
Dearest Donald, Since my last open letter to you received no response, let me be more direct. The Bush family has been up to their ears in drug smuggling since the days of Oliver North getting snitched out by the drug runners employed by Bush's CIA machinery that were betrayed when pilot Eugene Hasenfus fell out of the sky over Nicaragua carrying drugs and arms for the Contras. Long after John Kerry's Senate investigation ended, the drugs kept flowing - only they changed their smuggling route and started landing their loads in Canada. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/24998-will-harper-unseal-terry-nelson-court-files-to-expose-drug-corruption/ Former employees of American Financial Group of Aventura, Florida started with seed capital of General Noriega (who by the way was...
I am the father of a child with Angelman Syndrome (AS), a neurological disorder with a genetic root cause. In AS, a mutation or deletion of the maternal UBE3A gene causes moderate to severe developmental delay, an inability to speak, issues with learning, memory and mobility, and debilitating seizures. As the genetic events that cause AS are random, incidence is global. Despite these challenges, Angels can lead long lives, as long as caregivers keep them safe and their seizures under control. The Angelman Syndrome community has always held out hope for a cure, and the science agrees this is possible. The biology of Angelman Syndrome is simple and well understood. In AS, the nervous system is well formed, but individual neurons do not function properly due to the lack of a key...
15/12/15 Dear Bullying DJ on 'The Richie Allen Show' (lol) You know it is bad when people attack abuse survivors, call them liars, accuse them of witch hunts etc? It is much worse when the person attacking you pretends to be to do with exposing justice and truth and advocating for people who have survived injustice. It is bad when someone actually puts a survivor in touch with someone who they think is about exposing the truth and justice, and the person in question attacks the survivor. The impact on me after the most recent damage to me by the press and media and protectors of wrongdoers has been severe and affected my health, and it was completely and utterly needless, unjust and uncalled for. I was on twitter, as I sometimes am, it isn't a place where I spend a lot of...
The best thing for the nation and all of us, says Michael Galvin, is for Tony Abbott to just keep his mouth shut. TONY, the day you lost your job three months ago was the happiest day of 2015 for me. I leapt for joy. I felt that Australia had dodged an enormous bullet. Not the bullet that might result from your “policies” (I can only use that word in inverted commas in regard to your prime ministership because your prejudices turned into government actions makes a mockery of the normal meaning of the word). Indeed, many of the manifold dangers in your “policies” have not been expunged yet, but that is now some-one else’s problem and not the point of this letter to you. What I found even worse than your “policies” was your feckless and dangerous incompetence. Hard to believe that you...
I Wrote this Open Letter to Sara Stewart in response to her open letter against Hollywood sexism in The New York Post back in May 2015.... seeing a piece in the paper that actually celebrated older women in showbiz gave me a glimmer of hope. An Open Letter to Sara Stewart of The New York Post First of all, I am OVERJOYED to see an age/female positive piece in The NY Post regarding agism in Hollywood. I was pleasantly surprised to read your open letter, it was brilliant. You see agism against women isn’t just a Hollywood problem… it’s an all around media problem. Unfortunately, it is occasionally a New York Post problem. I have been in the New York Post four times. Two of those times, I was age-shamed by the paper itself. I spoke to The Post when a stranger sued me for $10,000...
To my fellow South Africans From Leech of Africa to Lion of Africa….. can we learn from an Asian Tiger? Our President’s latest blunder has I believe been the straw that may well prove to break the proverbial camel’s back. I am sure that all South African’s share the sentiments of Fin 24 user David Sommer who recently posted: “As a newly arrived resident to South Africa, I am experiencing the deep sadness that the majority of the people are experiencing while this so-called elected leader of the country behaves like an individual who has let power and money go to his head. South Africa has so much to offer yet the small cabal of so-called leaders seem to lose all sense of why they are in office when they have all this power and wealth. I moved here because I believe the...
I heard today that The GOP is holding secret meetings to decide what to do about the presidential race and the current leader in the polls. We the people are having our freedoms and our rights taken away a little at a time every day by our very own president, whom you supposedly disagree with. So why are you behaving exactly like him? Are we to become a communist nation? Are you liberals in GOP clothing? Do you think you can change the rules of the law just because you don't like the way the outcome is leaning? We the people are tired of you. We are tired of liberal excuses and backwards talking and we are tired of power players in politics bending and curving the laws of this land to further your agendas. We are tired of empty promises of change, only to discover they were...
Dearest Donald, Now that that you made plenty of noise about restoring intergrity and honor to the government, can you please START NOW, and expose the past criminal activities of Jeb Bush including his covert drug money laundering for Raul Salinas (Mexico), Alberto Duque (Coolombia) and George Morales (Colombia) as well as the murders he arranged for Morales and Barry Seal to keep Daddy Bush from being exposed and prosecuted? http://www.globalresearch.ca/jeb-bush-the-mexican-drug-cartel-and-free-trade/5448747 http://barrysealmurder1986jebbusholivernorth.blogspot.com/ http://www.scam.com/showthread.php?684770-Are-Jeb-Bush-s-Drug-Dealer-Criminal-Contacts-For-Real-Or-A-Scam/page2 After he finishes dancing around the issue for an hour you can then ask him to remind all about...
Our world today has reached a place in our destiny which both alarms and worries me greatly. As I witness the current events taking place on the news I also have come to realize the fact that most people in the world today place too much trust in government and the media. Seems as if whatever or however the media reports on the masses just simply accept the views and opinions they spurt out from their pulpits of self rightiousness. This does not, and should not have to be the case. Our government does the same to us by gaining our trust by convincing us to accept they correct in World concerns. This is a hazardous and pitiful place for America to be. We should all be individuals with our own separate thoughts, beliefs, and convictions without intervention or unwanted...
Dear Prime Minister Modi, I write to you from Paris to express my solidarity as India faces devastating floods in Chennai. I am an African, but my ancestors hailed from the region that is suffering. My thoughts – and the thoughts of the organisation I lead – are with the victims. Those responsible for the humanitarian response face great challenges. We wish them success. I have read in media reports that you have explicitly linked floods in Chennai to human-induced climate change. You are not the only one. Experts suspect that the Chennai floods, and the earlier flooding in other parts of Tamil Nadu, are examples of climate change impacts. Prime Minister, we recognise that India is not historically responsible for this problem. How could it be? India's contribution to the accumulation...
