Dear Senator Sanders,
You've come a long way without my advice, but now that you are running for president, you may be interested in these suggestions:
You've taken progressive positions on "decent paying job programs," such as investing in repairing our country's public works, raising the minimum wage, strengthening labor laws, opposing the good-job-exporting, corporate-managed trade treaties such as NAFTA and WTO, and creating a Youth Job Corps. Now you need to make major addresses in greater detail on each topic before large audiences. The media coverage of these events will be very helpful during primary season.
You need to identify with local and regional issues as you travel around the country and appear with the citizen or labor groups championing these pathways to justice....
To the 3 FBI agents who stormed my mother's home in Parma, Ohio with about 20 local police officers without presenting any warrants, and held my unarmed 60 year old mother-in-law, infant son (1 month old) and wife at gunpoint, I say - Please return my book manuscripts and leave my family alone.
Yes, I know you will deny taking them but there are three witnesses inside the house and at least 20 of our neighbors saw the massive swat-style assault. I know some of those making the assault were even lied to as for the motives of the raid since one of the Parma police present went to high school with me. He doesn't lie.
Stealing book manuscripts will not erase history, nor the fact that I interviewed over a dozen drug smugglers, pilots, and bankers who all had business dealings with Jeb...
When I turned sixteen, the first opportunity I had, I donated blood. After that, I donated at every opportunity, and the local blood bank received a regular supply of O negative. When I was given a chance to make a donation of a double unit of red cells, I gave it without a second thought. Then I met the man I would later marry.
We fell for each other, and we fell fast and we fell hard. It was, and very much still is, a deep love. I had never been as happy as I am with him, and we were both very eager to tie the knot.
Very shortly after the wedding (as in the next day) there was a blood drive, and I wanted to do my part to help. Unfortunately, I knew that I couldn't. Sure, I could lie about it and pretend I was straight. After all, I know that I don't have HIV, and they test all the...
Dear President Putin,
There are many people in western Europe, like myself, that do not buy the propaganda that is served to us by our governments. We are disgusted by all their lies and their crimes against the people of Donbass. We do not consider Russia a threat, but the illegal fascist "government" in Kiev we see as a threat to the whole of Europe and Russia too.
I think that you are now sorry that you did not go on in april, after Crimea, and liberate all of Novorossia. Then today we would not have this war in Donbass and the repression in the rest of Novorossia. You backed away from your promise (to protect the people of Novorossia), just to avoid sanctions - and what did you get? Sanctions! You backed away to avoid war and you got war in Donbass (there was never any question of...
Introducing a new Beer saleslady!
Ms Kathleen Wynne, the Premier of Ontario got a new moonlight job as a beer saleslady?
She is working hard to promote 6-pack beers at 58 grocery stores in Ontario.
Please STOP promoting 6-pack beer sales at the grocery stores NOW!
As the Premier of the Province of Ontario Canada, you should not work for private business companies like Beer Store(Brewer's Retail Inc.) or 58 grocery stores you just give them the exclusive right of selling 6-pack beers.
Tony Lim
Cayuga, Ontario
To Those Who Think Marriage Equality Is Enough
From A College Student Who’s Sick Of This Shit
Hi everyone. My name is Elena Schmitt and I am a freshman at the University of Michigan. I graduated in the top 10% of my high school as Senior Class President, homecoming queen and National Honors Society member. I have met with former Prime Minister Tony Blair and been interviewed on PBS to discuss interfaith relations. I was selected to attend the International Rotary Conference and have gone through diversity training with the Anti-Defamation League. I was accepted into a top 10 business school, and am a college athlete. I plan on attending law school after I graduate. The things I care most about are my friends, family and community. Also, I am gay.
I chose to list my...
I write to you as as part of a group consisting greatly of your constituents.
We are disappointed, yet we are hopeful. Here is why:
As per the disappointment;
We lobbied your offices. We bombarded the phone lines. We tired our fingers by writing you letters and emails, time and time again.
And you voted PRO the deal.
We put our vote of confidence in you, we elected you to represent our needs and our voices, and our voices were cut down and you voted PRO the deal.
You voted pro the deal, and by doing so you took part in handing over fifty billion dollars sent to Iran, one the biggest financial supporters of terrorism. You voted pro the deal, and by doing so you took part in trusting a Country that screams "Death to America" on its sidewalks. You voted pro the deal, and by doing...
Dear Donald Trump,
You may remember (you do, after all, have a "perfect memory!"), that we met back in November of 1998 in the green room of a talk show where we were both scheduled to appear one afternoon. But just before going on, I was pulled aside by a producer from the show who said that you were "nervous" about being on the set with me. She said you didn't want to be "ripped apart" and you wanted to be reassured I wouldn't "go after you".
"Does he think I'm going to tackle him and put him in a choke hold?" I asked, bewildered.
"No," the producer replied, "he just seems all jittery about you."
"Huh. I've never met the guy. There's no reason for him to be scared," I said. "I really don't know much about him other than he seems to like his name on stuff. I'll talk to him if...
Dear Mr Kejriwal,
I am sure you have plenty on your plate but even as you grapple with how to implement the odd-even vehicle number idea — worth a try in my view — in a city with 8.8 million registered vehicles, I have a few practical suggestions that can be carried out with minimal effort.
Start a visible campaign across the city that tells people how much it adds to pollution each time they take their vehicle out.
The numbers, the data, the statistics on hoardings all over the city will make people more aware and conscious.
Several vehicle owners don’t even think about such things. Hoardings that scream out the facts might goad some —a few I agree, but a few is better than none — into thinking twice.
Fix the signage in Delhi and NCR. Just like aircraft that circle in the...
Dear Mr. Trump,
It certainly isn't a revelation that America and its politics are sharply divided. Vilifying the "other" major political party is seemingly more palatable than advancing transformative ideas or reaching across partisan lines to achieve meaningful compromise.
Smaller factions within both major parties, though with greater emphasis on your side, command disproportionate influence while expressing little interest in bridging these divides. Significant numbers of Americans have disengaged from major parties altogether.
Increasingly stark divisions in socio-economic status are apparent, and despite varying degrees of progress overcoming divides involving race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation, there is much left to be done.
Moreover, justice in America often...