in the UK? Ditto. Lead and neurobehavioral development. The chlorination of water. Let’s go to the clinical level, with hypertension and cardiovascular/cerebrovascular disease (the reason you have your blood pressure measured each time you go to the doctor), the use of Framingham scores to assess cardiovascular risk, oral contraceptives and stroke, thalidomide in...
Dear International Media, I am an International student studying in the USA. I am barely 18 and a half but I have lived in India for nearly 18 years. So, I might not be the greatest voice to speak from my country, but I am a voice that needs to speak. I will not give you my name here because name speaks a lot about a person's religion, which doesn't matter in this letter cause even as a student I still represent a big part of India. So, I am Indian first and anything other comes next. Yesterday I decided to type the words "International media on India" on google. The results which popped up were astonishing. When I read the news, I was disheartened to see the amount of bashing my country's people and leaders must suffer through due to blind, narrow and orthodox...
I just want to prepare the naive and gullible "We The Sheeple" for the "Great News" that will soon becoming our way after at least 1 million people die from the Corona virus agenda (assuming you read about the Bill Gates/George Soros connection). https://www.opnlttr.com/letter/time-president-trump-order-arrest-bill-gates-playing-god-corona-virus-global-depopulation DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD THAT COMES FROM THE MOUTHS OF THE THREE PEOPLE ABOVE - THEY ARE ALL PUPPETS OF THE NWO BANKERS AS YOU WILL SEE IF YOU BOTHER TO READ THE LINKS HEREIN. They want us all chipped - ostensibly in the name of public safety (Really!) While you are reading these very words the elite Banksters of the world (In fact the very people that own and operate the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) are bribing key members of...
I decided to update a few small errors in here today, add updated stats, and add a few more things I wanted to say and left out.(April 11, 2020) (This post is now public, please feel free to share) Dear Mr. President, I am writing this letter to you on behalf of 12.8 million, blue collar Americans like myself that work in the American manufacturing industry. In other words, 8.5% of the entire workforce that drives your economy and might I add, most of which voted you in as the 45th President of The United States of America in November of 2016. A lot has changed in that seemingly short amount of time. I, at that time(2016), viewed you as a breath of fresh air in the American political forefront. I spent many years since turning 18, going back and forth between leaning left and...
This goes out to all media why you keep airingThe whitehouse coronavirus task force when you have Donald Trump continuing to give misinformation to viewers instead of airing just the doctors...
Yes, it's true and there are no shortages of witnesses including over a dozen senior and retired DEA agents, and even two former Directors (John Lawn and Robert Bonner) have known all about this for years as did Senators Hillary Clinton, Joseph Biden, and FBI Director Robert Mueller. They were told to turn a blind eye and did so. Even CBS 60 minutes did a segment on the Venezuela operation where Jeb was embedded since the 1980s as a CIA asset. Read and watch for yourself... https://www.scribd.com/document/131231070/60-MINUTES-Head-of-DEA-Robert-Bonner-Says-CIA-Smuggled-Drugs https://www.goodreads.com/videos/31707-cia-are-drug-smugglers---federal-judge-bonner-head-of-dea https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/11/20/us-probes-narcotics-unit-funded-by-cia/08e49ab4-b23a...
To all US. Governors...
March 26, 2020 This is an open letter to President Donald Trump and Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. Gentlemen, I am deeply disturbed by the comments made in the last few days by both of you, Mr. President and Governor Dan Patrick. Mr. President, you have been talking for weeks about keeping the American people safe, getting cash to them, helping them to keep their jobs, so we can all stay safely out of the way of the Coronavirus. Suddenly you announce you want to reopen the country by Easter, have all churches packed by Easter. How many people in those packed churches in less than 3 weeks will have been exposed to the virus? How many people will get infected and this mess starts all over again. Mr. Patrick, you have proclaimed that you are willing to die for the...
Hello Mr Obama I sure wish you were still our President but since you aren’t please help us to nominate the only candidate that has the support of the American people. That is Bernie Sanders! You and many people know that Joe Biden does not have the mental capacity at this point if his life to become a President of the United States. If we want to get the current idiot out of the White House we need your help. Please endorse Bernie Sanders. Thank you Amana Nova
