
Don't take what I'm saying in a negative way but, I going to say voters that didn't vote in the 2016 presidential election are straight up lazy and look at the results a complete ignorant lazy racist bigot don't have knowledge of his responsibilities as commander of chief sitting in the WhiteHouse right now way to go the ones that didn't vote! The ones that didn't vote particular minorities voters that didn't vote finding out how much black voters when it comes to education jobs health care not to mention most importantly the right to vote . The voters right act has but , it doesn't mean that Donald Trump is going to sign the bill. Trump and The republicans has annoy bills passed by the house include gun laws prescription drugs etc Donald Trump doesn't want to do that will americans...
Dear voter, If you are feeling frustrated or disillusioned with politics, you are not alone. I am too. Whether we feel this way for the same reasons however, well that is another matter. I have followed British politics closely for most of my adult life, and so I wish to share my observations with you. This last decade in UK politics has been arguably the most turbulant of the modern era, due largely to David Cameron's decision in 2015 to hold a referendum on EU membership. The reason for this referendum, largely, was to settle a long-running feud within the Conservative party over our relationship with Europe, perpuated by a stalwart group of Eurosceptic MPs in the party. The referendum of 2016 captured the passions of the voting public, being a rare election where every...
Dear Donald, It’s been a while. I [Mark Green] last saw you...
Dear Prime Minister, We welcome your apparent commitment to guaranteeing unilaterally the rights and status of EU27 citizens in the UK irrespective of the way the UK may leave the EU. These rights include the right to vote and stand in local government elections, including district and county council elections, the GLA, city mayors, police and crime commissioners as well as the devolved assemblies and are anchored in UK law. EU27 citizens have spent three years living in limbo. They have been exposed to the hostile environment deliberately engendered by your predecessor. In many cases they were involuntarily disenfranchised at the European elections that took place on 23 May. It is time that the Government sent a clear, positive message to EU27 citizens that they are welcome...
You know what I don't get a damn you're rich or poor what matters to me all you really for the american people or you're just looking out your own interests some of you are looking out for # number one yourself. You candidates are fighting for causes like economy gun violence climate changes etc but I wonder if one of you was elected as primary democrat candidate against Donald Trump...
You know Mr. Perdue you stinks as Donald Trump hand pick agriculture secretary for his administration. You as well The Trump administration want to make it harder for people who are less unfortunate than you as well rich people to get access to food of stricter work requirments . Personally people who are able bodied should be able to work to get the benefits but, for you personally trying to make it harder for those who is out of work trying very hard to look for employment those with no transportation to get around and for those particular are single parent rising kids of there without any support that disgusting down right mean! Personally Perdue you're one (SOB) of a individual not really being moreof front besides providing the dignity of work be honest it's about wealthy taxpayers...
For the first time ever, the FBI covertly "rendered" (aka kidnapped) a U.S. citizen who amongst other things is a former Fortune 500 executive, air traffic controller, U.S. Treasury agent and the author of a very controversial book about government corruption. (See samples of his writing here: https://www.scribd.com/lists/17980642/Bruce-Gorcyca-Seized-Book-Manuscripts) PRIOR TO HIS KIDNAPPING: Mr. Gorcyca was held incommunicado 485 days without being charged with any crime, totally incommunicado at the Daxing Jail in Beijing. The Chinese said he was being "administratively detained" for an expired passport yet the U.S. embassy refused to bring him a new passport for more than 13 months, but they did bring him a toothbrush. WHY? AFTER HIS KIDNAPPING: Mr. Gorcyca was charged with a...
Dear Governor Doug Duecy, Recently it has come to my attention that poverty is affecting Arizonanan citizens by a 1 to 7 ratio. This is frightening for our state’s future, and yet it looks to be completely ignored in the 2020 budget that has been posted by your office. I understand that education, infrastructure, healthcare, future financial security, and public safety are real issues in Arizona. Unfortunately, a greater problem than the I-17 is the hungry citizens of Arizona. They have been overlooked once again, and it’s time to make a change. It’s no secret that Apache County is one of the poorest counties in the country. This is your responsibility. The rural areas of the White Mountains are a host to many individuals who suffer from food insecurity and most are due to lack of...
I'm just wondering Mr. Williams how can you work at a news media that support Donald Trump...
We cannot deny that we all know little to no Filipinos who had not been living a life full of criticisms, may it be from his/her own self or from others. In the Philippines, we already got used to criticize and to be criticized to the point that sometimes, we get out of hand. People tend to critique everything that happens around them—how other people dress, the way someone talks, selfies of a random stranger, as well as things that happen in politics, and many others—without even analyzing it deeper to know how and why such things happen. Let us take the issues in politics as an example. Many of us want to have change in the justice and correctional systems in the Philippines. We expect the current administration to be able to implement these ‘changes’ the past administration was not...
