You Bastard!

Every July 15th we relive the worst day of our life. This year will be the 10th time that we relive and remember the horrific events of that day. The day that you murdered my sister. The day you murdered Shea, Ryan and Jordyn’s mother. She was having a great day, enjoying the warm weather, swimming with the kids and her best friend. She was enjoying her independence after ending the relationship with you. She no longer wanted any parts of your jealous, possessive and manipulative behavior. She was a very strong, confident and independent career woman who did not need or want to be in a relationship that showed such obvious red flags. But despite the break up, that day consisted of non-stop phone calls from you over and over and over again. Knowing that she would never have any...
Dear douche bag, There is so much I want to say to you I don't even know where to start, I suppose the beginning would be best. You were my first everything, my first boyfriend, my first love, my FIRST, my first heartbreak. I gave you everything when you had nothing. I remember when I first met you and you were a lost little boy at the age of 14, you were looking for so much. Somehow I thought you were everything, I was amazed and excited at finally being noticed, finally being wanted by someone. I was just a young naive girl who wanted to save "the lost boy". I wanted to be your light in the dark. I convinced my mom to take you into our home when you had no where to go. She fed, clothed you, gave you a roof over your head, heck she even gave you spending money and at one point...
Since before the birth of my daughter, I’ve been a single parent. We were two near strangers who had a child together. I was guilty of dreaming that we could grow together and eventually be a family. I imagined what our lives would look like, the things you described we would do, the kind of mother I wanted to be. But in my heart of hearts, I knew I wouldn’t be able to depend on you. I was only 4 months pregnant when the stress of it all sent you to rehab. Your excuses were “I’m doing this so that I can be a better parent for our daughter”. Her birth came and by whatever good graces, they allowed you to attend, if just for a day. I was alone, a new mother leaving the hospital with a brand new baby, waiting to be picked up by a family member while other happy parents left with their...
I just don't understand people. What happened to the days when people were considerate, kind and genuine? It appears as the years go by people become selfish, mean, cold, rude and self absorbed. Recently I opened the door for an older gentleman who yelled at me for being polite? I mean I couldn't believe I was yelled at because I wanted to be considerate. Most of the time I hold the door open or an elevator door open and I never get a thank you...most of the time the person has his or her head glued to their phone. I mean...really is it that serious? So frustrating. Well, I can go on for days about why I am pissed off because it seems I'm in that mind frame a lot lately living her in lovely Califakenia...Oh I mean California...sorry. I have a tale the tell that infuriates me to no end...
TW: suicide, mental health issues, sexual assault This will be loud. This will be raucous. This will be angry. And this will be vulgar. Because I don't know how else to convey this lava-hot fury. And because my body is worth my anger. All women's bodies are worth this anger. Today I weighed in-at your office-- after lunch and lots of water, while bloated on my period-- at 154 lbs. I am 5'5" tall. Given those numbers, a simple BMI calculator spits out 25.6. This is .6 into the "overweight" category. So when you sat down in the exam room, without wasting more than 45 seconds in small talk, you bestowed upon me the label of "overweight." It was a slap in the face, to be sure. Just the word made me feel dirty. Less than. That was bad enough. But I was pretty prepared for it. Your...
Dear LC... It's time I talk to you about what you did to my future the first night you decided 11 year old me was who 16 year old you wanted. I am torn between thank you and f you. Torn between tears, anger, frustration, numbness, forgiveness. I have had years to forget what it was like to be afraid to fall asleep, afraid Id feel your hand brush upon my skin. I have had time to move on with my life, but how do you move on from losing a part of yourself? So, please forgive what may become babbling and ranting as I write you one final letter: I stayed awake for hours the night I met you. I couldnt believe I'd be getting to spend time with someone who brought such joy to my life. You knew how to make me laugh and it was then that I knew laughter would be the key to my heart. Time passed...
Lettre à un gros CON qui l'a toujours été et qui le sera toujours. Les hommes ne changent pas, je me souviens lorsque tu étais gamin, comment tu te comportais : irrespectueux, moqueur toujours à se foutre de la gueule des gens et jamais on ne savait pas s'il fallait te prendre au sérieux ou pas, bref tu avais le degré d’intelligence d'un gamin attardé, je n'ose pas dire trisomique par respect pour les personnes atteintes de cette maladie, eux ne l'ont pas choisi mais toi tu as choisi d'être un imbécile toute ta vie. On s'était perdu de vu une bonne vingtaine d'années, et c'était tant mieux, et puis un jour tu es réapparu demandant de reprendre contact avec moi sur Viber puis sur Facebook. Mes nombreuses enseignements dans la vie m'ont appris certaines leçons et je savais que je...
When we first met, I had a crush on you. Every time you looked at me and talked to me I got butterflies. I was 9 years old. I was a child with a crush on an older boy and you took advantage of that. You were supposed to be like a brother to me but the things you did to me were not brotherly. When you had your hand down my pants with a blanket over us so no one would know what was really happening; that was not brotherly. Things like this happened but it never went further. Until one day it did. We were in your basement and you had me locked in the closet with you. I was screaming as you pulled down my pants. You put your hand over my mouth so no one would hear my screams for help. I clawed at your hand but you were so much bigger than me. You said if I promised not to scream you would...
You know I'm a private person. Behind my happy, open book attitude lies a woman who prefers to deal with troubled times at home, behind closed doors, sort of speak. So it was no surprise that when I asked to divorce you 4 1/2 yrs ago, I didn't go around telling people about your continuous verbal and emotional abuse as you threw temper tantrum after temper tantrum about being let go. And while eventually you found a new person whom you should have loved and cared for, the only constant the girls and I have had in the last 41/2 years is your obsession with me.
You are probably thinking you've done nothing wrong, that she's perfectly fine with the way you treat her. Just because she doesn't speak up, doesn't mean she's fine with it. You are taking advantage of a girl who not only would turn down other men for you, but wouldn't stop to tell you, that you are constantly tearing her down. She doesn't want to see you go, why? Because you've been that fake knight in shining armor for her. You pretend that you love her, just to keep your head above the game. She's going to let you do it too, because love can blind her, take away the ability to see the wrong. You're lucky, not because you're getting away with breaking her heart. You're lucky because she gave you her heart. You don't deserve it, I'm not the type to judge someone else's...
