
The Groceries Code Adjudicator uncovered Tesco’s failure to pay its suppliers properly, exposing how the supermarket has been able to abuse its market position. In the light of these findings, we welcome Tesco’s contrition and public commitment to change further the way it works with its supply base. This case demonstrates the value of the adjudicator, which now also has the ability to fine supermarkets that step out of line. This will incentivise better purchasing practices, with the benefits being felt by producers that sell directly to big retailers. The next step is to extend the GCA’s remit to cover the whole supply chain and protect indirect suppliers, including many farmers in Britain and abroad. Julian Sturdy MP (Conservative) Andy Biggs Chief Executive, Traidcraft...
Dear Committee Members: As a group of practitioners and researchers closely involved with child rights and child protection programming, we have a particular interest in children’s work. We have recently learned that a General Comment on the Rights of Adolescents is being prepared and this may affect the rights of working children in relation to Article 32 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. We see this as an opportunity to improve the protection of children and adolescents who do work. In particular we strongly urge the Committee to avoid binding its recommendation on Adolescents to the Minimum Age Standards set out in ILO Convention 138 and instead reference ILO Convention 182 and the importance of protecting working children from exploitation and harm. Reference to ILO 182...
Dear Scott Morrison, You’ve probably guessed that this is not fan mail. I’m sure you do have fans, but I don’t think there would be many game enough to admit it after your recent behaviour. Trolls perhaps, but not people. Why not people, you may ask? Succinctly, because no person with a shred of humanity, the sort of humanity needed to qualify as a human, could ever condone what you are doing to the world’s desperate asylum seekers who come to Australia begging for help. Before you ready your list of excuses as to why it’s justifiable for someone to be murdered inside an Australian detention facility, there is no justifiable excuse you could possibly provide that will go anywhere near being a justifiable excuse. According to witness reports, a man has died after having his throat...
Hello, Dear Santa, My name is Alexandra, I'm from Siberia! I'm 28. I know, I'm late with this wishing letter but I hope you can hear my wish any time of the year. I was extremely good girl throughout the all last year and I ask you to bring me this year two USA green cards for me and my partner. "Why, Alex?" - could you ask me. Dear Santa, because of horrible thing that surrounded me every day and I have no idea what to do. - the food in the stores is very low quality and it is dangerous for our health, but the people who produces this products doesn't write the full and true information on the labels. No one wants to answer for this. - the big guys in the Government made the law which calls me illegal because I'm gay. It's very bad because the police can punish me without any serious...
Dear Mr Fallon, A Landlords Open Letter to The Rt Honorable Michael Fallon MP Thank you so much for your time at your Swanley surgery on Saturday. Following our meeting I would like to take the opportunity to summarise some of the key areas of disagreement between us on the effects of Clause 24 of the Finance Act (2) 2015. Firstly I would like to start by saying that David and I believe that there are still key effects of this policy, which along with many other people, you appear to have not fully understood. From the start the Treasury has sought to present these changes as “creating a fairer taxation system“, when the reality of the impact of this policy could not be further from the truth. The policy has been presented as reducing tax relief for the wealthiest landlords...
Dear Donald Trump, I hope your campaign to be the next president of the United States will soon wrap up and you can return to your towers. Someone recently asked me if I was Muslim as I stood in line at an airport coffee shop, and I thought of you. I am not Muslim, but you see, I am brown, so I am often asked questions like that. It is not something a white person, especially a white man, is asked, so you probably don't know what it is like to be asked that question. That question that makes you immediately into the other, the outsider, the person who does not belong, all suggested in just that one question. "I am American" I like to reply sometimes, but for some people like you that's not a good enough answer. I have put together some of the things you have said about Muslims....
Dear Mrs. Palin, I am a former U.S. Marine and U.S. Navy officer with a Combat Action Ribbon, as well as service-connected disabilities. I am also a Republican. I have also served, and am friends, with dozens of combat veterans who suffer daily from various injuries and wounds, including PTSD. I recently read your attempts to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse and firearm charges by based on his supposed PTSD. Based upon your previous comments, I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition to, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior. In 2014, your entire family was involved in a late-night “drunken brawl” at a party in which Track Palin (the accused domestic abuser) was involved in a bloody fight...
I have a dream 2016! I have a dream that Donald Trump will not be president. But if he does, all Asians, Africans and Mexicans have to go back to their own country. Without them the USA population will go down to 12,0000 people only. Most engineers are Indian then there won't be any technology! Without technology there's no netflix without netflix there's no chill. Is that a world you want to live in? NO!
Dear Mrs. Palin, I am a former US Marine and US Navy Officer with a Combat Action Ribbon as well as service connected disabilities. I am also a Republican. I have also served with, and am friends with, dozens of combat veterans who suffer daily from various injuries and wounds to include PTSD. I recently read your comments related to PTSD in which you attempted to excuse your son’s arrest on domestic abuse charges and firearm charges by referencing his supposed PTSD. Based upon your previous comments I am not surprised that you would choose to use this very serious condition as a political football and, once again, attempt to divert blame from your own family’s abhorrent, violent behavior. In 2014 your entire family was involved in a late night ‘drunken brawl’ at a party in...
I have just watched the first half hour of "World War11 in color" on Netflix and it was as if I were watching present day world events. The world's troubled financial situation, the military buildup by most countries, even those that can least afford it like Russia, and the lack of strong political leadership in 3rd world countries like Africa leave me believing that we are on the brink of global war. When entertainers like Donald Trump can dominate the news media with his outrageously offensive and bias comments, and still have strong support in the USA, it tells me that even a strong democracy like the USA can easily be swayed to become elitests like the prewar NAZI Germans. I am afraid that common sence, reason, tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness, all hallmarks of a strong...
