
From: Keely Gammon To: Representative Ken King, Texas House Member, District 88 Room E2.808 P.O. Box 2910 Austin, TX 78768 May 1, 2023 Re: School Shootings in the US Dear Representative King, I am writing you today regarding the highly serious and sensitive issue of school shootings. As of this moment, there does not yet exist a clearly defined and widely accepted definition for the term “school shooting”. However - that may soon change. Last week, a group of Democratic lawmakers reintroduced a 2020 bill called the School Shooting Safety and Preparedness Act, which will require the Department of Education to publish an annual report that recounts each incident of a shooting that takes place on school grounds- including but not limited to such...
Dear people of the UK and the world, I am lucky to be looking on from a distance. When the UK gets hysterical, the distance is a good thing. The UK press and PR firms protecting powerful institutions such as the Royal Family, NHS and Church of England, give the world a misleading picture of situations in the UK, and it helps to know the realities and watch from a distance. The general public aren’t all behind the Coronation, the newspapers are being paid into a frenzy about the Coronation, and that’s a show for the rest of the world, as a lot of UK headlines are, the Press shows don’t reflect the reality of how people feel, and some of the headlines are alarmingly misleading and inaccurate as well as many being ridiculously fawning, who is footing the bill for the PR campaign, and...
Dear America, You're delusional. I'll say it right out the gate. You sell this beautiful ideal of the American dream, where everyone can work, live, and be free, but you're selling us all lies. America isn't land of the free, home of the brave. America is land of the greed and home of the slaves. This country is broken and every attempt to fix it gets shoved under the rug. Homelessness is rampant and instead of helping the people who can't help themselves, we spend more money than we have on useless inventions set on making their lives worse. Tell me, what is the use of putting spikes on a platform so no one can sleep there? Does that make the homeless person just trying to get a damn rest just magically disappear? Other countries have eliminated homelessness and it cost less money...
dear Mr. DeSantis I have many a problem with everything about you. your stance on gender identity and sexual identity, just for an example. this is not about that this is about the straw that broke the camels back, Disneyworld. politics aside (if i start, i will never stop, and this is not about that anyway) the fact that your taking away Disneyworld self governing ability will destroy the legality of Disneyworld, causing it to A) adhere by your totalitarian rule, and B) cause it, because of building standards, be bulldozed. you are, literally, destroying billions of children's happiness. stop. please, please, for the love of god stop. people much less nice then me, with (coincidently, because of you) access to weapons', are getting fed up with you. and they wont hesitate. get the...
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Research by the Centre for Cities has revealed a considerable north-south divide, with economic inactivity more prevalent up north, according to research unit Centre for Cities. Unemployment figures are also three times higher than first thought, with the official rating unemployment at 3.7%, but this rises to 12.1% when ‘hidden’ unemployment is taken into account. Middlesborough the most northerly Yorkshire town has an unemployment rate of 20.2%, which is about two and a half times more than the South East town of Reading in Berkshire. Middlesbrough folk know this only too well as this town has suffered more than their share of hardship, which has seen the highest increase in child poverty in Britain in recent years. The government is aware of all this but...
Dear President TV Radioshower, I am writing to you today as a proud but struggling nanobot farmer. As you well know, nanobot farming has become one of the most common occupations in working class families in 2087, providing us with a source of livelihood and pride. However, this pride is often tempered by the harsh realities of our profession. The work is incredibly demanding, both physically and mentally, and the conditions we face can be incredibly challenging. We work long hours, in harsh conditions, and are constantly faced with the threat of machinery breakdowns and crop failures. Despite all this, we persist. We persist because we believe in the future of nanobot farming and the vital role it plays in our nation. We are the backbone of this industry, the ones who put in the...
Dear UK Government, I am writing to you today to express my concern about the prevalence of old boy's network's in politics. These networks perpetuate a culture of exclusivity and undermine the principles of meritocracy, making it difficult for new and diverse talent to break through and succeed in the political arena. It is essential that politics represents the diverse views and experiences of society. However, the current state of politics in the UK is not representative of the population, and it is the responsibility of the government to take action to break down these barriers and support diversity and equality. I believe that the UK has the potential to lead the way in promoting diversity and equality in politics, and I implore the government to take action to break up...
After more than half a century living on this planet, with 30 years of them traveling the world, observing the governments, societies, and cultures of 27 countries, and with degrees in Public Administration, Political Science, and Business Administration, 10 years of civic leadership positions, another decade of volunteer work (Red Cross and AIDS counselor), 5 years working in federal law enforcement, and even a stint as a Fortune 500 executive, I have been exposed to a diverse and broad spectrum of Americans, what angers them, what they want/need most in this world, and what is being stolen from them. From what I have seen we all want dignity, economic stability, personal safety, a gratifying career, healthy family, and basic rights of free speech, free travel, and the right to choose...
4th January 2023 Lloyd J. Austin III Secretary of Defense 1000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1000 Kathleen H. Hicks Deputy Secretary of Defense 1010 Defence Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1010 Dear Secretary Austin...
01/01/2023 Dear Justin Welby, As I prepared to write this, I noticed that you have many open letters and blog posts aimed at you, a majority from victims of abuse and witnesses, asking you to stop acting out vanity stunts and bring justice to the victims of abuse in the Church of England, especially the cases where you personally have caused harm. I understand that the Charity Commission is being asked to investigate a portion of that, and in the meantime you should stop spoiling special milestones such as Christmas, New Year and Easter for victims and survivors of unresolved cases in your church with your strategic attempts to gain favour. You don't care about carers or the care system, if you do, why not donate your millions in order to change things? After all, the Bible,...
