
Much has been made of Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton’s less than inspiring tantrums at the Super Bowl — both on the field, and after the game when he stormed out of the press conference. But last year’s losing QB, Seattle’s Russell Wilson has shown nothing but good sportsmanship and class since he came into the NFL. And with Peyton Manning expected to retire after earning his second ring to top off a legendary career, Wilson once again showed his character by writing a heartfelt open “letter” to the future Hall of Famer, with whom he shares a deep Christian faith. Wilson titled the letter, “If This Is It…” From all the wins, to the few tough losses. From the 71,000 yards, to all the touchdowns, to the few interceptions. From all the meetings, to all the hard...
It is with deep sadness that I need to inform you that I am stepping down from my role of volunteer Director of Darlington 1883 Ltd, with immediate effect. Some of you will know that I suffered a mini-stroke recently, this event was a wake-up call for me and was life changing and since that time I have drastically changed my lifestyle. Removing unnecessary stress by retiring from any employment was one of the changes I have made (alongside healthier eating, which maybe was noticeable to some!) Volunteering for DFC has, particularly over recent months, become much more demanding, both in time and pressure, than myself and my family ever envisaged or imagined it would be. It is all encompassing and has no limits on the demands on me. Protecting (and I must re-iterate and emphasise that...
Customer Relations The Football Association Wembley Stadium PO Box 1966 London SW1P 9EQ 4th February 2016 Dear Sirs Re: Governance Body Endorsement (GBE) Case for a UK Work Permit re Lovre Kalinic...
Dear Mr Abramovich, John Terry is Chelsea, the modern incarnation at least and I mean that in every sense, for better and worse. He represents the boring football. The hatred of rival supporters, the negative press, 'Chelski' cheating and buying their way to the top table. Countless others have copied the model across Europe, but none have done it quite so well, or made others quite so angry, as Chelsea and Terry. While others have come and gone, the 35-year-old former academy player has been the constant. The totem, even more so than the sometimes humourous Jose Mourinho, for all that scorn and vitriol. The most hated player of the modern generation? Probably. The best defender of the modern generation? Trickier to answer but definitely in the conversation. As you well know, he...
Mr Fox, Thirteen months have passed since I last used my Birmingham Mail blog to communicate with you and the powers that be at Aston Villa Football Club. You invited me to the ground and we shot the breeze about the many issues at the time. You assured me that Paul Lambert was the right man to take us forward and then sacked him the next week (the right call). You impressed me, I felt that you had some good ideas and that if we did survive we would be better placed in the coming years to improve. We survived. Just. As I usually do, I thought there was no way the upcoming season could be any worse than the last. Sadly I was very wrong. This season has been a complete and utter disaster, the worst in my twenty-two years as a season ticket holder. Horrific decisions by...
Dear Eddie Jones, Firstly, let’s make one thing perfectly clear from the start; I admire you as a rugby intellect and I was nigh ecstatic when you were appointed England head coach at the end of November. Despite the fact that you don’t care what I think, and you’re an Aussie, I was genuinely pleased. And that’s unfortunately where the positivity of this letter ceases. You arrived an enigmatic rugby professor. Brash, but not rude. Vociferous but not mean-spirited. Full of promise, and full of the things that everyone wanted to hear. You had an air of the daring. You banded about words like “form” and “potential”. You took on the daunting role of attack coach yourself and, seeing how incisive and well-constructed your previous sides have been with ball in hand, not one rugby-phile...
Check out the sensational letter:Dear Sir Alex Ferguson… sir, How are ya old whiskey nose? It’s been a while. I see you’re still farting around Old Trafford and, oddly enough, you seem to be looking younger by the day. Fair play to you. Now, before we begin, I’d just like to put everything out in the open so that we’re both on the same page. As a Manchester United supporter, there was a time when I looked up to you like a God. I’m not going to start listing your achievements or anything as I’m sure you still whisper them to yourself before you go to sleep at night but, you did a bang up job. Again, fair play. Having said all that however, Fergie me old flower, I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that, at this current moment in time, I’m starting to think that you’re a bit of an ar*...
Dear Mr. Newton, I am a huge fan of the NFL. I have enjoyed watching the sport of professional football ever since I was a little kid growing up in Mesa, Arizona. As a kid, I remember the old school players like Dan Fouts, Jim Plunkett, Earl Campbell, Billy "White Shoes" Johnson, Tony Dorsett, Joe Montana, and so on and so on. And while being weaned on those players and their antics, I just want to say how dare you. How dare you behave with an unrivaled passion and lead your team to a franchise record 15 wins. You think the players of old celebrated touchdowns or danced their way back to the sidelines after a score? Who do you think you are celebrating 45 total touchdowns this year (35 passing, 10 rushing) by running into the crowd and finding a lucky, young kid in the stand and...
Mr. Rhoades, I am emailing you as a life long fan of Missouri athletics. My love affair started with the men's basketball program under Norm Stewart. I grew up cheering with the same passion that Coach Stewart showed while leading his team's to wins and some heartbreaking losses. Players like Anthony Peeler, Doug Smith, Melvin Booker, The Bandaid Man, and even our current coach Kim Anderson always seemed to leave everything they had out on the court. It was my love of basketball that guided me through the tough times on the football field. Even those football teams, who lost more than they won were viewed as Sleeping Giants. There was always hope that one day Mizzou would field a winning football team again. I'm very excited about the future of the football team. I believe Coach Odom...
Dear Mr. Newton, I am a huge fan of the NFL. I have enjoyed watching the sport of professional football ever since I was a little kid growing up in Mesa, Arizona. As a kid, I remember the old school players like Dan Fouts, Jim Plunkett, Earl Campbell, Billy “White Shoes” Johnson, Tony Dorsett, Joe Montana, and so on and so on. And while being weaned on those players and their antics, I just want to say how dare you. How dare you behave with an unrivaled passion and lead your team to a franchise record 15 wins. You think the players of old celebrated touchdowns or danced their way back to the sidelines after a score? Who do you think you are celebrating 45 total touchdowns this year (35 passing, 10 rushing) by running into the crowd and finding a lucky, young kid in the stand and...
