Dear UK Government,
I am writing to you today to express my concern about the prevalence of old boy's network's in politics. These networks perpetuate a culture of exclusivity and undermine the principles of meritocracy, making it difficult for new and diverse talent to break through and succeed in the political arena.
It is essential that politics represents the diverse views and experiences of society. However, the current state of politics in the UK is not representative of the population, and it is the responsibility of the government to take action to break down these barriers and support diversity and equality.
I believe that the UK has the potential to lead the way in promoting diversity and equality in politics, and I implore the government to take action to break up...
After more than half a century living on this planet, with 30 years of them traveling the world, observing the governments, societies, and cultures of 27 countries, and with degrees in Public Administration, Political Science, and Business Administration, 10 years of civic leadership positions, another decade of volunteer work (Red Cross and AIDS counselor), 5 years working in federal law enforcement, and even a stint as a Fortune 500 executive, I have been exposed to a diverse and broad spectrum of Americans, what angers them, what they want/need most in this world, and what is being stolen from them.
From what I have seen we all want dignity, economic stability, personal safety, a gratifying career, healthy family, and basic rights of free speech, free travel, and the right to choose...
4th January 2023
Lloyd J. Austin III
Secretary of Defense
1000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1000
Kathleen H. Hicks
Deputy Secretary of Defense
1010 Defence Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-1010
Dear Secretary Austin...
Dear Justin Welby,
As I prepared to write this, I noticed that you have many open letters and blog posts aimed at you, a majority from victims of abuse and witnesses, asking you to stop acting out vanity stunts and bring justice to the victims of abuse in the Church of England, especially the cases where you personally have caused harm. I understand that the Charity Commission is being asked to investigate a portion of that, and in the meantime you should stop spoiling special milestones such as Christmas, New Year and Easter for victims and survivors of unresolved cases in your church with your strategic attempts to gain favour.
You don't care about carers or the care system, if you do, why not donate your millions in order to change things? After all, the Bible,...
OBJET : Demande d’intervention
Monsieur le Président de la République,
Je me permets de vous écrire afin de vous exposer les graves problèmes me concernant.
Je suis âgé de 40 ans , exactement de la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou, je travaille dans une entreprise pharmaceutique multinationale ici à Tizi-Ouzou et je me sens visé, humilié, sous-estimé par mes responsables.
Sachant que je suis un représentant syndical dans l'entreprise, j'ai subi une pression de la part de certains de mes responsables qui m'a créé un problème psychologique (troubles obsessionnels compulsifs) je me suis guéri hamdou li lah, je ne prends plus de médicaments.
J’aurais aimé de ne pas aller jusqu’au point de prendre des médicaments, sachant que je les ai mis au courant par un arrêt maladie qui a duré 05 jours...
We know who you are. You try to pass yourselves off as one of us, but now we know better. You say you deserve a seat at the table, just like everyone else. But you are not like everyone else. You don’t think like us and you don’t believe what we believe. You have misled many of us, but that time is over. We know who you really are now. Your mask is off.
You are – whether you know it or not – followers of a false religion. This religion claims to have the key to all of human history, and secret knowledge of the “truth” about how to create a heaven on earth. But it is all a lie. It is you, not us, who are on the wrong side of history.
Your false religion claims that you and your fellow believers can change the world by tearing down all the structures of society. It does not...
If you go to the St. Louis Federal Reserve web site they have a nice explanation about what it is exactly that the Federal Reserve does:
I have to give them credit, at least they put it in English we can all understand, but there's still no missing the BS.
I quote from their web site: "Before the Federal Reserve was founded, the nation was plagued with financial crises. At times, these crises led to "panics" in which people raced to their banks to withdraw their deposits. The failure of one bank often had a domino effect, in which customers of other banks rushed to withdraw funds from their own banks even if those banks were not in danger of failing. Banks needed a source of emergency reserves to prevent the...
Thank You, Stacy Abrams.
When you think that politics has reached it's lowest level in America
the politicians find a way to prove us wrong. Joe Biden said in his campaign that a vote for him would give every working American $2000.00( which turned out not to be the exact truth). But on Sunday a news article was released that said that her " Stacy Abrams" Political Action committee was going to donate $1.4 million dollars to pay medical bills for the "Poor", affecting 63K people in Georgia. Might I remind the people of Georgia that she lost the last Gubernatorial election by about 50K votes ? If this is not Gerrymandering (IE. Vote buying) then what is? She said and I quote " I am going to take the state surplus money and distribute it to all the poor people in Georgia...
September 5, 2022
Using my Labor Day Effectively – by Susan O’Rourke
This letter is in response to an article written by your columnist, Tim Dickinson, dated September 1, 2022 regarding Christians being involved in politics in the United States of America.
Mr. Dickinson shows his disdain for what he terms “Christian Nationalists” – a notorious tactic of the left of labeling people. Our definition, of what appears to be a derogatory term against patriotic Christians, is that a Christian should stand up against the evil that is perpetrated by the government upon all people, no matter their faith. We do so through prayer. A patriot who is a Christian believes Almighty God has authority over any nation and, ultimately, His will...
After listening to your "Saving The Nations's Soul" speech last night I was sickened to admit we now have a bully dictator as a president who wants to persecute anyone and everyone who disagrees with you. Your self-serving policies designed to buy or steal votes for upcoming elections. (ie. student loan "forgiveness" is your most recent example of buying votes). IMO, I would call this "Veiled Bribery". This is an insult to every hard-working family who saved for years to put their kid through college since you now make them pay your bribe so complete strangers will vote for you! Why didn't you make the universities with multi-million dollar endowments cancel the loans and take a tax deduction?
But getting back to your loud speech... The truth is that if you gave that same speech...