Broken Hearts

Hello Lissy, I don't know you just as you don't know me. You may think that you do, but trust me, you don't. Whatever you think you know about me probably isn't true, so I will introduce myself first. I am 19, and I started dating Andrew in March, just about 6 months ago. From what I understand, you didn't know anything about that, so it's okay, I don't hold you against much. We both fell for a lying bastard, as far as I'm concerned. I saw your profile on Facebook when I was sitting in my college computer laboratory, taking a break from studying. You can probably imagine the sea of emotions I felt when I saw your profile picture--to me, it was my ex boyfriend, whom I broke up with a week ago, with a girl that I don't recognize. They look surprisingly like the ones that we used to...
Hey, so I know it's tough. Whatever it is your going through. But I'm seeing this alot. I'm seeing my friends sad and depressed. I know maybe your home life isn't great or maybe your relationship is terrible. But you have the power to change it. If you don't like your life then change it. If you don't like your friends then change it. Change the situation. Take your anger out in a hobby not your arm or your legs. Change your situation. Is it school? You HAVE the power to change it. Don't just sit around and wait for change to come because it won't. Take action. Tell the universe your angry and something needs to change. Don't keep in the pain. Don't sleep all day. How can you expect the world to change of you don't meet it half way. If your reading this I love you. I love you...
First off, I want to start by saying I'm sorry. It wasn't me, and it wasn't you. It was my heart. The mind of my heart is not easily impressed. My heart is sometimes hungrier than my mouth. But for some reason it would rather starve than be fed, unless it tastes the right definition it craves to study. Sure, I may have let you explore parts of me that are truly locked away for someone holding my most pivotal keys. Your key did not fit, the door did not open for you. Sure, you made me laugh, I made you laugh. But there was still someone else in the echoes of the silence we shared. Sure, we shared a bed on cold nights. You held me close enough for warmth, but there was still a cold draft between us. Sure, you cared for me, showed me enough attention. But your dose of affection was only a...
If I ever had any doubt about whether I truly loved you or not, you breaking up with me solved it. I expected to be upset then I expected to be okay, what I didn't expect was the crippling sadness that gripped me everyday. I didn't expect the restless nights, I didn't expect the uncontrollable tears. I didn't expect the nausea that accompanied every thought of you, or the constant anxiety. I thought, at the beginning, that I could be friends with you. I missed and cared about you too much to be able to cut you out of my life. But talking to you everyday and knowing that whatever there was between us didn't exist anymore was... I can't even explain it. It was more than I could bear. Your talking about converting the break-up into a "break" and telling me you still loved me gave me...
Dear Sir Williams, Yes, I’m referring to you. You, the man who did the unimaginable - you conquered me. Your intellect and wit quite literally charmed the pants off of me. This is no small feat, as evidenced by the year of “Mormon courtship” it took to finally win me over. You patiently pursued me, with and unbounded chemistry, remarked upon chivalry, continual reassurance, and unrelenting love. All the while, you mischievously lead a double life. I had seen the Lifetime movies, heard of such things occurring. I often thought to myself, “What a dumb bitch” or “How in denial could you be?” It turns out my preconceived notions about mistresses failed to take into account the sociopathic tendencies of narcissistic men like you. I am smart, very smart in fact. It is one of the...
I wasn't looking for a relationship. I wasn't looking for you. The first night we met, everything fell into place. We both knew that something felt right. We spent the summer watching Netflix in bed, eating tons of donuts, and sitting in coffee shops. We drove to Michigan for a day. We spent a day in my favorite childhood bookstore. You made me feel more amazing in my own skin than anyone ever had. You helped me realize that I should love myself for being different. You supported me, and pushed me to do things I wouldn't do on my own. You told me you loved me. I went to Alaska. We fought. We fought a lot. The day I was coming home, I had resolved that anything to make this right was worth it. I was ready to sacrifice for you. The day I was coming home, you decided you...
Okay let me start off with why I love you. You're passionate in your dance. You have low self-esteem but every time I look at you practicing your craft, you become someone else. You seem so charismatic and confident I can't help but feel awed and inspired by you. You're very lovable. The things you do and the way you smile it gets me, especially when you laugh like it makes me wanna laugh with you. The way you care for others, including me, is something that no one has ever done. I always feel like I'm not good enough and you made me think I was worth it, thinking about the countless nights you would stay up with me just to hear me talk about my problems. You don't know it but I cry everytime I do and if you weren't around, I wouldnt know what I would have done. I love how you...
If you’re reading this, you’re probably feeling emotionally drained, frustrated, annoyed with yourself or just plain tired. More than likely, you’re even feeling a combination of these things. It may have been a day, a week, a month, or even years since you last spoke to your ex, and yet you cannot shake the feeling they are “the one,” or that you’ve made a huge mistake. You may have exhausted every last friend who have grown tired of hearing you sigh about how much you miss them, and about how you can’t seem to move on. You may have tried to date someone new – or may even be in a relationship as you read this – and now feel guilty for trying to love them when your heart isn’t fully yours. Well, I am here to tell you it’s okay. It’s okay that you still dream about them at night....
Three weeks ago I got to see this angels face again as we looked into each others eyes I held her hand and told her love her and that the whole world was praying for her. Kris fought so hard for three weeks with no nutrient being put in her body she held on to the very end when the people around her were just planning for her death she was still fighting they gave her two weeks and she lasted three. My family @brandibb1 Hollistic Dr flew out there with the hopes to help save her but the DR got denied the right to try one last thing to help her . It hurts my heart to know the truth and know that there were a lot of people around her with hidden agendas, the one time you try everything and it doesn’t work so you put your Faith in God to perform a miracle and he doesn’t the one time I’ve...
To my erstwhile Master, friend and hero, How many weeks has been since I found out I was ill and wasn't going to get better? It feels like forever ago now. You had told me what, two weeks earlier that your promises for our future couldn't be. That she had changed her mind but you hadn't had the heart to tell me. The loss I felt then had been immense. My whole future died that day. I forgave you though. I never wanted to lose your friendship. You were my hero. Helping you with your recordings meant the world to me. You cut me off the day I told you I was ill. We had spoken as friends. I thought at last I had my friend back even if I couldn't have my love and Master back ... the future you had promised me. Something was still salvageable. I knew that no matter how ill I would...
